One big happy Alexx

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Cover by smiley_music. Follow her! I messed with the colors a bit, but it is HER COVER! She also made the insanely awesome one for Something Worth Fighting For! Check out her profile! Here's the chapter you all have been waiting for.

The sun streamed through the windows and I heard birds chirping. It would be such a nice, beautiful day to go bike riding or fishing or...why not go to school?

I groaned, turned off my alarm before it could go off, since I had woken up two minutes before seven, and then went into the shower. Saying I was exhausted would be a bit of an understatement, seeing as I had stayed up late talking to Robert only to be awoken by Alexx's drunken self.

I forced myself to make the shower water cold, and I regretted it as soon as the thin, needles of ice hit my skin. My shower must've lasted five minutes, but it seemed like forever. I couldn't stop thinking about everything, or nothing in particular, depending on how you looked at it.

What happened with Alexx last night? Did my parents kick her out?

Would Conner still be ignoring me?

What would my date with Robert be like tonight?

I quickly threw on some white shorts, a light blue strappy top that crossed in the back, and some brown, leather sandals that had the same, light blue color as the top laced into a braid. I blew dry and straightened my hair in record time, shooting down the stairs with my cell phone in hand.

"I'm telling you, we are getting locks! She is incapable of handling herself around alcohol and has no self-control whatsoever. It's pathetic, really," I heard dad say. I paused at the stairway, listening to the conversation more closely, but in such a position that they couldn't see me.

"Stop yelling, you're hurting my head. Killer hangover, remember?" Alexx spoke this time. Her tone was annoyed and she wasn't a morning person from what I had seen of her. She barely ever awoke before I left for school and when she did she was extremely grumpy. I could only imagine how she would be acting now, after waking up early, with a hangover that was "killer" as she liked to put it.

"I'll do what I want. It's your fault for being drunk and reckless anyways. Do you not realize we have kids in the house? You are such a bad influence! You dropped out of some dumb old community college that barely accepted you, you go partying practically every night, and you walk around like you run the world. News flash! You're F*CKING BROKE! You live in MY HOUSE! And guess what? I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU!"

"You don't like me, shocker! Didn't realize that! Don't worry, the feeling's mutual. You want to talk about bad influences? You, here, are the one who is being a drama queen, overreacting to everything, like the little whimpy prick you are! Grow up already! And I pay rent, so don't talk to me like that!"

"Guys, stop arguing, please. Jasper is sleeping and I don't want Dylan to hear. You do know that Jasper barely ever sleeps in late?" My mother was pleading with the two arguing adults in my kitchen. She hated arguments. They occurred a lot between Alexx and dad, but it wasn't that surprising. Dad had gotten into arguments with the rest of my mom's friends before about some stupid high school past. It happened more when I was younger, though. They tell the story at dinner frequently, laughing at their mistakes and then saying how glad they were that they came back together. Something about true love, never letting go, yadda yadda yadda.

"Alexx, YOUR RENT DOESN'T EVEN PAY FOR THOSE BLACKBERRIES IN THE FRIDGE! YOU GIVE LIKE 5 BUCKS A MONTH! You spend the rest of the money you earn by working twice a week as a bartender, where? Oh, yeah, buying cigarettes! You are the definition of screw-up and show no responsibility whatsoever," dad said. Ouch. That was harsh.

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