chapter 33

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Toni was wrapping up the gift she had decided on giving to her beanie wearing best friend. Sweet Pea was running around the trailer trying to find his serpent jacket. The serpent girl chuckled at the taller boy knowing that his jacket was in such a simple place, it was on the dining chair that was pushed in under the table. Instead of helping her friend, she decided to just watch him as he stressed himself out. This was one of Toni's favorite moments in a day. Her tall friend would do this just about every morning. It was his own fault for being so disorganized. He'd always find it eventually, and Toni knew that which is why she would just sit back and watch her entertainment for the day.

"Finally!!! I found it!!!!" Sweet Pea said with a sigh a relief, slipping it on his back.

"Great! We can get going to class now." Toni said as she shoved the wrapped gift in her backpack for later, sliding it over her shoulder.

The two serpents began making their way to the front door, cruising away on their bikes to make their way up to Riverdale High.


Sweet Pea and Toni arrived late to school that day. Toni had been trying to get to class on time lately, not wanting to ruin her chances. But because it was such a habit of hers to come late to class, it was always difficult to get there on time. Everyday she works on it and everyday she gets a little bit closer to arriving on time. Sweet Pea and the smaller girl roamed the empty halls, making their way to their classes on departing at some point.

"I'll see you at Jugheads birthday celebration after school, right?" The serpent girl questioned as the taller boy began walking the other direction towards his class.

"Yeah, yeah." Sweetpea responded. "I'll be there, tiny." He said as he flicked his hand in a scolding way, walking away.

The girl just nodded and made her way to her class.

Walking in, Toni immediately noticed the redhead with bold red lipstick on. She sat in her seat which was still the desk next to her. Nobody dared to even try and sit in that seat since Toni claimed it. Toni didn't mind sitting beside the redhead even though they didn't talk anymore. The feeling and knowing how close she actually was to her was just enough for the serpent to live and move on with her day and life knowing that Cheryl Blossom didn't want her anymore.

At the end of the class period, the two girls only interacted to agree on where to meet for todays study session. Since Toni told her that she had plans after school, they decided to get the tutoring done during study hall. Everyday for the past week, they had been meeting up after school. But today, Toni had to attend her best friends birthday. Their session today wasn't going to be for long but at least they got to squeeze in the session, obeying Mr. Weatherbee's rules of meeting everyday. He never clarified for how long they had to study for each day, so a 45 minute tutoring session was going to have to do for today.

The serpent and the northsider sat right across from eachother in the library. They both sat with their textbooks open. Toni had her notebook open and a pencil in her hand. She comtinously tapped the pencil with the journal on the the table as she tried to comprehend everything that she read in the lesson. The pink-haired girl was trying so hard to fight showing her frustration towards not being able to understand it all. She knew Cheryl was there to help her but she just couldn't help but feel like she was only bothering her. She knew Cheryl was only doing this for herself, knowing that Mr. Weatherbee basically bribed her just so that she could help her.

Cheryl could sense Toni's frustration. She has tutored plenty of people in her whole life. She could see the signs of when someone was having trouble with something. Cheryl looked straight across from her, taking a break from reading todays lesson. School always came so easily for Cheryl. She was just naturally so good at it and hardworking. Everything she was handed, she understood and put her best efforts in. She noticed the uncontrollable tapping that the serpent was doing. Toni kept her eyes on the words on the page, her eyes just moving back and forth between the same section.

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