chapter 30

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Omniscient POV

"Anubis." Apophis barks as he enters the God of death's throne room in a panicked state.

"Apophis." Anubis responds glumly as he sets his bored and stoic eyes on chaos.

"Nour, she's dying."

Anubis turns serious at the news quickly rising from his throne.

"Where is she?"


Both men enter the chambers in a rush in hopes that it's not too late. However, the heavy silence in the room shows otherwise. 

"Sir she's..."

Before a servant can interject Apophis rushes to his wife's side in panic.

"My love, wake up." He begs softly caressing her face. "Come on baby, I need you to open your eyes."

"Sir she's gone—" As the comment leaves his mouth the sound of a slice cuts him short.

Apophis fingers were now stained with blood. A murky red cloud of blood begins to form on the servant's garment. The man looks down at his bleeding stomach before he slumps over onto the floor, dead.

"Anubis." Apophis cold voice calls.

"Yes chaos..." He answers gently sympathetic of the god's recent loss.

"Death is your domain. You can bring her back." He noted confidently.

Anubis becomes wary. "Apophis, that is forbidden and you know that. Let her soul rest—"

"You WILL bring her back." He barks, his voice causes his remaining servants to flinch in fear but Anubis is unwavering.

"I will not tamper with the soul of your deceased wife." Anubis states sternly glaring at the broken king.

Chaos firm exterior slowly begins to crack as he begins to silently cry over his dead wife's body. "I can't live without her."

"I'm sorry Apophis...but I can't." Anubis responds solemnly.

Apophis grows quiet for a moment before his next comment.

"Get out."

No one moves until his words come again in a much louder tone, with barely contained madness.

"GET OUT." His servants scramble out the room in a wild manner fearful of angering the murderous king even more.

Anubis stays still momentarily before turning to leave however Apophis stops him.

"I will remember this for as long as live. I will haunt you forever. Mark my words god of death. You will suffer the same pain of never having love. I will cut every single seed of love out of your life till you've been left alone and barren never fully able to be with the one you love." He warns darkly his red eyes glaring fiercely towards Anubis.

Anubis leaves the room without another word, feeling pity for the God of Chaos. However, he could not sacrifice the natural order of things simply to restore Chaos's grief.

A heavy weight settled on his chest. He had seen despair before, but never so raw and volatile. A shiver ran down his spine, a premonition of dark times to come.


"I want mother back as much as you father but...there's a natural order to things. Anubis can't bring her back—"

"He can't? Or he won't?!" Apophis snaps causing his daughter, Isis to sigh at her father's stubbornness.

"Father..." She goes to approach him however he dismisses her.

"I want you to disappear."

She paused briefly from his words, taken aback. "Okay I'll leave you alone but I'm worried—"

"No. Not just from my sight, I want you to disappear entirely, away from Anubis." He clarifies making Isis face fall.

"You want me to leave Anubis side to exact some petty revenge because he won't bring mother back? Are you serious?" She snaps, angered by her father's request.

"I will not be apart of your scheme. I love Anubis I will not leave his side." She holds her ground.

Suddenly she is slammed against the wall by her father as he grips her neck tightly, his menacing eyes glaring into her soul.

"Then do you prefer that I dispose of you myself?" He raises a brow challenging her.

Isis face drains of color as she stares back at her father in disbelief. "You'd kill me...? Your own daughter all to hurt Anubis?"

"If that's what it will take for him to understand and bring your mother back. Then I will do anything, even kill you." His fingers slowly peel away from her neck pulling away from her. "But you are my daughter so I'm giving you the choice to disappear without having to resort to that. Aren't I nice?"

Isis glares at her father. "Why must we all suffer because you've lost someone? Why must I be forced to leave the man I love for your satisfaction."

"Because the world isn't fair Isis." He shrugs unamused by her question. "Now let's get down to business."

Apophis turns slowly pointing at his daughter with a smile. "I'll give you a week to spend your last moments together before you disappear. Cherish it."

"How am I supposed to just disappear?" She questions.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out. Considering you've convinced the entire realm including Anubis that you're a mortal, when we both know you're not. Even your dear sister thinks so just because she is."

Isis face darkens. "I only did so because Ra would not have allowed our union otherwise, a child born from the god of death and the goddess of magic would disrupt the power balance of this realm you know that."

"Well even more reason for you to disappear. If you don't I'll inform Ra of the matter and if he doesn't break the union of you two, then I will kill you myself." He smiles.

Isis eyes waters at her father's words. He approaches her outstretching his hand gently wiping away her tears with his sharp fingers.

"You probably think I don't love you but I do. I just happen to love your mother more, much more than you and your sister." He smiles but it doesn't meet his eyes, rather his eyes remained despondent and dark. "If I could trade your lives in exchange for your mother, I'd do it in a heartbeat."

Isis eyes slowly fall to the floor unable to stomach anymore of his cruelty.

"Now go, savor all the time you have left with your dear husband. Tick Tick Tick."

Isis goes to leave without another word however her father stops her once again with a brief warning.

"And Isis, if you mention this to Anubis, I'll immediately kill you myself."

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