chapter 7

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Omniscient POV

Syere walks around the large palace garden accompanied by Ammit close by her side. It appeared to be only them within the garden at the moment.

It was quiet. neither of the two willing to speak too preoccupied by their thoughts.

No weed, no sex. God this is hell.

Syere thought while Ammit thought,

Should I bring up what happened in the caravan with her and his highness..? Or would that be weird.

Syere stops in front of a bush of roses and peonies plucking a flower from its leaves. She begins ripping its petals off warily growing frustrated.

Quickly growing bored she lets it fall to the floor walking off in search of something else. As she drifts further away Ammit yells out to her,

"Please don't stray too far it's enough of a hassle having to babysit you."

Rolling her eyes Syere pressed on, ignoring Ammits words as she ventured deeper into the garden straying further away.

A large statue depicting Ra enters her line of sight as large hedges stood well beyond it.

She follows along the maze like structure taking several turns here and there. In the midst of her aimless wandering Ammit who seems to have finally noticed her disappearance screamed.

"Syere." Her voice echoes through the hedges.

Syere stops catching her breath momentarily while Ammit continues to call her name out in the distance.

Fog begins to suddenly fill the lanes of the maze covering everything in its path. The fog was so thick it was difficult to even see her own feet.

She stood in her place questioning herself on whether to go further or wait and hope that Ammit would find her.

Something brushes past startling her. Laughter shortly follows overwhelming her senses as it seemed to echo from all directions.

Ammit's voice was barely audible over the laughter. Confused and flustered Syere stands frozen unsure what to do next.

In the midst of all the commotion Anubis hadn't caught wind of the situation yet.

"What is going on?" Ra questions as a servant rushes in the room in a panic.

"There's...been a breach of corrupted sir. Thankfully we were able to deal with most of them but one has managed to slip away. We're unable to figure out where they might be." The servant rushes.

"Where is Syere?" Anubis interjects.

"She's in the garden sir with Ammit."

"Tighten security around the perimeters as well as the entrance of every room, ensure the corrupted does not escape." Ra instructs.

Anubis leaves the room followed by two guards towards the garden.

Shifting out of his human form he stalks over to the garden sensing something was wrong. Opening its door he's swallowed by the fog.

In a big breath he howls loudly and it echoes through the entire garden. Somewhere in the garden Syere hears the unfamiliar howl becoming uneasy.

Ammit although anxious to have lost sight of Syere, is relieved to have his highness with them.

An emergency alarm soon goes off in the garden and all exits are locked down. Anubis following Syere's scent trails after her quickly.

"Syere~" Someone sings.

Unable to keep her composure at the familiar voice she breaks out into a cold sweat the tips of her fingers trembling slightly like it did that terrible night.

"Jamie...?" She breathes scared for a response.

A young boy's figure slowly fades into the fog as the person inches closer.

"Hi Sy."

He finally steps out the fog fully revealing himself smiling.

"Can we finally play cops and robbers?"

Unable to believe her eyes Syere breaks into tears crying softly into her palm remembering her promise. Her brother who had died 5 years ago was in front of her smiling in that sweet carefree smiled she missed so much.

But Syere couldn't shake off the feeling something was wrong. Jamie's skin was noticeably pale, his lips looked almost blue and his once cheerful bright eyes were dull and almost seemed to appear black.

Despite her doubts the scar on his neck confirmed it was indeed her little brother that she missed so much.

" that really you?" She questions hesitantly.

"What do you mean? Of course it is stop joking around" His voice falls. "Let's play already."

"We can play in a minute just let me—"

He begins to cry and Syere unable to hold herself back goes to hug him.

"I wanna play now, I've waited five years. Please? Let's go play."

He stretches his hands out for her but the moment is cut short as a sickle quickly flies out the fog slicing his arm off.

Syere face dulls at the sight as Jamie begins to cry and scream from the pain his arm pooling blood.

"Sis it hurts, it hurts. Help me!" He sobs.

She tries to help him but is quickly pulled back by Anubis.

"Do not touch him." He scolded glaring down at the sobbing child.

Jamie's face pales further in fear at Anubis beginning to scream for his sister's help.

"Sy...ere. Help me! It...hurts."

She winces remembering those same words he screamed five years ago. Unable to hold herself back she struggles to fight Anubis off in hopes to save her brother this time.

"Not again please...not again...let me go." She cried by Anubis refuses to budge.

"His arm! Please just let go!" She yells becoming desperate.

"You can't touch him." He scolds.

"He's my brother. Let go of me he's bleeding." She pleads her voice breaking in the process.

"Syere, that's not your brother anymore he's been corrupted. I have to kill him." He states bleakly glaring behind her at the young boy.


Anubis words causing something within to snap,
unexpectedly she slaps him hard and it echoes throughout the garden.

There's a long pause, Anubis gathering his composure while Syere continues to glare daggers at him through her tears.

She flinches however when his grip on her arm tightens roughly pulling her close, his canines bared slightly.

He slowly shifts back into his human form his gold eyes coldly staring at her. He goes to say something but stops simply pushing her aside despite his growing frustration for her.

Bringing his attention back towards the boy in hopes to finish him off however Jamie was long gone escaping amidst all the commotion.

Annoyed he turns back to Syere grabbing her hand roughly dragging her out the maze.

"We're leaving. Now."

She tries to pull her hand away making him stop turning to her.

"Syere I'm warning you don't piss me off any further than I am already." He snapped.

She simply glares in return. "Fuck off."

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