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Viintagelovexo17 has this really awesome new story out called "The girl in the shadows"! I've helped edited it and it's started out really good! Please check it out! It's awesome and you won't regret it! :)

I headed straight to the bar. "What can I get for you?" The bartender asked me politely.

"Water, please," I said, and he gave me a look of astonishment, his large, crooked grin disappearing. He took a glass, filled it with ice, and then poured cold water in it.

"Thanks," I said, and he nodded.

"Why isn't a pretty girl like you having a drink?"

"I don't drink often," I admitted. The last party's result of drinking had ended in a disaster and tension between Conner and I. Alcohol only caused problems, so there was no way I was making that mistake again tonight.

The bartender attended to a few more customers as I gazed around the club, taking in the atmosphere more. The place was packed! It seemed very popular. I didn't understand the appeal. It smells like booze, drug, and sweat in here and the flashing lights bother my eyes. What compels a girl to dress up as a hooker, come to a club, and expect to meet "the one"? Dressed like that, what do you expect from men? I grimaced as I looked at a tipsy blond doing a kegstand off in the corner with a few frat kids. Some creepy older men with tattoos were in the corner, eying her exposed flesh up and down. Their eyes scanned the females in the room before one of them looked at me, winking. I shuddered and quickly looked away.

The bartender came back to me with a pink drink. "Pink Lady for the lady not in pink," he said, smiling at me. He had long, caramel-colored hair that fell across his cheekbones and gave him a younger appearence. His eyes were big and dark brown, like pools of chocolate.

"Thanks, but I didn't order a drink-"

"The guy over there did," the bartender said before nodding off to one side. I scanned the crowd. Luckily, the old, creepy men weren't looking at me, so they weren't the ones who had bought the drink. My eyes landed on a dark-skinned man with long, black hair in dread locks. He was smiling warmly at me, and I smiled back politely. He took this as his opportunity to approach.

"Do you not like the drink?" He seemed a bit hurt, so I quickly defended myself.

"Oh, no, it's not that! I'm just not a big drinker, you see. Alcohol never works well in my system!" He didn't seem drunk either.

"Please, for me? I would be awfully offended if you put my money to waste," he said, giving me a challenging look. I took the red straw and swirled it around in the martini-like glass. There were a few cherries in the beverage. After a moment of contemplation, I took out the straw, brought the glass to my mouth and took a sip as the man stared at me approvingly. The pink liquid had a taste much sweeter than beer, but I could still feel the burn of the alcohol as it ran down my throat.

"You call that drinking? That is barely a sip!"

"Look, I'm sorry, I am in no mood to get wasted tonight. I didn't ask you to buy me a drink! I don't want to drink anymore, but thank you, anyways," I said, becoming exasperated at the persistent male. He looked like he was about to say something when someone's arm was slung over my shoulder. It was Alexx, using me to support her weight. I smelled the alcohol on her.

"I WON! Dyllie! I WON!"

"Alexx, how much have you had to drink? We've been here for less than five minutes," I said, checking the time on my phone.

"Just a little bit. One. Two. Three. Four. Maybe five. Eight?" She counted off of her fingers, stumbling a bit over her words and skipping a few numbers.

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