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Chapter Sixteen

I walked into the house slamming the door behind me I walked up to Clayton and I pushed him. "Why would you kill him?!"

"Because he made you cry." He mumbled.

"You make me cry all the time! Maybe you should be killed too!"

Clayton didn't say anything he just stared at me blankly.

I pushed him more and yelled "You know for a second I thought that I might be falling in love with you but I was wrong! You're fucking sick and I hate you so fucking much! I wish you were never born!"

Clayton bit his lip and continued staring at me.

"I know why you killed him! It's because you knew! You knew that I was fucking in love with him didn't you?! How did you know I loved him?!"

Clayton shook his head "I don't know just by the way you looked at him and the way you talked about him. I didn't want him to take you away from me. You were the first person that I ever loved and I couldn't have you taken away from me."

I shook my head "Clayton I choose you over him. He asked me to leave with him. But I refused because I wanted to stay here. But now I wish I would've left when he asked me to go."

"I didn't kill him." Clayton whispered. "I just hurt him badly and told him never to come near you again."

I shook my head and said "You're really that fucking insecure about yourself? You're sick Clayton."

"I know I'm sick! You tell me so every day!"

"And you're so insecure!"

Clayton stepped towards me with wide eyes "I am not insecure." He growled at me.

"Yes you are! You're so insecure you pretended to kill somebody because you thought I'd go run away with him or some crazy shit like that."

"That's because you lied to me! I asked you how you felt about him and you told me you had no feelings for him but you were in love with him! Hell I bet you're still in love with him. Aren't you?" Clayton screamed at me.

"It doesn't matter how I feel about him! I chose you over him that should be enough for you!"

"You love him. Say it Evelyn. Say that you love him!"

"No. I'm not going to say that! And you can't make me!" I yelled pushing him away from me.

"I'll kill him Evelyn! I swear to god I'll fucking kill him!"

"No Clayton please don't hurt him." I begged him.

"Why?! Give me one good reason for why I shouldn't go hunt him down right now and kill him."

"Because Clayton if you do I will never ever forgive you. I will never talk to you again and I will never stop trying to leave you. I would keep escaping no matter how many times you drag me back here I will always leave. But if you leave him alone I promise you I'll never see him. I will never leave you. I will stay with you for the rest of my life I will never try to leave you. I will be a good mate for you. I will listen to you, I will cook, and clean for you, and I will do everything you tell me to do."

Clayton stared at me for a minute before nodding his head "Okay, you have a deal."

I just stood there for a minutes before I spoke "But Clayton I can't be the only one who's going to try."

"Yeah, I understand that Evelyn."

I shook my head "No Clayton I'm serious. You have to actually try, you have to listen me, you can't yell at me all the time, you can't threaten to kill people I care about, and you actually have to try. If you don't try then this is never going to work." I whispered with tears coming out of my eyes.

"Okay Evelyn I will try."

I nodded my head and hugged him tightly and whispered "Thank you."

Clayton held me back and softly whispered "Are you thanking me for not killing the man who you love? Or are you thanking me for agreeing not to treat you like trash anymore?"

I chuckled putting my head in his chest and I whispered "Thank you loving me."

Clayton kissed me on my head and whispered "Thank you for giving me someone to love."

At that moment I realized that I falling hardly in love with a crazy sadist.


A/N so I've decided that I'll update regularly on every Friday but each week I will set goals and if you meet the goals I'll update early so this weeks goals are ten votes, and two comments.

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