Reindeer love

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Conner's lips were frozen as I moved mine against his. Did he not like me like that? Was it just a spur of the moment thing for him?

I pulled back, blushing a deep read in embarrassment at my actions. "Conner, I'm so sorry, I-"

A foreign emotion passed over his eyes and mine remained locked in his intense gaze. As he wrapped his hand around his head and brought his lips back to mine, I realized that it was a glimmer of lust.

I kissed Conner until I couldn't breathe. I pulled back to inhale and he trailed quick kisses up my collarbone, quickly coming back to my lips as we started kissing again. He bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance to my mouth, which I easily granted. I couldn't describe the jolts of electricity that shot through my body at his embrace. His touch was electrifying and everywhere his hands swept, every place his lip touched left my skin tingling and me yearning for more.

Conner pulled back after we were both heavily panting. He rested his head against mine and stared into my eyes. His face was emotionless and blank. It was like he was studying. I bit my lip in nervousness. Did I do something wrong?

"Dylan, don't do that. You don't know how tempting that is," Conner finally spoke, a small frown on his lips.

"Why can't I bite my lip?"

"Because that's my job," Conner said, smashing my lips back to his in an aggressive manner. I put everything I had into kissing him and I smiled against his lips as he moaned in pleasure. I wasn't experienced in this area, but I let instinct take over as my lips moved with Conner's. He tasted minty, like peppermints, which could be from his toothpaste.

We were interrupted when Conner's dad coughed loudly from the corner of the room. Conner and I pulled apart, me blushing a deep red. Conner looked down at me as I averted his gaze, but I could see him from my peripheral vision as I stared at the floor. He gave me a quick peck on the lips as he turned to his dad, and I looked back up at him, smiling at the action.

"Good job, son," Noah said, patting Conner on the back. My eyes widened as I looked at him, surprised. Conner chuckled as his dad left the room.

"Dylan, don't do that," he said.


"You're biting your lip again," he said, his voice a little husky. I took a step closer to him, standing on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck, still biting my lip. I saw the lust flash between his eyes again, but he restrained himself from kissing me again much to my disappointment.

"We need to talk," Conner stated and I nodded in agreement. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the sofa. His touch was warm and I loved how our fingers intertwined together, a perfect fit.

"I'm sorry for surprising you like that. I know you're not one for surprises," I spoke up after a few minutes of silence between us.

"Oh, no, don't be. I liked that surprise," he said, smirking. I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder. He chuckled and raised his hands in surrender and I smiled at this.

"Why did you do that? Kiss me, I mean?"

"Haven't we done it before?" If Robert was right, and we had kissed at Brett's party, what was so important about kissing him again?

"It was a mistake at the party. I apologize," Conner said and I couldn't help the frown that passed over my lips.

I got up from the couch. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry. I'm going to go now," I muttered. Conner got up as I walked away, spinning me around, so my front was pressed to his again. I looked at him through my lashes.

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