Nine. Field Trips are Fun.

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Kaito's PoV

A week had passed by slower than usual, probably 'cause the weather's getting colder. That means two more weeks until tryouts for The Vocaloid Studio.

I eventually got my scarf back when I came over to pracrice our lines. We're doing pretty well for amateurs on writing a duet. We repeat the song over and over until we've found the right lyrics that flow smoothly into the song.

Aside from that, we've been hanging out a lot at her place. Mikuo hides in his room whenever I come home with Miku. I guess he's shy... or a loner.

Miku told me about what Meiko did to her; she fell in a pitfall and was saved by somebody. I can tell that she's hiding something... but okay. It's not like I'm jealous or anything...

I told her that Meiko kissed me and did other thing, not rape, and called me "bae".

"What the hell. You're not sh-tty." She agreed. "You're, like, the nicest person to hang out." With that comment, it made me blush a little.

"Um.. thanks." I said. "I also had to wash my mouth a million times that day to, you know, wash the Meiko out of me." We laughed.

"Come to think of it, where is she?" Miku asked and I shrugged. "I haven't seen her since the pitfall incident."

"Same.." I looked at the windows. "What if she's.. out there?" I gestured.

"Okay, that's just stalkerish." She scowled. "Why would she be outside of my window?"

"Because of me..?" We sat in silence for a while. I watched Miku going over to her window and looking down. She turned back to me and gave a thumbs-up sign.

"I guess I should leave now." I sighed and packed my belongings. "I'm also working at my ice cream stand tomorrow. Unless you want to stand around and chat, that's fine with me."

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there." She smiled.

"Alright. See you there."

"Bye." I walked out of the kitchen and shut the door. Walking towards the door, I spotted Mikuo sitting on one of the living room's couch. Ismiled and waved at him. He looked up, his mouth is a line.

"Yo." He said.

"Hey Mikuo." I greeted. "How are you?"

"Good, thanks. What about you?"

"I'm fine."

"Nice to hear." We stood in awkward silence for a while now. He looks a little too lonely...

"Well, if you ever want a friend to talk to, I have an older sister who's obsessed with anime and manga as well." Mikuo's eyes light up.

"Really?" He smiled. "Another otaku, like me?"

"Yep. She's single as well." I winked at him. "I'll bring her over the next time I come. We got a deal?"

"Yeah." We shook hands. "See you next time with my sister."

"Yup. Bye." I walked out of the door, grinning to myself. This is going to be a fun game.

I whipped up my phone to see if there are any text messages. There weren't any, but there were about 107 missed calls and a voice mail. I tapped the icon and listened to it...

"Hey bae. I'm at my house, waiting for you in my bed tonight. There's also a lot of sake. Hope seeing you there 'cause I f-cking love you. I know you love me too; don't lie. Love, Meiko~"

Leek-Flavored Ice Cream (Kaito x Miku)✓Where stories live. Discover now