Seven. His Scarf "Blew" Away.

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A Couple of Days Later..

Kaito's PoV

I woke up smelling some sort of spicy food that fills the house. It's probably my sister making breakfast. I thought.

"Morning, Kaito." She yelled. "Get ready for school or you'll be late... again."

I groan as I run upstairs to get ready for another day of school. Ugh.

I brush my teeth, got dressed in the school uniform, put on my headphones, packed my things for school, and grab my scarf. This scarf means a lot to me. It's the one my gave me before he passed away.


"Kaito... come here..." he told me as I came. He slowly held up a neatly cleaned light blue scarf.

"This was suppose to be your birthday present..." he said sleeply, longing for a deep sleep. I had tears in my eyes as I braced myself for what was going to happen next.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't there when you had your party." He yawned and a tear slipped down his face.

"Keep singing... for your mother and I... and keep... this scarf... safe..." His eyelids closed slowly. I watched with tears flowing as the last remaining breath came out of him. The life had drained away from his body...

-End of Flashback-

I placed a hand on my forehead. Right. Never lose this scarf. I thought. It's the only piece that reminds me of Dad. I wiped my eyes, not knowing that tears were coming out.

"Oh sh-t..." I mumbled. "Going to be late again.." I ran downstairs, took whatever my sister prepared for me and a pair of disposable chopsticks and ran out the door.

"I'm going now, okay? Bye Kaiko!!" I yelled before I closed the door.

"Okay. Come home before dark!!" She called back. I slam the door shut and walked to school eating my breakfast.

Wiping my hands with a napkin, I take out my phone and checked it. There were a few missed calls from Meiko and some messages were left. I decided to delete these messages; it's getting pretty annoying.

As I approach the school building, I threw away the dirty napkin and chopsticks. I went straight to the bathroom to wash my face and hands. I went to class and took my seat next to this light-blue leek lover. She looked over at me and smiled. A slight blushed can be seen on my cheeks as I smiled back.

"Alright everyone. Please take out a sheet of paper or ask your neighbors for one. We're going to start off with a quiz." Mr. Kamui ordered. Everyone groaned as they pulled out notebook paper. This is going to be a long day...

Lunch Period..

Miku's PoV

Quiz, learning, free period, and another quiz. I'll admit that learning is boring as hell, but then there's a quiz the next day. I sighed, hoping that I'd get A's on them.

This makes me wonder... Kaito looked like he was struggling as I stole a few quick glances at him during the quizzes. Does he not study or something? But then again, some people are just naturally smart (*cough* other Asians *cough cough*).

Anyways, since it's lunch time, I decided to ask Kaito to eat lunch with me.

"Sure." He said. "Where do you want to eat?"

"Anywhere's fine with me." I smiled.



So we're walking outside of the school building, going to sit in one of those outside benches? I don't know what they're called. We sat down and I opened my lunch box. I took a glance as I didn't see Kaito with his food.

"Hey.. Aren't you hungry?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah.. I kind of am. But this morning, I was in a rush so I couldn't bring anything." He said. I sighed, pulling out another lunch set and handed it to him.

"H-Here. Eat up okay?" I said while looking away to cover my red face. "I, uh, kind if made too much this morning.."

"Um, thanks." He gladly accepted my lunch set. The two of us made small talk until we were finished. He gave me back the box as he took my utensils, throwing them away for me.

He came back and sat next to me again, continuing our light conversation. Most of the time, I just want to close my eyes, lean on Kaito, and feel the wind in my long hair (I decided not to tie my hair up today :) ) The sun, wind, and the sky that's clear blue makes the weather perfect today. But a little too much wind "blew" Kaito's scarf off.

"Sh-t.." He cursed.

"I'll get it for you." I said as I chased after it in the direction of where the scarf was "blown." Something was off... With the sun out shining in the day, I managed to see an invisible-clear string attached to it.

"What the hell.." I muttered. I stumble in front of some old warehouse, and caught the soft fabric with my hands. I untie it from the string. A faint laugh could be heard from the dark warehouse.

"Wh-Who's there?" I called out. A shadowy figure came out of the darkness, reveling itself as Sakine Meiko.

"Well well. The b-tch finally showed up." She took a swig of her sake. She's obviously love drunk, so I better get away fast!!

"What do you want? Fishing for Kaito's scarf like that?" I asked, still clutching the scarf.

"I think you know what I want. I want Kaito to fall for me. Ahh~ He'll be soo good in bed." She licked her lips as she stepped closer to me, a knife sticking out from behind her back. A devilish grin appeared on her face. "But unforunately, there's a cockroach who's blocking our love."

"Umm.. I'm going to have to go now.. SEE YA!!" I ran for my life. Meiko came chasing after me with a dark aura. She's too dangerous!!! I thought. Maybe if I can juke her...

I ran straight into the trees, closer to the school. The trees are pretty tall and scattered, so you'd have to use the main road to get back to the school building. I see a blue haired guy at the end of my path.

"KAI-" I start to yell his name when suddenly, I tripped and fell into a dark hole..

God dammit.


Sleep is not important when someone takes over your side of the bed -_-

So... Who do you think made that pitfall? It's obviously me haha.

And just to be sure, I'm 101% Asian/Việtnamese lol...

(Last Edited - 07/14/17)

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