Four. Plans.

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Miku's PoV

"Well, what do you want to do, Miku?" Rin sighed as I thought of something. It's pretty early in the morning, no one was awake. Well, everyone except Rin. I mean, yeah she's my best friend, but why are you waking me up this early in the morning.

"I don't know.. Eat? I'm kind of hungry since you woke me up." I said. "We'll take about this later in school okay?"

"Alright, fine. I'll see you tonight." Rin said as she hung up.

I sit up from the couch and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and went in the kitchen. Since it's still, I might as well make something delicious.

"Rice, leeks, beef.." I mumbled and took out the ones I needed. I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard, putting a chunk of rice in, and placed it in the microwave with a napkin covering it. Who would eat cold rice. Ew..

Placing a pan on the stove, I turned it on medium, the small fire flickering around. I put in some beef, waiting for it to cook for me. The microwave stopped as I tasted a grain of rice. Still pretty cold. I punch in the numbers for twenty more seconds.. Yeah that should be about it.

"Leeks leeks leeks I love them." I heard a familiar song being sung by my brother. A vein popped put of my forehead. This kid...

Ever since I made that cover, parody, whatever you call it, Mikuo loved it soo much he wanted me to record it as his new ringtone. It took a lot of persuading and bribing for me to do this until I finally gave in. It took me a while to record it; I had to find the instrumental version and wait until the "girls girls girls they love me" part comes into play. They were a pain in the ass for a few weeks, but I managed to make him happy.

"I'm making breakfast. You want some?" I asked and he nodded. "Get my rice out and get a bowl for yourself."

He nodded once again, putting some rice in another bowl. I heard the microwave stop again as I grabbed some plates. I dump the beef onto them and dropped the leeks on the pan. It sizzles around...

The kitchen smells nicer as the two of us set up the tables nicely. I turn off the stove, dumping the leeks on the last plate and carried it to where we were sitting.

"Thank you for the food!!" We both slapped our hands together and prayed. I then grab my pair of chopsticks and eats the first leek. Not bad, Miku. I smiled to myself.

The two of us talk and joke around for the rest of the hour. It's Friday... Why can't we have a three-day weekend?

"Miku, you'd be a really good housewife." Mikuo said as he gathered up the dirty dishes and places it in the dishwasher.

"You think?" I asked, wiping the table and getting ready.

"Yup." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes and pack my lunch.

"Whatever. Bye." I sigh, walking out the door.

After School..

Kaito's PoV

The bell rings for the last time. Everyone rushes out of the classroom, not wanting to stay in this hell hole any longer. I sigh, my head dropping on my desk.

Leek-Flavored Ice Cream (Kaito x Miku)✓Where stories live. Discover now