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Jocelyn and I sat on the bed in the room of the pack house Jocelyn told me I could stay in for the night.

Jocelyn looked at me full of worry while I took off my sweatshirt and threw it on the ground "I'm so sorry." She whispered.

I looked at her and sighed "You have nothing to be sorry about you did nothing wrong."

"Yes I did. I knew what was going on in the basement and I basically forced you to go in there." She whispered.

I looked at her in shock "You knew?" I asked getting annoyed.

She nodded her head "I wanted to tell you I thought you deserved to know but Clayton told me that if I told you he'd kick me and James out of the pack. But I still needed for you find out because I knew that Clayton shouldn't be keeping things from you and I mean you kept talking about how better and good he was becoming but he was killing and torturing people almost every day behind your back. So I did what I had to do and I came up with a plan so you'd walk down there yourself. Please don't be mad at me." She begged at the end.

"No I'm not mad at you at all actually. You did the right thing."

She smiled and nodded "Good. So what's gonna happen with you and Clayton now?"

I shrugged "I get tonight away from him then tomorrow morning he's gonna come and bring me back to his house then I don't know."

She smiled and then softly said "This might not be my place to speak but, I think that maybe you should go easy on him."

"You're right, that's not your place to speak." I said upset.

"No I'm sorry but-" 

"Maybe it's time for you to go now." I interrupted her.

"No I didn't mean it like that it's just Clayton is going through a lot right now and I know how much he loves you and I know he'd do anything for you and-"

"Anything for me?! Oh you mean like grabbing me so hard I having bruises covering my arms?! Or do you mean by shoving me against a tree so I have scratches and bruises in my back not to mention that, that could've potentially hurt the baby? Or anything like shoving a ring on my finger so my finger starts bleeding? But no you must mean he'd do anything for me but stop hurting people right?!" I yelled at her.

She stood up and walked to the door "You know what at least he loves you and he's faithful to you and at least he wants to marry you because you know what I would kill for that because James isn't like that. Did you know he cheated on me for the first year and I'm not entirely sure he ever stopped we were together and we've been together for seven years now and guess what? There's no ring in sight. I'm fact when he found out you were pregnant and engaged he told me not to get any ideas because that would never be me. He's only with me because I'm his mate and if he wasn't with me his wolf would be furious. You think Clayton is bad to you? James is just like Clayton but worse so consider yourself lucky to actually be with someone who wants you forever."

Before I could respond the door swung open and Hunter walked in and Jocelyn walked out. Hunter bit his lip and said "I'm sorry Evelyn I told him you didn't want to see him but he wouldn't listen to me." 

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

And before he answered Clayton walked through the door with a black bag in his hand he glared over and Hunter and growled "Leave Hunter!"

Hunter nodded in obedience and swiftly walked out of the room shutting the door behind him softly.

Clayton gave me a slight smile and muttered "I um brought you some stuff for tonight." He took a few steps and walked towards me and dropped the overnight bag on the bed. 

"Thanks." I whispered not looking him in the eye.

He gently grabbed my one of my arms with his hand and slightly flinched when he saw the bruises on my arm "I'm so sorry." He whispered "I never meant to hurt you." 

I didn't reply instead I backed away from him.

I felt Clayton staring at my face intensely "Take your shirt off." He whispered.

I looked at him and glared "I'm not having sex with you right now Clayton!"

Clayton shook his head "No I'm not talking about having sex, just take your shirt off please."

"You know the point of me being here right now is so I can be away from you so maybe you should leave now."

Clayton bit his lip and slowly stepped closer to me and gripped the bottom of my shirt and pulled it off removing it from my body so I was left standing in front of him in only a pink bra.

"Clayton please leave." I begged.

Clayton walked around me so he was staring at my back wait seemed like hours but we're probably only a few minutes later I heard Clayton lowly speak. "I really fucked up this time Evelyn. I just couldn't stop myself I tried to stop but you just kept in yelling and you said that you didn't love me and you didn't want me and my wolf lost it and I couldn't control myself anymore. I swear I never meant to hurt you."

I turned around so I was facing him "Stand up Clayton." I said to him. 

Clayton slowly stood up and looked down at me.

I looked up and him "Don't give me that shit Clayton." I muttered. "You know very well that's not the only reason I'm mad at you. You lied to me. You said you wanted to be good and that you were being good for me."

"I know I know and I'm sorry but I do want to be good. I want to be good for you and for our baby. I want to be a good father to this baby."

"Listen this might be your child but I decided that I don't want this baby growing up with you around. I don't want you to fuck this child up."

"You can't keep me away from this child. Or you. There's no way either of you are leaving me." He growled.

"Wanna bet? I can leave you if I really wanted to." I replied.

Clayton laughed and walked to the door "I'll come and get you in the morning." He spoke before walking out of the room.

Before thinking I grabbed my phone off of the bed I went to my contacts and dialed the number and pressed the phone up to my ear.

After a few rings I heard the familiar voice speak in the phone "Hello? Evelyn?"

"Luke, I need your help. I want to come home." I whispered into the phone. "But I can't get away from him without your help."

"Okay," I heard him say I could almost hear him smirking into the phone. "Meet me outside of the town on the west side on the road in one hour. I can't come into town but once you get there I can help you."

I smiled "Okay. I'll see you then." I spoke then hung up the phone and walking over to the ground to put my sweatshirt on.

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