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Chapter Eleven

I walked backed into Clayton's house with tears running down my face. I shut the door behind me when I was suddenly pressed up against the door roughly.

"Where the hell have you been Evelyn?!" Clayton roughly growled in my ear.

I looked at the ground away from Clayton I stayed silent not responding back to him.

"You were with him weren't you?!" Clayton growled.

I looked up at Clayton but I didn't talk I just started to cry harder.

"Why are you crying?" He said softer looking me in the eyes. "God Evelyn did I do something to make you cry? I'm so sorry if I did!"

I shook my head and said "It's nothing Clayton don't worry about it."

"Evelyn you're crying of course I'm going to worry about it." Clayton whispered softly he reached his hand to my face and wiped the tears off of my face gently.

Without thinking about what I was doing I suddenly wrapped my arms around Clayton's shoulders pulling him close to me. I put my head on his chest and cried into it.

Clayton stood there for a few seconds obviously shocked by my sudden action but after a while he hugged me back and rubbed small circles in my back trying to calm me down.

After what seemed like a lifetime of standing in his arms I finally pulled myself away from Clayton even though I was still crying.

"Clayton I don't see how we could ever be together." I softly said.

Clayton shook his head. "One day we'll be together. I know we will be happy together it's our destiny."

I shook my head "Clayton I know we'll never be together."

"No Evelyn you just have to believe that we will be."

"Your a killer Clayton!" I said loudly.

"That's just a minor detail you just have to look past that."

I scoffed "Look past the part where you're a psycho killer? Yeah that's not happening."

"I can change Evelyn, I can change for you I'll try to not kill anymore."

"That's not what I want Clayton!" I yelled.

"Well then what do you want? Because I don't know what else I could do to make you happy!"

"Let me leave." I whispered. "Let me go home I'll be happy then."

"I can't do let you go, you know that. I need to be with you I can't let you leave me." Clayton sternly said.

"I'd still see you. You could come and visit me and I could come here and visit you." I whispered again.

"No you're never leaving me!" He gripped my shoulders sternly and looked in my eyes. "You're never going to leave me." He repeated softer this time.

I sighed but didn't argue with him.

"Evelyn one day you'll love me and it'll be a privilege to be loved by you." Clayton said stepping closer to me.

He hovered over me for a couple seconds before he gently kissed me softly. It wasn't like the last time he kissed me. This time he was soft and gentle. He gently gripped my face in his hands and he gently moved his lips against mine.

I knew it was wrong to let him kiss me so I pushed him away from me.

"Clayton I'm so sorry but I can't do this."

Clayton turned around so he wasn't facing me "Yeah I know." He said his voice full of pain.

"Clayton I'm sorry."

"No it's fine. It's my fault I knew you didn't feel the same. It was stupid for me to kiss you." He softly said.

I sighed and whispered "Clayton I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap if that's alright with you."

"Yeah that's fine." He said somewhat harshly.

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