Thirteen. The Rolling Girl.

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Slightly Edited. idk anymore okay

Bold- Kaito  Italics- Miku  Both- Well, both lol...

Miku's PoV

The day after Kaito asked me out was the day I got discharged. They said that I was healing faster than normal. It was sad because I don't get a personal doctor anymore, but it was also a good thing; I'm freee!!!

So here I am.. in my room... just going over the lyrics. I would go to Kaito's house and chat with him about music and stuff, but I felt like I need more practice since that painful incident.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Mikuo asked, for the millionth time.

"Yeah I'm sure." I said. "Besides, auditions are tomorrow."

"Okay.. If you say so.." He sighed. "Just make sure not to answer anyone at the door, the windows are down, and sta-"

"Yeah yeah. Dude, I got it." I mumbled. "Just go."

"Okay sheesh. See you later." And with that, he closed the door shut.

As soon as I'm sure Mikuo left our apartment, I pulled put my phone and called some friends. I smiled, knowing that Mikuo would not care if I invited some friends over to hang out. Besides, he's crazy about Kaiko, so he doesn't care.

Quickly, I cleaned the house so it wouldn't look as messy as before. It's not too bad, just more neat than before.

Ding dong

Someone at the door already? I dropped my broom and rushed to the door. To my surprise, it's Kaito. He smiled at me as I ushered him inside.

"Hey. Did you past by Mikuo on the way?" I asked.

"No. I didn't even see him." He chuckled. "Cleaning the house at this time?"

"Yeah." I said sheepishly. "Want to help or wait for the others to come?"

Kaito stood there for a moment, not sure what to do. After a moment, he said "Sure."

I toss him a sponge and he went in the kitchen. I followed in as well, picking back up my broom and began sweeping again.

"Who else is coming?" He asked while scrubbing the sink.

"Um.." I paused for a bit. "Rin, Len, and Neru. I don't want a welcome back party."

"Sounds cool with me." He said. "Oh, and I just finished."

"Same." Kaito went into the living room and sat down on a couch. As for me, I took the sponge and the broom and stuffed them inside a closet. I went back upstairs to change into something different. Some shirt and some shorts will do.

Running back to the living room, I see Kaito reading something. I took a seat next to him and looked over.

"Is that our song?" I asked.

"Yeah. Tomorrow's the audition." He said. "Wouldn't want to mess up now, would we?"

"True." I smiled as he slides his arm around my shoulders. A blush can be seen if anyone was out there... stalker.

I hummed the tune of the song until someone else came. It wasn't long before we heard another ding dong at the door. Standing back up again, I open the door and saw three blondes. Rin and Len tackle-hugged me to the ground as Neru stood there, taking pictures.

"Aand... sent." She said as her phone beeped.

"Miku!! I was so worried." cried Rin as she sobbed.

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