chapter 8

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Syere POV

"You've only been dead for a week and you've managed to piss me off what? Four times?" He snaps.

"I guess it's my superpower." I smile sarcastically at the back of his head as he continues dragging me down the hallway.

"You're not funny." He sighs.

"I should really just kill you." He mutters but I heard him perfectly fine.

I smile planting my foot firmly on the floor which makes him stop.

He turns his eyes to me. "What?"

Grabbing his hand I place it around my neck smiling the entire time.

"Go ahead, please do." I urged.

He squeezes the sides of my throat pulling me closer.

"And give you exactly what you want? I don't think so." He glares at me before letting my neck go.

My face falls returning his glare but stop when he suddenly smirks.

"Plus I don't like to lose. I'm determined to make you fall for me and you will."

I raise a brow. "You think so?"

He shrugs. "I've proven you wrong once before."

I fall quiet remembering earlier. He chuckles at my silence and I scoff turning away.

"I've never been in love plus I don't see myself capable of ever loving a beast." I mutter.

My comment seems to hit a nerve of his since he falls quiet. We fall to a silence neither of us saying anything for awhile as he pulls me forward again.

"Will you ever get me weed? It's tiring being sober." I sigh.

"Where's your manners?" He raises a brow annoyed again.

"Up your ass." I flatten.

"Is it now?" He cuts his eyes at me. "You're itching to be put in your place aren't you? Are you curious on what that looks like?"

"I'm itching for you to fuck off, you hurt my brother." I glared fiercely.

"That wasn't your brother, just a mirage of the person he once was." He sighs appearing annoyed.

"You don't know that." I go to snatch my arm away but he holds me firmly.

"I don't? Let me show you something then."

We suddenly turn a corner appearing in front of a large black door guarded by two large dogs. They bow their heads in respect, likely due to Anubis's presence.

"Step aside." He ordered.

They do as told and he opens the door entering the dimly lit room with me. The metallic tang of blood mingles with a putrid stench, assaulting my nostrils.

"It smells, why did you bring me here." I comment the scent burning my nose.

"So you can learn for yourself what corrupted truly are."

The light suddenly switches on revealing the disturbing contents within the room. Screaming and yelling ensues all around me from the chained up prisoners.

"Who's this bitch?"

"She's even uglier than your last wife."

"Get the fuck out."

Multiple voices speak at once that I became a bit overwhelmed. Anubis seems to notice this suddenly snapping,

"Shut up. All of you." He roared.

The room falls silent. A soft voice croaks a moment later,

"Is that my dearest granddaughter oh how big you've gotten. Come a little closer let grandma see how much you've grown." An emaciated woman with a skeletal grin reaches out to me.

Almost as though I was under a trance I approach her slowly as Anubis calls for me to stop.


"A little closer I can't see very well without my glasses and all." She laughs smiling at me.

As I go to take another step she launches her body at me but Anubis snatches me away. She's held back by her chains continuing with her growls and snarls.

"This is what they're truly like. Mindless souls whose only intent is infecting you with their hatred for all things around them which naturally makes them rather violent." He pulls me back to the center of the room.

"Why are they chained here?" I look at him.

"For interrogations, since their intelligence do remain some are kept here to extract information." He looks around the room blankly. "Although I rather just kill them."

"Who's the new plaything? Hm she's rather pretty..." A middle aged man leers at me. "New wife?"

"It's none of your business." He reprimands firmly.

"I see you haven't learned from the past incident have you? You've brought and kept yet another mortal soul for yourself." The man smiles. "I wonder who will be her demise first, you or Apophis."

The man's eyes slowly fall on me. "You're a fool."

Anubis sighs grabbing my hand. "Let's get out of here."

We leave the room but before the door closes the man calls after us one last time.

"It's useless trying to protect her everyone knows she'll meet the same fate as—"

The door shuts before he could say anything more.


As we head back to his room I noticed how obviously tense he was. His hands were gripping my own rather tightly as if he was scared to let go of me.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Why are you asking something like that?" He responds appearing annoyed at the question.

"Because you're tense. Why? Does it have something to do with that man back there?" I pried.

"It's none of your concern."

I raise a brow becoming a little annoyed at his cold demeanor. "Is it? Because from what that man said that doesn't seem to be the case."

My words make him glance at me warily. "You shouldn't take what a corrupted one says to heart like that. They tend to lie."

"Like you are doing right now?"

He rolls his eyes at my comment staying quiet. We finally arrive at his bedroom as he opens the door going to pull me inside. However I plant my feet firmly on the floor stopping him.

"Syere, please—"

I cut him off. "Anubis."

He stops finally looking at me.

"What happened to your previous wife?"

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