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"Evelyn what did you do?!" Clayton yelled as he got into the truck.

I shrugged "It had to be done and you were too chicken to do it. It was going to happen anyways."

"You don't know anything about this!" Clayton boomed "Your so stupid Evelyn! You know nothing about this pack! If you knew anything you would know they we're nowhere near ready for war! But you refuse to have anything to do with the pack unless it's for your own benefit!"

I rolled my eyes "He was threatening to kill you!" I yelled "I warned him to leave or I would declare war but he wouldn't listen! And I couldn't just let him talk about killing you!"

"You're weak! You should've had the self control to shut your mouth and ignore him! That's what a good Luna would've done! A good Luna would've been thinking of the good for the pack! Not what would be good for her! Your selfish and arrogant!" Clayton yelled.

"It doesn't matter you'll just take care of it. You've beat them before you can beat them again." I whispered. "And the time you'll be stronger because you have found your mate and everyone knows that a pack gets stronger when they have a Luna."

"A pack is only as strong as it's Luna! And you are weak! So the pack is weak! And this is not some kind of a thing that I can just take care of! People will die Evelyn! Good people will die! You could die or I could die from your stupid decision!"

"Calm you tits Clayton! Everything will be fine!"

"No, everything will not be fine! I know things about war unlike you! And I know that our pack isn't ready! If you had been playing any attention at all to the pack your suppose to be running with me you would know that we just got out of war not to long ago and we're still weak!"

"Maybe I would pay attention to the pack if you let me have anything to do with the pack! But you never let me!"

"I never let you?! Oh really?! You have never shown any interest in my work! You never want to know what's happening! You didn't even go to the last pack meeting because you were mad at me so you didn't want anything to do with the pack! You're a selfish bitch! You don't deserve to be Luna!"

"Well boohoo maybe you shouldn't of made me Luna then! Maybe you should've just rejected me! Or maybe you should've gone through with your deal and let me be with Luke!"

Clayton's grip on the steering wheel tightened "You've put the whole pack in danger, and now it's worse because your pregnant! You put our child in danger! And I mean really you still haven't forgiven me for that?! I told you I'm sorry for making that fucking deal so stop bringing it up!"

"I'm sorry okay?! Are you happy now! You win! I'm sorry I felt the need to protect you! It was stupid okay?! I wasn't thinking!" I yelled.

Clayton stayed silent for a few minutes before he spoke "I'm so fucking tired. I'm tired of fighting you constantly. And it never changes we always fight about the same things and we say the same things. I just can't fight you anymore. But I can't have you declaring war on packs. I don't want to fight about this, what's done is done and we can't change what you did."

I rolled my eyes "Your not going to fight with me about because your a pussy."

"Enough Evelyn!" Clayton yelled in his Alpha voice, making me flinch. "Stop acting like a child." He growled.

I bit my lip and stayed silent until Clayton turned the car, I sighed when I saw him pulling into the pack houses driveway. "What are we doing here?" I questioned.

"You just declared war on a pack so I mind linked James and told him to set up an immediate pack meeting here. So you can explain to everyone how you declared war on another pack."

"What do you mean I'm going to explain?!" I yelled.

"You felt like you were responsible enough to declare war on another pack then you're responsible enough to explain to the pack that you declared war on The Black Moon Pack. It's time for you to grow up and take responsibility for your actions. It's time for you to become a Luna." Clayton shrugged getting out of the truck. "If you can't grow up and be Luna and be a good mother then I'm going to take this child and leave until you learn to grow the fuck up."

I ran my fingers through my hair and followed his lead getting out of the truck behind him and walking through the gate and into the backyard where everyone was sitting in plastic chairs as they waited for us.

Everyone's head turned to us once we walked through the gate. James jumped on stage and cleared his throat "Um Luna Evelyn is going to make an announcement and everybody needs to stay respectful of her."

I sighed and slowly walked on stage grabbing the microphone. I felt like I was going to throw up I forgot how many people were in the pack there had to be at least 800 pack members. I scanned the crowd, I felt my heart drop when my eyes meet Hunter's ice cold one's. I looked away from him and cleared my throat.

"Um hi!" I nervously spoke. "Well I uh have some important news to tell you, well today I ran into Alpha Jackson, the Alpha of Black Moon pack and we exchanged some words. Before I declared war on his pack." I said nervously.

Everyone just stared at me not speaking, Clayton came on stage and took the microphone and began speaking about plans.

A few minutes later he dismissed everyone and everyone dispersed.

Clayton walked over to some guys I didn't recognize and began speaking with them.

"Um Evelyn can I speak with you for a second." Hunter said from behind me.

I nodded my head "Yeah, Let's go somewhere more private. So Clayton won't see us." I quietly said.

Hunter nodded and began walking with me following behind he walked into the forest and continued walking until we reached a small creek. I leaned up against a tree and Hunter paced back and forth. "What do you want Hunter?"

"I love you." He whispered. "God I love you so much and I hate to see you with him because he's so bad to you and he doesn't deserve you he's abusive to you! And I wanted to tell you that I would never do that. I would never hurt you. I would protect you from ever getting hurt and I would be so kind and generous to you. And I would even love your child. If you wanted me to I would raise the baby with you and I could be it's dad and we could just have it all. I could give you it all. I could give you happiness. I could give you love." He spoke looking into my eyes "I love you Evelyn, and I'll love you forever."

I bit my lip "Kiss me Hunter, kiss me until I forgot him." I whispered taking a step closer to him.

Hunter walked the few steps between us in a hurry he placed his large rough hand on the side of my face and pressed his soft lips against mine softly.


A/N I hate both Evelyn and Clayton in this. Do you guys think they'll be able to fix their relationship?

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