Five. Meiko Sakine.

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Kaito's PoV

"Bae~ Look at me!!" That annoying voice.

"C'mon. I know you wanna~" Please stop nagging me.

I sighed a deep sigh, finally giving in. Slowly, I turn my head around to see a girl waving at me with one hand and a bottle of sake in another. Her light-brown hair is a mess. The clothes she was wearing were showing her bust and bottom. Cover up please..

"What do you want, Meiko?" I said with a cold tone. She giggled. You guys may think she's this happy and carefree girl, but I know what she's like. Why? Um... Just don't date girl only to shut them up. It gets worse. Trust me.

I only said yes so she would stop nagging me when she asked me out. Um, funny story, that nagging got more annoying than it was before. I broke up with her at the end of the day, and help me. She's clingy, and I saw this red swirl in her eyes...

"I think you know the answer to that." Meiko gave me a flirty wink and took a sip out of her bottle. She's drunk again...

"Um, no I don't." I turned back around and walk in the direction of my house again. I heard her let out a laugh, something I did not want to hear. Her laugh grew louder as I quickened my pace.

"Why the hell are you following me?" I turned back around and cursed. Meiko gave me a mischievous smile before speaking.

"That's a great question." She whispered in my ear. "I believe you're taking me home. To. Your. Bed."

I took off running, away from this woman. I saw it in her eyes again. Those insanely red swirled crazy eyes. It's terrifying..

"Just a few more blocks.." I panted. I finally reached my house and grabbed th-

"PIKA-BOO!!" Meiko pops up out of nowhere. "C'mon now, babe. You know you wanna~"

"No thanks." I shoved her away from the door and went inside the house. I think I'm safe... For now.

"I'm home!!" I called out. Not that anyone would care, I mean, my sister is always doing something. A woman with the same hair as mine, but with a more feminine style pokes her head out from the kitchen. She gives me a smile when she sees me.

"Hi. You want something?" My sister, Kaiko, asked and I shook my head.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm going somewhere tonight by the way." I said as I head upstairs and into my room. I changed out of my school uniform and into my casualties. Just a t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and a white-and-blue coat. I placed a pair of headphones around my neck, the chord hidden in my coat. We don't want it to be tangled now, do we?

I finished my outfit with my blue scarf. Satisfied with my look, I went back downstairs, putting my phone in the charger and went in the kitchen. I grabbed a pack of crackers from the cupboard and ate silently. Kaiko came in the kitchen when I finished my snack.

"Yo Kaito. There's this crazy fan-girl who was gushing over you." Kaiko says after I washed my hands from the sink. "Is she from your school or something?"

"I don't know... What does she look like?" I asked.

"Hm... brown hair... red and black headphones... a little pale... red clothing... and she had a bottle of sake." She described the person. "Know her?"

I choked on my glass of water, realizing who this was. Meiko Sakine. Whatever she wants, she's not going to get it..

"Well, I'm going to hang out with my friends." I say as I grab my phone and make my way to the door.

"Okay. No drinking and get home earlier than midnight." She calls from the kitchen.

"Yeah, okay."  I closed the door and looked around. Good. She's gone. I thought. I headed to the park, because it's a shortcut to the karaoke place. I wasn't expecting this, but I saw Meiko sitting at a bench, staring at me with a crazy grin on her face. I think about going the long way, but the building is close by.

"So, how 'bout it?" She puts an arm around me. Wait, how did she get here? "Let's go bang at my place."

"Uh..." How dow I reply to... this?! I make another run away from the girl. Pathetic, I know. But I'm not losing it today.

"MIIKUUUUU!!" I yelled, spotting the familiar light-blue, twin-tailed girl.

Miku's PoV

"MIIKUUUUU!!" I hear someone call out my name. I jerk my head and saw Kaito. He looks like he's running for his life. Hehe..

"HELP!!" Okay, he looks serious. I stopped giggling and turn back to him.

"Hey. What's-" I never finished my sentence when he gave me a warm hug. Um... Okay then...

He cupped my face and his hand takes my chin, pulling it towards him. What are you doing to me. My heart beats fast as he does what I wasn't expecting he would do.

"I'm sorry.." He whispers as he presses his lips against mine. My eyes widen at first, but I had to finally give in and kiss him back. Hey man, I thought we were friends..

"Kaito!! You pick this b-tch over me?!" He pulled away from my crimson-red fave and glared at a really pissed Meiko. I look at her, seeing a sake bottle in her hand. She's put drinking again...

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?" He grabbed my hand and smirked.

"Yes!! Yes there f-cking is!! How dare you!!" She stormed off to a local bar, probably drinking again..

"Well..." I say blushing. "That was awkward."

"Y-Yeah.. Sorry. I dragged you into this.." He said, letting go of my hand and turned around. Is he... blushing? He suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry... If that was your first." He mumbled and squeezed me tighter.

"It's alright." I whispered back. We stayed like this for a few more minutes until I felt like it was time to go in.

"Hey." I tugged onto his scarf. "We should go in. Rin and the others are probably worried."

"Yeah, okay." He broke away from the hug. I linked my arm into his and we went inside the building together.

What's happening to us..?

No school. More updates. :D

(Last Edited - 11/24/10)

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