Three. Leeks Leeks Leeks.

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Miku's  PoV

I run a hand through my twin-tails, curious of that ice cream stand. There isn't anyone there right now, and I'm kind of hungry, so I guess I'll wait. I pop open a textbook and start on my homework..

The sound of something opening and closing jolts me awake from my work. I rub my eyes and look around until they land on that ice cream stand. Wait.. is that... Kaito?! I watch him take out an ice cream cone and a large spoon, scooping up some ice cream. He fumbles in his wallet until he takes out some bills and places it in the cashier.

So.. Kaito has his own business..? I closed my books and packed them up, a wide grin spreading across my face. I feel the pockets of my skirt for my wallet.. Ah, it's there. Stretching, I walk over to Kaito's stand and waited for service.

"Hello. How can I help you?" He says without looking up. Man, are my footsteps really that loud?

"Um... hi." I greeted. "Do you happen to have.. leek-flavored ice cream? Yes? No? I've been looking everywhere, and you're probably my last hope.."

Kaito looked up from his cash register, his eyes widen to see me. "Oh, um.. Hey. No, sorry, I don't have that flavor..."

"Ah, it's alright." I gave him a smile. "So you have your own business?"

"Yeah. It's my dream job. Glad it came true." He winked, making me roll my eyes.

"You and your ice cream.." I teased, putting on an annoyed act. Now it's his turn to role his eyes.

"Please. I could say the same to you. You and your leeks." He chuckled. "So what do you want?"

"Well, I don't know, what do you have?" Kaito opened up his stand, digging around for something. He pulled out a chocolate fudge bar, handing it to me. I take out my wallet to pay him, but he insisted.

"Just take the money!!" I tried passing it to him, but he pushed my hand away.

"Noo, I don't need it. It's on the house."

"But I want to pay!!"

"But I don't want you too!!" We were fighting for a while, me trying to pay and him rejecting my money. There was very few people around at this time. They stared at us, thinking kids these days...

"Umm... E-Excuse me!!" We stopped our yelling. Our heads turn to a little girl who is shyly hold onto her money. "Can I have strawberry? P-Please?"

"Sure." Kaito said, taking out a cone and scooping up some pink ice cream. I ate my fudge bar quickly as the little girl thanked him. She skipped off to wherever she came from.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I said, putting my money back in my wallet. "Give them some good service."

"Will do. See you." He said as more people came. I turn and walked away. Wait.. I'm forgetting something. I turn my head back around.

"Yo, I'll try out with you!!" I yelled at Kaito. He looked up from his stand, smiling. I giggled and walked away.


"Miss. Are you seriously going to buy all of those?" The cashier eyes the leeks as I place them on the counter. A total of thirty... Probably more, but I kind of live off of these.

"Yes." I said. "How much is it?"

He tells me the amount I need as I pulled out my wallet, paying. He passes the leeks to his assistant as she puts them in a plastic bag. I thank them as I take the leeks, walking out of the store.

"Wait!! Miss!!" The lady came after me. I turn around, confused.

"You forgot your change." She shows me some coins, but I rejected.

"Ah, that? It's alright. Keep it." I smile as she returns back into the store.

"That damn Mikuo.." I cursed after a few blocks away. "He better give me back my money."

I start singing my own cover to a song I like. What can I say? Music is life. It wasn't long until I reached my apartment.

"I'm home." I closed and lock the front door. I dropped my school bag on the couch, still carrying the leeks.

"In the kitchen." I heard my older brother shout. I make my way towards Mikuo and place the bags down, sitting down on the table.

"How's school?" He asked.

"It's nice." I said. "Some cool teachers.. Some nice classmates... Oh, and there's Kaito."

"Cool. Pass me a leek." Mikuo said as I handed him the vegetable. He doesn't look like he care, but my brother can multitask pretty well.

"So you met Kaito again?"

"Yeah. Did you know he owns an ice cream stand?"

"Ah, really?" He lifts an eyebrow. "Does he hav-"

"No." I cut him off, laughing. I knew he was going to ask the same thing. "I asked him that question already."


"I know right?" We both sigh. "Speaking of leeks..."

I take out another leek from the bag before putting the rest in the refrigerator.

"I made another cover~!!" I sang. Mikuo turned down the fire on the stove and watched me.

(Music: Cue. Start With YoungJae/Green Words. The chorus is the tune.)

leeks leeks leeks I love them

it's pretty healthy and delicious

leeks leeks leeks I love them

I seriously can't live without my leeks yeah~

I stopped singing 'cause that's all I can come up with. Mikuo walks over to me, taking the leeks out of my hands and he slapped my cheeks together.

"Too cute!!" He smirked.

"Ehehe..." I groaned slightly as he takes his hands off my face. "Try and finish it or something. I'm going to my room."

"Okay. I'll call you when I finish." He said, walking back the the stove. Before I went in my room, I swore I heard him sang that song..

I have an eighty-flipping-nine in lit..
M-My 4.0.. ㅠㅠ

GOT7 is cool (title reference).

(Last Edited - 11/7/15)

Leek-Flavored Ice Cream (Kaito x Miku)✓Where stories live. Discover now