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"What?!" I screamed at Clayton "Why does he want to kill me?!"

"Because he knows if anything happened to you the pack would be without Luna so they'd be weak and I would be a mess." He muttered pulling me into the house behind him slamming the door shut.

"Why would he want that? And why are we going to war with them?"

"It's complicated Ev and I don't want to tell you about it, it has nothing to do with you."

"The hell it doesn't! For one he's trying to kill me and for two I am the Luna of this pack which means I'm the female Alpha so I have just as much right to know as you do!" I yelled at him.

Clayton glared down at me "Fine I'll tell you." He spoke moving to the living room sitting on the couch.

I followed behind him and sat on the couch far away from him. "Go on then, tell me everything."

Clayton let out a dramatic sigh before starting to speak "My father he hated being Alpha more then anything he never wanted to be the Alpha to begin with but being his father's only child his choices were limited either be the Alpha or let the pack go without a leader which would end bad so he became Alpha and after the job cost him his mate he hated it even more. He hated the job so much he didn't care about our pack having power so our pack was poor and weak. The day I turned eighteen be passed on to me all the duty's of an Alpha and I was young and all I wanted was power and I was willing to do whatever it took to gain power. I trained my men to be good fighters and the women to be good nurses. I killed many people of other packs and even many my own people. Every pack that tried to stop me I ordered for them to be attacked and one by one every pack fell and this pack became stronger. It all worked wonderfully until we attacked the Black Moon pack. They were the strongest pack in America I knew that if I could get him out of the way I would be the Alpha of the strongest pack. I tried just going to talk to him about it and hopefully just have him give up but he wouldn't. So me and my men trained for six months to prepare to take them down. It was a difficult fight three fourths of my men dies but we destroyed most of the pack and I killed his mate but I decided to leave their Alpha alive so he had to suffer to prove to him and other Alphas what happen when anybody tried to get in my way. And when it was all over I was the Alpha of the strongest pack I didn't care that I had killed people I just loved the power. But keeping him alive way a mistake he picked up rogues and then along with his surving men have been training for years and when he heard I had a found my mate he decided it was time for him to attack. I tried my best to make sure he wouldn't find out about you I even worked long nights but nothing could stop it because once one person find out it spread like a wildfire and he found out in a matter of days."

I stared at him not knowing what to say before I stood up "You should've told me earlier I would think that maybe this way very important. Maybe even important enough to share with me. I mean especially now when I'm pregnant with your child because now this child is also in danger because you were power hungry. Were you ever planning on telling me or were you not gonna say anything and I would've found out when he was already killing me."

"Evelyn I was going to tell you I swear I just needed time to stop him and I thought that if I could find away to stop him then you would never need to know but if I could've I would've told you eventually." He replied.

I shook my head and turned around and ran up to the bedroom locking the door behind me. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs then I heard the door handle jiggle. Soon after I heard him pounding on the door.

"Please just leave me alone!" I yelled my voice cracking as tears started falling from my face.

"Evelyn open the door for me or I swear to god I will break it down!" He spoke in his Alpha tone.

"I said I wanted to be alone!" I screamed at him through the door.

"Just open the god damn door for me before I loose my temper!" He growled.

I winched when I pictured how bad it could get if he lost it. He had never really lost his temper with me because he was Alpha so he had more control than most but once he lost his temper either he'd shift into his wolf or let his wolf take over his human body and his wolf would be upset with me and it wouldn't end well. I let out a deep breath and walked up to the door and unlocked it.

The second the door unlocked the door swung open. Clayton looked furious at me but the second he looked down at my face and saw tears his eyes softened and his mad face turned into a sad one. He immediately walked up to me, wrapped his arms around me and held me in his arms. He kissed me softly on the top of my head.

"Shhhh honey please don't cry. I'll do anything just please stop crying." He begged.

I cried into his chest and I wrapped my arms around him "Clayton I just can't do this." I whispered.

"You can't do what?" He asked me softly and he ran his began rubbing my back softly with one hand.

"I can't be pregnant and have a baby and I can't raise a child I know nothing about children so how am i suppose to have one and I'm too young to have a baby and it seems like I don't even know you and we're engaged and having a baby and I don't even think you're able to raise a child. And I can't be a good Luna and I'm not sure I even want to be a Luna I'm just not strong enough to be the Luna." I cried.

Clayton sighed and said "Listen you can do this with the baby you have me and I'll do anything I can to be a good father to this baby hell I'll take parenting classes if you wanted me to and I wouldn't even need to because we love each other and if we have that then we can be great patents of we work together. And hell yeah we're gonna get married before the baby comes because I want nothing more than to see you walking down the isle with your dad by your side. And bullshit you're strong, I mean you're strong enough to put up with my shit and you'll be a great Luna." Clayton said.

I hugged him tighter and whispered "You're perfect."

Clayton laughed loudly "I hate to break it to you but I'm far from perfect."

I shook my head "I know that but I'm my eyes you're the perfect man."

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