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I grabbed Jocelyn's arm and pulled her into my bedroom locking the door and turning the light off.

"Evelyn what are we going to do their going to kill us!" She said loudly.

I placed my hand over her mouth "Shhhh." I whispered "You have to shut the hell up and be quiet or they're going to find us."

"They're going to find us anyways. And they're going to kill us." She cried.

I shook my head and grabbed her shoulder tightly "Hold it together Jocelyn." I whispered. "Everything will be fine. Clayton will be home soon and he'll save us."

She shook her head "Clayton isn't coming, he can't. He's the Alpha so he has a responsibility to protect the pack before his family." She cried. "And once they killed is they'll go and make sure they kill the rest of the pack."

"Just shut the hell up Jocelyn. They won't find us if we're quiet."

"They can smell us! And we're going die! I'm going to die and your baby is going to die and it's all your fault! It's all because of you and Clayton!"

I stared at her blankly and I shook my head "No, you're not going to die, and neither is my baby, I'm not going to let you die." I whispered as I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs

Her eyes widened at the sound of footsteps as she whimpered "You can't protect us, you can't fight off werewolves."

I shoved my arms out to her "Take my baby." I growled.

She sighed and refused "Honestly Evelyn I don't think now's the time for you to play games."

"Take my god damn baby right now or I swear to god I will slit your throat myself." My voice shook as I tried to stay quiet.

Jocelyn nodded her head and took the little boy away from me and held him in her arms tightly.

I walked away from her and swung open the closest doors "Get in the Closet Jocelyn." I snapped.

She nodded her head in submission and entered the closest.

"You need to stay absolutely silent and make sure that the baby is silent. You are not to leave this closet until you know it's safe for you to leave, no matter what you hear you have to shut the hell up and stay in this closet. Do you understand me?"

Jocelyn nodded her head frantically "Yes but I don't understand, why aren't you hiding with us?"

I shook my head "I'm Luna of this pack which means I have a responsibility to put the lives of my members over my own, as a Luna I have to be able to sacrifice myself to protect my friends, family, and the future Alpha of this pack."

Jocelyn shook her head "Evelyn no you're acting ridiculous I can't let you put yourself at risk to protect me and the baby."

"I'm not doing this to protect you." I snapped "I'm doing this to protect the future of this pack. I'm doing this to make sure that no matter what happens tonight our pack will have a living Alpha, weather it's Clayton or my baby."

Jocelyn whimpered "Don't worry I'll protect this baby with my life Evelyn."

"Tell Clayton that I love him and that I don't regret a second about being with him. And please if you live through this night raise my baby, even if Clayton lives raise my baby. Because Clayton won't be able to do it." I whispered as I heard the bedroom door rattle making me close the closest door. I walked over to the bed and lifted the mattress grabbing the silver dagger Clayton kept under the bed and putting the dagger up my sleeve.

I wiped the tears away from my face and walked to the bedroom door ready to face my attackers. I swung the door open and smiled at them. Seeing Jackson and two other males standing in the doorway.

Jackson reached out and grabbed my arm roughly "Hello lovely Evelyn." He whispered looking down at my stomach. "It looks like your not pregnant anymore. Where's the little bugger?"

"Dead." I lied "He was stillborn."

Jackson bit his lip and hesitantly nodded his head "I'm really sorry to do this to you, I always liked you. You always had this kind of spunk to you. I always found out funny the way you talked back to Clayton with such sas. I'm truly sorry that I have to be the one to kill you."

"Then don't kill me. Nobody is making you do this but yourself." I said staring him in his cold eyes.

"I have to do this, as payback to Clayton. He ruined my life and took everything away from me, now I have to do the same to him. I have to take everything away from him."

I smiled at him and took a step closer "But Jackson wouldn't it be so much worse if instead of killing me you claimed me as your own. Taking me to be your Luna, that would hurt Clayton more." I whispered taking one more step towards him "I could be a good Luna to you, we would make a marvelous team." I spoke reaching out to him and stroking his arm, in one movement I moved my arm to him abdomen and pulled out the dagger, plunging it into him.

I pulled away from Jackson and took a step back,watching him bleed out.

"You bitch!" He yelled ripping the dagger out of his body and taking a step closer to me.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled backing up "Clayton will come back soon and if you kill me he will find you and he will torture you and your whole entire god damn pack to death! Leave now and he will only make you pay for attacking his pack! Which I promise you is a minor offense compared to killing the Luna!"

Jackson laughed "I don't give a damn! I'm already dead inside." He said weakly walking towards me as he bleed from his abdomen.

"He will skin you alive! He will make you wish you were dead! He will make death your close friend!" I yelled.

"If he cares so much about you then where is he?" He questioned.

"He's doing what's best for the pack! He's being a good Alpha!"

"A good Alpha would be here to take care of his Luna!" He yelled suddenly lunging at me staving me with a sharp knife right above my heart making me fall to the ground holding the wound, the knife still in my body.

"Get the hell away from her!" I heard Clayton's deep voice say and felt Jackson being pulled off of me as I fell to the ground.

I heard rustling followed by muffled screaming as I laid on the ground feeling blood seeping out of the hole in my chest. A few seconds later I saw a fuzzy Clayton standing above me.

"Evelyn just keep your eyes open and keep breathing baby, you'll be fine. The pack doctor is in his way to take care of you."

"Clayton." I mumbled feeling myself slip away. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Shhh baby don't. You have to save your energy."

"I love you." I whispered "I love you more than anything. Clayton you were the love of my life."

Clayton petted my head "Shhh don't talk like that. You're going to be just fine darling. Don't act like this is the end for you. Because I'm not done yet, and you're not done yet. We're not done yet."

I smiled at him "Clayton I'm done." I whispered "Clayton this is the end for me." I reached up and grabbed his arm weakly "Promise me you'll find someone else to be with, I don't want you to be alone. And I don't want our baby to grow up without a mom."

"Vincent isn't going to grow up without a mom because you're going to be fine." He growled.

"Vincent?" I smiled.

"Yeah Vincent, our baby's name is Vincent. Just like the reindeer."

My eyes fluttered closed not being able to keep them open for another second, I let go of Clayton's hand letting it go weakly, and I felt myself stop breathing. Letting myself slip away.

The end.

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