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Hunter's soft lips moved against mine in an urgent matter. One of his large hands held my face still and his other was tangled in my hair. I felt my body ignite with sparks but it was nothing compared to what I felt when Clayton kissed me. When Clayton kissed me I felt a whole firework show, Hunter was like a the ignition of a single firecracker.

Hunter pulled away from me slowly his breathing heavy. He stared in the eyes with a huge smile on his face.

I stared at his face and my face I immediately frowned. Up close you could see his face was still bruised and cut from Clayton last time.

I put my hand up to his face gently as I caressed his face. "I'm so sorry, it's my fault he did this to you." I whispered.

"It's fine. I don't even feel it anymore." He whispered back "You're totally worth it anyways."

I frowned at him "He'll kill you if he finds out we kissed again."

Hunter shrugged "Then he's not going to find out. And you'd be totally worth it."

I bit my lip "This can't happen again. It's not good for either of us. I'm six months pregnant and married, and your seventeen and still in high school."

"I graduate in May. And I'm going to be eighteen in five weeks. And I already told you I will be a father to this child of you want me to, I'll love that baby as if it's my own kid. I mean I can get a job when I graduate and I can get us a place so we can move away from Clayton. And I can get a job that will earn enough money to support you and the baby. My dad has connections at the lumber yard. I'll work their. And you could leave him if you really wanted to."

I sighed "No it will never work out between us. We can't see each other anymore okay?"

"No. Listen to me I love you so fucking much. And you should at least take time to think about what you want. Take a few days and if you want to stay with him that's fine and I'll leave you alone. But if you want to be with me and leave him we could make it work, it would be hard but we could make it work."

"What about when you find your mate?" I questioned.

"My mate? I don't have a mate."

"What are you talking about every wolf has a mate." I whispered.

"My mate died when we were children. I didn't know her but I felt it and the pain was so bad I went into a two month coma. My mate is dead. So you don't have to worry about that."

"Hunter, I can't do this." I whispered.

"Just think about it that's all I'm asking for." He spoke picking my arm up with his and pointing to the bruises on my arm "I bet he did this to you. He grabbed your wrist to tightly like he always does didn't he. And he held onto as if you didn't know it was hurting you. Then when he saw the bruises he said he was sorry like he always does. And he probably told you that he's trying to change and be good for you. But here's the thing Ev, he'll never change. And you'll think he's doing better but then two weeks later he's going to be doing the same shit he was two weeks before, he's just going to continue hurting you, his mate! He's not suppose to enjoy hurting his mate but he does! He enjoys hurting you and it's fucking sick! He's suppose to hurt when you hurt but he doesn't! He's suppose to want to protect you but the only you really need protection from is him. Because he's not going to change. He's not going to change not for you or your baby. So if you want to stick around and get hurt and get your little boy hurt then go ahead and stay with him I'm not going to stop you. But if you want someone who will treat you the way a lady should be treated then I'm here for you. Just think about it okay?"

I felt my eyes water "I love him." I whispered "I love him more than anything else. He's not all bad. Most of the time he's actually kind and generous to me. Most of the time he treats me like a princess, he gives me everything I want. And he just has a bad temper. If I learn how to not piss him off everything will be fine. He doesn't mean to be mean to me he just gets mad sometimes."

"But that's the thing, you shouldn't learn how to adapt to not make him mad. You shouldn't walk on eggshells the rest of your life because he has an 'anger issue.'"

I shook my head "Listen I'll think about it okay? I better be going back before Clayton notices that I've been missing." I said walking away leaving Hunter standing by the creek as he stared at me.

I managed to navigate my way through the woods and make it back to the pack house, where Clayton was in the yard still talking to his friends. He hadn't even noticed I was gone.

Clayton turned his head and looked at me and gave me a small smile before he turned away from his friends and walked towards me.

"You wondered off for a little bit where did you go?" He asked his voice soft and sweet.

"I needed some alone time so I took a small walk through the woods." I shrugged.

Clayton nodded "Okay, just make sure you're safe when you're taking your walks, although I really wish you wouldn't go walking alone. Just make sure you're safe I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you, or our baby." He spoke sweetly.

I smiled at him "Don't worry I'm always careful when I go."

"Listen Ev, I'm really sorry for earlier, and last night. I just lost my temper with you I didn't mean to yell and grab your wrists. But don't worry I'm going to change, I really am. I'm going to change and be better for you."

I nodded my head feeling my heart sink asHunters words ran through my head saying he would never change for me.

"Let's just go home I'm really tired." I whispered.

Clayton chuckled "You should be, you did declare war on a pack today. But don't worry about it. Truth is we would've gone to war with them anyways and I'll be able to come up with a plan." He stared at my face and his eyebrows furrowed "Your lips are swollen." He stated.

I nodded my head "I tripped earlier and bit down on my lip hard."

"Okay. Let's go home." Clayton said putting one of his arms around my shoulder pulling me closer.

As we left I turned around one more time and saw Hunter staring at us with a sad smile as he waved goodbye to me.


A/N Team Hunter or team Clayton?

Next update in a few days!

Deuces Juices!

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