Thank You Christopher Columbus

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I started down the steps in my sky high heels and I looked up to see Conner gaping at me. My eyes got caught up in his and I couldn't look away. They were just so mesmerizing!

Because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I tripped in my stupid shoes on one of the last steps and fell right into Conner.

."Sorry," I said, looking up at him. His arms were wrapped around me and he had stopped me from falling and injuring myself. Conner didn't respond, but his mouth was hanging wide open and his eyes were raking up and down my body, which made me feel self conscious.

"You look-"

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I'm going to go change. I told them this was stupid," I cut Conner off and shook my head, walking back up the stairs to change.

"No, no, you look amazing," he said and I cocked my head at him in confusion.

"Really?" I said in disbelief and he laughed.

"Let's go," he said, pulling my hand out the door, but I heard my dad yell after us.

"Keep the boys off of her, Conner! I don't want my daughter guest-starring on Teen Mom anytime soon," he shouted and I blushed. I loved him, but he was so embarrassing. Conner didn't laugh like I expected him to, but was just gazing at me intently.

"What?" I asked him as we walked out to his car.

"Oh, nothing. Your father's right, you know. You are going to gain a lot of attention from the male student body today," he said.

"Protect me?"

"I'll be your knight in shining armor, always and forever," he joked.

"I'm still the same dork!"

"Yeah, you're still my dork," he said and I smiled at how cheesy he was.

Conner and I had different tastes in music, so whenever we drove together, there was constant fighting over the radio. While I preferred some good pop music, he liked rap. I mean, who likes rap? You can't even understand what the people are saying, it's like what Conner sounds like after he had too much caffeine!

"I'm driving. Put on Lil Wayne," Conner ordered me and I ignored his bossy self.

"Justin Bieber!" I shouted in glee, finding a station where they were playing his newest song. I looked over to see Conner frowning at me in disapproval. He didn't have to like the music, but he was going to have to listen to it.

"Put on One Direction, then. Anything but this girl," he whined like a little girl. I laughed at his immaturity before turning on a song we both liked, which was very rare.

"I'LL WEAR YOUR GRANDAD'S CLOTHES!"  I sing-shouted, rolling down the windows and whipping my hair around like a crazy person.

"I'LL LOOK INCREDIBLE!" Conner belted out, waving his hands in the air.

"Hands on the wheel, Conrad," I reprimanded him and he glared at me.

'LA LA LA FROM THE THRIFT SHOP LA LA LA!" I continued to sing the song, but I kind of forgot the words, so I just sang "la" in the correct tune.

"You don't even know the words," he said.

"You don't even know the words," I mimicked him in a high-pitched voice that he sounded nothing like.


"Really?" I repeated and he gritted his teeth in annoyance, which I also copied, emphasizing the action more than he did.

"Don't start this with me."

"Don't start this with me."


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