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The heat was warming my face like an oven, and my eyes refocused on the bright light to see I left my curtains open. I groggily get up and see tons of tissues from last night. I pick one up and feel the sliminess of the tissue. Ugh, I toss the disgusting thing in the trash. My phone dings and I see a text message from Gorya:

Gorya: Are you not coming to school like yesterday? It's 1 PM now.

Me: Nope. I woke up late

Gorya: I have so much to tell you. 

Me: Come over later then.

Gorya: You should've come with me to say farewell to Mira. It turns out Ren is leaving as well. 

He left huh? I thought to myself. I bit my lip and typed:

Me: It's all right, just come over. 

Gorya: Sure, I'll ask to sleepover with you if that's okay?

Me: Of course! 😉

There were paparazzi pictures of Ren and Mira circulating on the web, the day after Ren touched down in Paris. I couldn't be bothered to read any more articles. At least the Chairman kept his promise of waiting to announce the engagement.

I look at my lock screen and see the date: April 16–the day dad passed. My throat choked up as I touched my necklace; tears pricked the edge of my eyes. I stood from my bed and got dressed in a simple white shirt and jeans, and wore my dad's black leather jacket he loved to wear. I spritzed some of his favorite cologne–a reminiscent scent of what he smelled like.

Once I made it to the kitchen, Auntie Cel sets an acai bowl in front of me and melon juice. I give her a smile and I take a bite of the acai. 

"Thanks, Cel," I said, munching on the coconut slices. She takes one of the dishes from the rack and began wiping them one by one. "I noticed you didn't go to class today," she says. I swallowed my bite, "I don't like going to class when it's dad's anniversary."

"Well, you should finish your food before leaving, all right?", she requests. I nod, "I will."

I smiled at her and she reciprocates as she walks out of the kitchen. I finish up the bowl and wash my dishes before walking up the stairs back to my room again. I whistled along as I looked for my tote, and a black figure met my peripheral view. I turned to a corner of my room where my guitar case sat. Maybe I should play for him.

I make my way downstairs and walked towards the altar we made for dad. I opened the door and saw his favorite food, a few candles, beads, and his favorite song albums laid out on the table. His urn sat on a little wooden stand and his picture was sat on the front of it. I smiled, "Hey dad, I'm going to our favorite place today. I hope you'll be there as well." I took a bow for him and take the case to head to the garage. I see Uncle Ken standing next to the driver's door, playing a game on his phone.

I joke as I walk to him, "Are you playing Candy Crush again K?"

He immediately turns his phone off and goes to chauffeur mode, opening the door for me, "Good morning Nova."

I chuckle as I sit in the passenger seat. He starts driving, and notices my guitar, "Are you playing again?" 

I tapped the black, plastic exterior, "Mhm, I figured dad would want to hear me play." I rest my head on the headrest before closing my eyes. 


Uncle Ken opens my door and softly nudges my shoulder, interrupting my sleep. He helps me out of my seat, and I shield my eyes from the direct sunlight. He carries my case and says, "Want to lead the way, Nova?" 

Unrequited II F4 ThailandWhere stories live. Discover now