"I'll take you right here, on this slide"

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"Look, Dylan, I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have gotten so upset at you for last night when you were only trying to help a friend. I guess I didn't realize your intentions when you and Alexx went to that club and I was being a thick-headed jerk. I don't like fighting with you. I never have when we were friends and now, as a couple, I hate it even more. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I really am sorry," Conner said sincerely. He stared at the mulch on the playground and traced random patterns in it with his shoe.

"Conner, of course I forgive you! I messed up, too! You were right about a lot of things. I should have helped Alexx in some other ways then taking her out to a club to get drunk and stoned. That's not a healthy coping method, even if it did help her in some ways. I regret going to that dumb club and our whole blow up was completely my fault. Don't apologize! You did nothing wrong! You mean more to me than Alexx does, and I'm not willing to risk our relationship to stand up for her, when you were really just stating the cold, hard truth," I responded. He gave me a small smile.

"So we're good?"

"Great!" I chirped, giving him a larger one. His eyes flashed to my lips and he leaned down, giving me a short, sweet peck.

"I bet I can get higher than you on the swings!"

"Oh, you're so on!" I said, competitively. I was going to dominate. I was faster going down the slides, better at going higher on the swings, and better at the monkey bars. The playground was where I held the most talents, as lame as that sounds.

 We swung for a bit and I won, of course. I jumped off of the swing and did a flip, landing effortlessly. I used to be a gymnast, so I had some pretty cool tricks up my sleeve. Conner knew ofd my athletic past, but still seemed surprised at the move.

"Impressive, huh?" I said, a bit cockily.

"Watch this!" He said. He tried to do the same flip, but ended up falling on his ass. I ended up standing there, pointing, and laughing, being the nice and concerned girlfriend I am. Conner glared at me and tried to get up, but he was wincing. I didn't want him to get hurt! Was he actually in pain?

I quickly ran over to him. "What hurts?"

"My tailbone! I think I bruised it!"

"You mean your butt! That's so lame!"

"Shut up and help me up!" Conner said and I held out my hand. He put his hand on mine and I tried to help him up, but he was too heavy and I ended up falling on him. I tried to get back up, but Conner wrapped his arms around me, keeping me in place. Sighing and relaxing, I snuggled into his chest, feeling his heart beat steadily. It was so romantic until I opened my big mouth and ruined it. 

"Maybe if you broke your butt bone you can get one of those fluffy cushions and I can make fun of you, take pictures, and post them on the internet."

"Shut up, Dylan. Gosh, I wonder what runs through your head sometimes," he said, feigning annoyance, but trying, and failing, to stifle a light chuckle. His chest vibrated and I smiled goofily at him. Then, he spoke some more, and ruined our moment even more.

"I quite like this position, you know. And I hear that after arguments, some couples have some really good make-up s-"

"You perv!" I slapped his chest and he smiled up at me, happiness shining through his beautiful eyes.

"That's why you love me!" My breath caught in my throat. I loved him, and I was pretty darn sure I was in love with him, too. Did he know?

"What? What's wrong?" He seemed concerned when I didn't laugh at his joke.

"Conner, I do love you. You know that, right? No matter what. I always will," I said softly and he sat up a bit, wincing only a little.

"I love you, too, Dyl, you know that. And I've been in love with you ever since we were kids. I'll always love you. I can't help it, there's just something about you," he admitted and I swear I became the happiest girl in the world.

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