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Chapter Ten

Clayton was glaring at the road in front of us as we drove. He was gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were turning white.

"I'm sorry Clayton." I muttered softly.

Clayton shook his head. "Do you have feelings for him?" Clayton angrily questioned me.

"Who? Luke?" I said laughing and shaking my head. "No I don't have feelings for him."

He glanced over at me "He has feelings for you. I can tell he does by the way he looked at you and the way he hugged you."

I shook my head "Clayton I don't have feelings for him so don't worry about it."

Clayton shook his head and kept driving.

Once we pulled up to Clayton's house he got out of his truck slamming his door shut behind him. I winced and got out of his truck slowly. And I slowly followed behind him into his house. One we were inside Clayton slammed the front door behind me.

Clayton pushed past me and walked to the living room he sat on the couch putting his elbows on his knees and putting his head into his hands.

I walked in the living room and sat past him.

"Clayton I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking when I did that." I softly said.

"I don't know what to do anymore. Honestly Evelyn what do you want me to do?! I've tried everything to get you to like me but it's not working because you still can't stand me! I want you to like me Evelyn I really do but you're not putting in any effort into trying to build any type of a relationship with me!" He sighed and shook his head.

I just stared at him and said "I'm sorry."

I have to admit I was relieved that my parents were alive. I couldn't help but feel bad for being so cruel to Clayton but I couldn't help it even if he didn't kill my parents he still killed countless innocent people. But maybe he wasn't as bad as of a person as I thought he was. I wondered why he killed so many people and destroyed so many packs.

"Clayton why do you kill so many people and attack so many packs?" I suddenly asked him without thinking.

Clayton lifted his head up and stared at me biting his lip. "You know you're the only person that has ever asked me that question. But I don't have a answer for you. Maybe it's because it makes other packs fear me. Maybe it's because it gives me more power. Maybe it's because I enjoy the feeling I get from killing people. Maybe it's because I get bored and I need something to keep me occupied. Maybe it's because I love hurting people and I love ruining their lives. Maybe it's because I'm an evil monster. I don't know what it is maybe it's all of those things mixed together."

I stared at him "That's why I can't try to have a relationship with you Clayton. I'm too afraid of you to have a relationship with you."

He grabbed my face and stared into my eyes and said "Don't be afraid of me Evelyn. Please don't. I wouldn't ever hurt you. I would rather die than hurt you. I could never hurt you. I swear. I wouldn't even let anyone else hurt you. I promise you that I'll never let anybody including myself ever hurt you."

I looked away from him and said "I can't ever be with you Clayton. I could never be with a monster like you."

"Evelyn don't you see that you don't have a choice of being with me. You may not realize it yet but we were made for each other and one day you will love me with all of your heart and you won't be able to control yourself." Clayton said laying on the couch ending the conversation.

A few hours later Clayton had fallen asleep on the couch while watching some action movie I sat on the couch by him when there was a knock on the door.

I glanced at the door not knowing what to do I didn't want to just answer the door to Clayton's house but I also didn't want to wake up Clayton or be rude and not answer the door so I stood up and slowly made my way over to the front door then I opened it.

I smiled when I saw Luke standing on the porch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Clayton will kill you if he finds out you're here."

Luke smiled "Just take a walk with me Evelyn we'll be back before he even realizes you're gone."

I bit my lip but nodded my head and went outside with him.

Luke didn't talk at first he just walked along side of me.

"You know Evelyn I could take you back with me to our pack. I'm leaving this afternoon. You could leave him. I know I don't know much but about the two of you but I can tell his not too nice to you. You could come back home with me where you belong."

I shook my head "Luke he'll come back for me and it won't be pretty when he finds me."

"Then we won't go home I'll take you anywhere you want I'll just take you away."

"Luke I want to I do but I can't go with you."

Luke started at me and nodded "Oh okay I get now. You have feelings for him."

I looked at Luke in disbelief "What?! I don't have feelings for him. I can't hate him."

"Then come with me." Luke said.

"I can't come with you. I'm his mate and he'll flip if I leave."

"Just admit it you have feelings for him. You care about him don't you?" Luke yelled.

"I don't know how I feel about him!" I yelled back.

"I thought you just said you hated him now you don't know how you feel?! You care about him just say it!"

"I don't know why you're so worried about it Luke! It's none of your business he's my mate! I'm sorry that your mate died but that doesn't mean you can try to ruin my relationship with mine!" I yelled. "I don't know how I feel about him but I'm suppose to be with him and I should at least give him a chance! So stop worrying about it!"

"Good Evelyn open your eyes! I can't stop worrying about it because I'm fucking in love with you! I always have been in love with you!"

My eyes widened and I shook my head "Luke. I'm sorry but-"

"No Evelyn don't say it I know you don't feel the same way you don't have to tell me."

"I'm sorry Luke I wish it wasn't like this."

Luke laughed "You know what Evelyn I lied to you. Your parents aren't fine. Yeah they're alive but there a mess hell the whole pack is a mess. So many people died in that attack. 73 people died that night and we thought you were dead too. The whole village is burnt down and half the pack is dead or injured. You parents think you're dead all they've done since that night is cry because they lost their only child. And it's all because of your mate."

"I'm sorry Luke I didn't know."

"Fuck you Evelyn just go running back to your precious little mate. Don't worry I'll tell everybody that you're alive and well." He harshly growled walking away from me.

"Luke wait!" I yelled after him.

"Go back to him Evelyn just don't ever come back to the pack again. Because nobody will want to see you again!" Luke yelled running away.

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