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"What do you mean you broke a deal with Luke?" I asked.

"I had a deal with him. And I backed out, last minute." Clayton said not looking at me.

I bit my lip "What was the deal?"

"It was nothing okay? It doesn't matter anymore."

"Clayton tell her what the deal you made was or else I will."

Clayton looked at the ground "I'm so sorry Evelyn I wasn't thinking when I made the deal and it was before even knew you!"

"What was the deal?" I questioned.

"I never wanted a mate Evelyn. I thought it would make me weak and I was afraid of hurting my mate, but at the same time I wanted you as a mate because I knew that a Luna would make the pack stronger. And when I saw you I freaked out and I didn't know what to do. So I just continued to well you know, follow you around until I could figure something out. And one day Luke, he approached me. And somehow he knew that you were my mate, he told me that he had seen me following you around for sometime, then he said that I should leave you alone, and that he loved you. And I told him not to worry about anything because I didn't want you anyways, and I would want you to make my pack stronger."

Clayton took a deep breath before he continued.

"And he came up with a deal. He said that if I took you away I could make you the Luna of the pack. Then the plan was I would make you fall in love with me and I would break your heart, telling you I didn't want you. So that you would go back to your pack and Luke would be there to comfort you and he would make you love him and you guys would love happily ever after. And at first I was following the deal doing everything right, but then something happened, I fell in love with you Evelyn. And I knew I couldn't break you like that and give you up to Luke but I was still going to do it, for your own good because I thought I wasn't good enough for you, and he could've made you so much happier. Then when you told me that you were in love with me I froze I knew that was when I was suppose to break your heart but I looked into your eyes and got ready to break you and I just couldn't do it. That night I called Luke and I told him the deal was off but he wouldn't listen to me to him the deal never ended." Clayton said still not looking at me.

I started to cry hard immediately when I heard his words. Jocelyn excused herself from the room leaving us to ourselves.

We sat there not saying anything to each other my sadness turning into anger. I stood up and walked over to Clayton, punching him as hard in the face as I could. "Is that all I am to you?! A deal?!" I screamed I'm his face.

"I'm sorry." He whispered reaching out and placing his hand on my shoulder.

I pushed away from him "Don't you dare touch me." I growled at him.

"Evelyn I never wanted to hurt you." He whispered "I love you."

"I'm so done Clayton. I'm so done with dealing with your bullshit and your lying and your games. I'm done with you. I'm done with us, with trying to make us work. And I've tried to make it with, I have. I even believed that deep down you were a good man, but I was wrong, I was so wrong. You're evil, down to the core." I spoke and grabbed my halfway unpacked bag from the bed and put my clothes in it.

"What are you doing?" Clayton asked in a deep voice, grabbing my arm lightly to get me to stop putting things in the suitcase.

"I told you were done. I'm not going to stick around when you constantly hurt me time, and time again. So I'm not going to stay here just to get hurt again, and I'm not going to stick around and allow you to even have the opportunity to hurt this baby. This baby needs a father, but I would rather raise a baby with no father, than raise a baby with a father that's a piece of shit like you. So I'm leaving."

"In not going to let you leave me, but I don't want to be the one to force you to stay but I will be if I have to." He angrily spoke.

"You've been that guy from day one, you've always have been the 'guy that forces me to stay.'"

"I have to be that guy because you're constantly trying to leave me, and I can't even imagine living a life with you not in it. Because I love you, so you know that I'm not going to let you go." He spoke.

I sighed "You don't love me, if you loved me you wouldn't hurt me the way you do."

"When I made that deal I didn't even know you! I didn't know that I would fall in love with you! I'm so sorry Evelyn, I know we can make it over this."

"Maybe I don't want to make it over this! Maybe I just want this to be over because I don't want to be with you anymore. I can't be with you anymore."

"I love you. Please just try to meet over this because I really love you."

I shook my head "You don't love me if you loved me you'd let me go."

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