If the Shoe Fits...

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Present Day...

After school, Gorya and I walk into my house to get ready for the party. Mom's car wasn't in the driveway, which didn't surprise me. I rang the doorbell, and Auntie Cel greeted us at the entrance. I greeted her, "Hi Auntie Cel." She bows to us, "Good afternoon, Ms. Nova, Ms. Gorya." She looks at Gorya and asks, "What brings you here, Ms. Gorya?"

Gorya responds, "Well, Nova and I are going to a party later this evening, and she invited me here to get ready with her." I nodded and said, "We'll just be in my room."

"All right." She held the front door for us, I thanked her, and we made our way to my bedroom. I opened my bedroom door for Gorya, and she looked around my room. She takes note of my gray walls—twinkled with fairy lights, queen-sized bed with gray, beige, and white accent pillows/blanket, and my white faux fur rug. She sits on my bed as I walk into my closet, pulling out a few outfit options for her. She sighs, "Did you renovate? I love your room. Your new comforter is so soft."

I smile as I search the rack of dresses, "Nope, I just added the fairy lights. You should come over more often." I walk out of my closet and drop the dresses onto the bed next to her. "I thought this was a casual event?" Gorya asks as she props her head with her hand. I arranged the three or so dresses next to her to see a visual.

I scoffed, "Casual to rich people is not the same casual you'd think. Those girls were setting you up."

"Why did you accept the invitation then?", she asked me. Should I be honest about my friendship with Mira? 

I looked at her as I shrug, "We've never been to a high school party before. Since, you're coming, might as well, right? Now, what do you think?" I show her a lilac spaghetti strap and ruffled mini dress. She shakes her head, "I don't think I can wear dresses. Plus, lilac is not my color."

I scrunched my lips to the side and chose a white dress this time. I showed it to her, but Gorya shook her head again. "Psh, this would look so good on you. Come." I usher her towards the full-length mirror next to my closet and put a soft white, chiffon, ruffled mini dress this time in front of her. She smiles, "I mean, I like this one better." I smiled at her and gave her the dress to wear, "Change into this. What size are you in shoes?"

I walk toward my shoe racks underneath my drawers in my closet and pick out black loafers for myself. "I'm a size 7," she replied. I gasped as I walked out, 

"Damn, I'm an 8." She bats her hand and says, "It's ok, I can wear my white sneakers instead."


"Nova, it's fine. No one will care what my shoes are. Plus, you're already lending me one of your dresses," she says.

"But, it won't be cohesive with your nice dress. Let me see if I can go and buy some-"

She stops me, "No, you're not buying anything. I'm fine with my sneakers. Thank you for everything," she reassures. I sigh, "All right. You can use the bathroom first, I'll change in my closet." She nods and walks into my bathroom to get changed.

I walk into my closet and decide to wear a black A-line mini dress, that had a sewn-on turtle neck transparent blouse with a large bow necktie. I paired it with my black loafers and left my long black hair loose on my back with soft curls. I chose to wear simple diamond earrings and dad's necklace. For makeup, I did a soft brown smokey eye, a red-purple lip tint, and a natural finish for my complexion. Once Gorya came out, beautiful in her white dress, I patted the chair in front of my vanity. I patted the white chair, "Sit. Let me do your hair."

She sat on the chair, looking into the mirror. I gently brushed her hair and sectioned it into three layers. I took my curling iron and started making loose curls. I broke the silence and asked, "Are you nervous?"

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