Not So Innocent

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ATTENTION TEAM NOAH PEOPLE: Thank you Madzzx for writing an alternate ending yayyyy, stuff on Addie and James will be cleared up in this story and I promise there will be no teacher/student relationship because everyone said thats creepy, which did give me some ideas of course, but anyways, here is the same teaser posted at the end of the Makeover, I still need 70 votes on Make your Mark and Can the PLayer play the PLayer (latest chapters) to update and since I got 180 votes on last chapter of Makeover, I didn't think this will be too hard.

©Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Plagiarism will result in a lawsuit and fines.

"DYLAN! DYLAN! DYLAN! WAKEUP DYLAN!" My little brother, Jasper, screamed in my air and I groaned, my head in my pillow.

"But it's Monday goddamnit!" I muttered and I froze as I realized what I had just said to my five year old little brother.

"MOMMY! DYLAN SAID THE-" he was yelling to my mom downstairs, but I clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Shush, I'll buy you gummy bears after I get back from school today if you would just not tattle on me," I said, bribing my little brother.

"I want worms, sour worms!" he said and I nodded my head in agreement. Mom and Jasper had some strange obsession with gummy worms, ecspecially sour ones. I just didn't get the difference between gummy bears and gummy worms other than the shape and I really didn't understand how he liked that sour material. It just hurt my tongue and rubbed it raw.

I yawned and climbed out of my bed and headed towards the bathroom. I cleaned some dried saliva off of my face and threw my hair up into a messy ponytail. I pulled on some baggy sweatpants and a University of Virginia sweatshirt that was my dad's. Then, I headed downstairs to greet the rest of my family.

Arriving at the breakfast table, I noticed an unfamiliar face.

"Dylan, this is my best friend from high school, Alexx," my mom said, introducing us to a infamous woman I had heard of but not met before.

Alexx's long blonde hair cascaded down her black, studded leather jacket and her eyes were fierce and cold. I could see her observing me as I was observing her. She had on a lot of dark eye makeup and there was black circles under her eyes from mascara not washed away perfectly. Her black eyeliner under her eye and on her eyelid made her look like a cat of some kind, a fierce jungle cat.

My mother was staring at us, looking at our reactions towards each other. Much to my surprise, Alexx laughed and shook her head.

"What's so funny?" I asked her, confused.

"You look just like your mother used to," she said and I sighed. I think she was being sarcastic because I had seen pictures of my mother in high school, and she was drop dead gorgeous. Gorgeous was a word that I would never, ever be called.

"That was before I went through that makeover of course," my mother said and I looked at her, confused.

"Good times, good times," Alexx said and her crestfallen expression changed into a nostalgic, remembering one and I saw a twinkle in Alexx's eyes. Just as quickly it was gone again.

I knew some things about Alexx and I thought I was pretty good at reading people, but she had this mysterious aura about her.

We chit-chatted a bit over some cereal and milk and then I went back upstairs to through on some Vans and brush my teeth to avoid morning breath.

As I walked back downstairs, I heard their voices and I stopped to listen.

"How long are you staying for, Alexx? I haven't seen you in ages!" My mother said to her "best" friend. I knew that she, Alexx, Lily, and Cassie were great friends throughout high school, but while Lily and Cassie visited often, Alexx never bothered to visit.

"Jay kicked me out," she said with a sigh, saying a name I had heard of once or twice.

"Why?" My mother asked and I strained to hear her answer.

"I don't know, he just thinks he's a big shot and used some lame excuse about me going out to party too much. He said he need to settle down and he wanted to get married. I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment," Alexx said and I was shocked. My mother voiced my opinions.

"But you've been together since high school! Alexx! You can't just let the love of your life go like that," she scolded.

"I can't give up who I am. I'm not changing who I am to meet his demands," Alexx said and I felt sort of sorry for her. It sounded like she had been through a lot.

"You pushed everyone away after we all left for college, do you remember? Even when Lily, Cassie, and I gave up on trying to stay your best friend after you made all of those bad choices, Jay stayed with you through it all, which just shows how much of a keeper he is. Partying, drinking, and doing drugs isn't who you are, Alexx," my mother said through gritted teeth, and I felt the tension in the atmosphere rising.

But I had heard, and now I was even more curious to hear why Alexx had not kept in touch after all these years, what had happened to make her do that. Now, I think my mother knew that she was only staying here, at our house, because she didn't know where to go.

I decided to walk in like I hadn't heard anything and their suspicious eyes snapped towards mine. I grabbed my backpack, like I did every day, saying my goodbyes.

"Tell Conner that we want him and his family over for dinner tonight!" my mother shouted as I left, and I nodded in response, my eyes not leaving the menacing gaze of Alexx, who I think somehow knew that I had heard her conversation and didn't seem too happy about my eavesdropping.

I hopped in my car and drove off to school, parking in my usual space, next to my best friend, Conner's car. Come to think of it, he was my only friend. High school's rough.

"Conrad!" I greeted him. He was waiting for me, leaning on the car. Conner had been my best friend since diaper days and he was Uncle Noah's son.

"How's life, Dyl?" He asked me, slinging his arm around my shoulder as we walked to school. Conner was incredibly good looking, so every day when he did this I got shot billions of death glares from half of the school's female population. As usual, I ignored them, knowing I would never hear the end of all of this later today.

Conner walked me to my locker and then we split for first period. I walked across the green lawn to the trailers where my Drama class was located. I was very into arts, whether it was sculpting, drawing, painting, singing, or acting.

Without Conner by my side, people could say whatever they wanted to and I was so vulnerable alone here.

I neared the trailer when I tripped and landed flat on my face. My hands and cheek were stinging and I felt the gravel in them.

"Did you have a nice trip?" Mindy asked as she walked past me, kicking my stomach in the process as she and her evil little friends cackled.

"Have a nice nose job?" I muttered under my breath, so she couldn't hear me. My Drama teacher did though, Mr. Spence.

"Why don't you say that a bit louder next time?" he asked me, helping me up. He picked up my folders and books and handed me back my glasses. He was staring at my face as I did so, and I blushed self conscious of his gaze. I didn't say anything and just sort of stared into his smoky, grey eyes, which were so mesmerizing and...

"You should go to the clinic, I can take your stuff to class," he offered politely and took my backpack and school supplies from me before I could decline. I sighed as I watched him sling my backpack onto one shoulder and walk to his classroom. Why couldn't all of the high school guys be like him and Conner (obviously).

40 comments all saying no student/teacher thing so it will not happen!!! This is the teaser reposted and an upload will come soon! Promise! If I get 70 votes on latest chapters of Make your Mark and Can the Player Play the Player? CPPP is at like 27 i think, so 1/3 of the way done! Yay! Thank you to Madzzx for righting an alternate ending of the Makeover of Addie with Noah (click on this link: ) , so read that if you were Team Noah or just bored or idk and check out the rest of her profile! Cover made by LexyGriffith! Thanks girl! A new cover will be posted by Riyacovil soon! Feel free to send me any covers you may have for any of my stories!

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