chapter 44

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Syere POV

I'm back...yay.

I thought as the beeping of my heart monitor floods my ears. Pursing my lips tightly I choked back the sob that rushed up my throat refusing to open my eyes.

Despite this, tears still fell as I trembled in the cold almost silent room. I hug myself tightly in hopes to convince myself the touch was that of his own.


I cried and cried unable to stop the pain that filled my chest. For hours, I trembled in the bed, unable to stop the pain that choked my sobs.

"I miss you." I croaked, my voice rough.

Sighing, I wiped away the tears, frustrated by their relentless flow. Yearning for Anubis's embrace.

I already wish to be back with you, wrapped in your arms.

Rising with shaky legs, I stumbled immediately. "Ah fuck." I curse loudly. "Obviously your legs are asleep Syere it's been 3 months." I muttered with a roll of eyes, scolding myself.

Holding onto the bed for support, I slowly stood, my legs weak beneath me. I walked unsteadily towards the bathroom, catching a glimpse of my reflection.

There, on my shoulder, was the indentation of Anubis's teeth marks. A wave of sadness and elation washed over me at the sight of this permanent reminder.

My lips trembled as the mark darkened, shifting color to resemble a tattoo. A soft smile touched my lips as I reached out to touch it lightly, the tenderness causing a slight ache.

"There's no way I'd be able to explain this," I muttered, letting my hair down to cover my neck and shoulders as I made my way out.

The door creaked open as I stepped out of the bathroom. My eyes met the doctor and my parents frozen in shock.

"This is...a surprise. You've woken up," the doctor commented, bewildered. "And you're walking," he added in astonishment.

My gaze drifted to my father first, his eyes trembling with vulnerability yet frozen in disbelief. Then I met my mother's eyes, filled with tears as she took a hesitant step towards me.

"Sy...?" she began, her voice filled with cautious hope and tears.

A forced smile spread across my face as I stepped towards them completely. "...Hi, mom..." My eyes met my father's again. "Dad..."

They rushed forward, engulfing me in a warm hug. The weight of their embrace almost sent me tumbling, but they held me firmly. The comforting touch of my father's hand on my head sparked a pang of longing for Anubis, and I yearned for his embrace once more.

My mother sobbed uncontrollably into my shoulder, her trembling arms holding me tightly as if afraid to let go.

"We're so glad to have you back, baby," my father mumbled into my hair, his voice choked with emotion.

"Uh huh," I responded, tears welling up again. The overwhelming warmth of their love and the constant ache for Anubis weighed heavily on me.

My angels and devils were at war, a war for my life.

"We're so happy, I'm so happy," my mother rejoiced through her tears.

"God, you brought my baby back. Thank you, thank you," she recited profusely, peppering my forehead with kisses in relief.

Though overwhelmed, I accepted their affection, the warmth of their love a balm to the wounds of my grief.

"Guys, you're crushing me," I finally complained softly.

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