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I felt a cold breeze hitting my bare back making me reach out for a blanket when I was unable to grab a blanket I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a couple times allowing me to see clearer, seeing the familiar sight of my bedroom.

I sat up and immediately regretted it feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down and lifted my shirt seeing a huge bandage wrapped around my torso.

Lifting the bandage slightly I saw a long uneven cut on my lower stomach. And my baby no longer in my womb.

I felt my heart speeding up because I was unable to recall what had happened.

"Clayton!" I screamed. "Clayton!"

Seconds later Clayton ran into the room with worry on his face. He ran over to me and knelt down "How are you feeling?" He whispered.

I shook my head "Clayton where's my baby?" I asked full of worry.

Clayton furrowed his eyebrows "He's in his nursery sleeping."

I stood up feeling weak leaning against the wall for support.

"Evelyn what are you doing? You just had a surgery you should be in bed!"

I shook my head "I need to see my baby."

"Evelyn get back in bed." He demanded "I'll bring him in here for you to see. I'll even bring his crib in here so he can stay in here until you've healed."

"Clayton what are you talking about? I'm fine."

"Evelyn sit down I need to talk to you." He said.
I nodded my head and slowly sat back down on the bed immediately feeling relief.

"We had to do an emergency c section on you the baby was coming out backwards. And there was some complications with the c section and we had to..." He spoke sadly running his fingers through his hair "You started bleeding from your ovaries during the surgery so we had to take out your ovaries and we had to take out your fallopian tubes."

Felt my eyes watering up and I began shaking "So does that mean that I can't have any more kids?"

Clayton sighed and shook his head no. "I'm so sorry Evelyn. It's my fault I should've taken you to the hospital like you wanted, I should've just listened to you. I should've done what was best for you, it's all my fault and I'll do anything to make it up to you Evelyn I'm so sorry."

I stared at him feeling numb "Just bring me, my baby. I just want to see my baby." I mumbled.

Clayton nodded his head and stood up leaving the room to go grab the baby.

I never wanted more than one kid but it upset me that I wouldn't even have the option to have more kids.

Clayton walked through the door carrying the baby. He walked over to me.

I reached out my arms for the baby, Clayton handed him to me.

I pulled the baby closed to me and stared down at the baby in my arms. He had the same light brown hair as Clayton, and the same sparkling green eyes as Clayton. Everything about the baby was small even his nose. I immediately fell in love with the small angel in my arms.

Clayton sat by me and wrapped his arms around me making me tense up.

"He looks like you." I whispered "He's so cute and small."

Clayton chuckled "I thought he looked more like you than me."

"Clayton we still have to give him a name." I whispered.

I felt Clayton nod his head "I know, but we still have to agree on a name for the baby. But I don't have time right now honey. I have pack business to take car of."

"Clayton I just had a baby and you're already leaving me?" I said frustrated.

"Yeah, I have to deal with the pack war the you declared." He grunted.

I clenched my jaw "I knew it was a bad idea to have a kid with you, I knew you would do this. I knew you wouldn't be around for me or the baby."

"And I knew you would be a complete bitch about it just like you always are."

"You know what Clayton just leave. I don't need you around I can take care of this baby by myself and heal from my surgery by myself without your help."

"I have to deal with pack business or else our pack will die and burn. Including you, me, and our baby. I have to deal with problems that you made." He growled.

"Fine then leave. I don't care what you do. Like I told you before I don't need you."

"Evelyn listen I'll be home soon I'll just be gone for an hour or so." He spoke "I'll bring the crib in here then I'm going to leave."

"Fine." I grunted.

As promised Clayton brought the crib into our room then took the baby from me and put him in the crib.

After Clayton left I laid down and closed my eyes falling asleep. Sleeping soundly until I woke up to somebody shaking me.

I opened my eyes and saw Jocelyn standing in front of me in her pajamas with fear on her face.

"Evelyn get up and grab you baby we have to leave now." She said panicked throwing a coat and a pair of shoes at me.

"Jocelyn what are you talking about?" I said confused.

"The pack is under attack and their are prone that are going to come here to kill you so we have to leave now. We have to go and hide to protect you and your baby."

I nodded my head and put my coat on and my shoes quickly before I grabbed a blanket and wrapped the baby tightly in it to keep him warm. Once we exited the bedroom we heard the crack of the front door breaking and footsteps entering the house.

Jocelyn looked at me with wide eyes and whispered "We're too late."

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