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I walked down the stairs of the pack house slowly trying my best to be silent gripping my phone in one hand and the bag Clayton had packed me in the other. I prayed to God that Clayton had already left so I wouldn't run into him. Once I finished going down the stairs I walked as fast as I could to the front door. 

"Evelyn? Where are you going?" I heard James speak.

I looked up and saw him standing right in front of the front door. I smiled sweet at him "I decided that I wanted to go back home. To go and be with Clayton." I lied.

James pursed his lips "I thought you two were fighting. He just left here really pissed."

"I know and I realized that I was wrong and I had just overreacted."

"You shouldn't be walking home. I'll drive you there."

"No! I mean the house is only a few minutes away. And I need to walk to think about things."

"Then I'll walk you home."

"No I'm fine."

"No, really what kind of a Beta would I be if I let my Luna walk home alone that could lead to danger. Especially when we are about to be in war and there are people who wish to kill you."

"You would be the kind of Beta that listened to his Luna." I replied. "Anyways Clayton knows I'm coming and he's meeting me halfway home."

James sighed "Alright then. Just make sure you call me when you get home so I know you get there safely."

"Okay." I said and walked passed him and walked through the front door and out of the house closing the door behind me. 

The pack house wasn't too far from the outside of town, only about ten minutes by walking. I put my head down and walked quickly down the road. After ten minutes I saw Luke standing there right outside of town waiting for me.

I slowed my walking and smiled at him "You're early." I whispered to him.

He smiled at me "I ran as fast as I could."

I nodded "We should start going. Before he realizes I'm gone." I whispered.

"Yeah, I just have something I need to tell you first. Alright?" He whispered.

"Yeah, okay." I replied.

"I'm in love with you." He whispered. 

"Why? Why did you say that? I mean what did you expect me to say to that?" I asked quietly.

Luke bit his lip "Say you're in love with me too." He whispered.

"I can't do that. I'm sorry. I mean I use to love you but you didn't love me back and you broke my heart and right when I got over you I found Clayton and I'm sorry but he took my heart and even if I don't want to be with him he stole my heart and now it belongs to him. Forever. And I'm pregnant with his child. So let's just please go."

Luke's eyes widened "You're pregnant?!" He yelled.

I nodded "Yeah I'm about a month and a half pregnant." 

"Never mind then I can't take you away." He spoke.

"What?! Why not?!" I yelled.

"If you're having his child you need to stay with him. The child needs both of its parents and since this child is going to be either future Luna or Alpha so I have no right taking it away from its pack. And even though I love you if you're having his baby the child should have parents that love each other so no matter what he did you should take to him about it and forgive him." Luke said. "Give me your phone." 

"Why?" I asked.

"Just give it to me Evelyn." He said holding out his hand .

I nodded and pulled my  phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

He unlocked my phone then seconds later he put my phone up to his ear. "Hello." He answered. "Come to the northern part of the outskirts of town immediately Evelyn is here. I found her out here she said she was on her way to your house and she got lost." He spoke lying for me.

He handed me my phone back "Clayton said he'll be here to pick you up in a minute so I'm gonna get going so I don't have a run in with him." Luke said and ran away before I could respond to him.

Luke was right. I had to at least try to fix things with Clayton for the baby. So the baby can grow up seeing what a good relationship looks like.

I stood there for less then a minute before I saw the headlights of Clayton's truck as he sped down the highway. He stopped a few feet in front of me and I slowly walked over to the passenger side and opened the door I jumped into the truck immediately feeling the warm air hitting me not even realizing how cold it was outside. I shut the door behind me putting my bag in the seat between Clayton and I. I put my seat belt on and waited for Clayton to drive.

I sighed quietly "Thank you for picking me up." I said trying to have a civil conversation with him.

I looked over at him he was wearing a dirty black tee shirt and sweats he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess he looked like he had just woken up. He nodded "Of course. So you just ran into Luke?" He questioned.

"Yes. I decided I wanted to come home but I got lost." I lied.

"Evelyn I don't like it when you don't tell the truth."

"Well Clayton if you want this relationship to work you're going to have to trust me on things like this." I whispered.

Clayton nodded "Yeah, you're right. Are you hungry?" He asked.

I shrugged "I don't know, kind of."

"Okay um do you want me to stop and get you something or do you want something at home." 

"Just go to the house we have food there." I said.

Clayton nodded "Good cause we're almost home anyways." He said pulling into the driveway.

I got out of the truck and I heard Clayton following behind.

After we both go inside I sat down and patted the spot next to me for Clayton to sit by me. He gave me a confused look but sat down anyways.

"Listen Clayton, I want us to try and make this work between us but that means no more lies or secrets." 

Clayton nodded "Yeah you're right." He said.

"Okay. But I'm going to tell you something and you better listen closely if you lie or keep one more secret from me ever it's over. And I mean it. Just be honest with me if you're going to keep killing and torturing people then just tell me because it's better than you lying to me." I said.

"Okay." He whispered.

I stood up and walked towards the stairs "I'm going to bed I don't care what you do. And don't think I forgave you because I haven't.  So goodnight Clayton." I glared at him and walked upstairs.

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