Ten. Kidnapped.

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Somewhat Edited.

Miku's PoV

This week had gone by pretty fast... ish. Kaito and I have been rehearsing a lot more than usual and there's no news from Meiko.


So today I'm going over to Kaito's house, dragging my brother along because why not? He needs to socialize.

I stood at the door, waiting impatiently. Mikuo just stands there, giving me death glares and whatnot.

"Well?" He asks. "Aren't you going to open the door?"

"Y-Yeah.." I stutter and knock the door. Then I turn around to see him smirking at me.

"Ehh? My baby sister like someone?" He teases while trying to keep his laugh.

"Shut up!!" I playfully smack him and stuck out my tounge.

"Heh." He crossed his arms actoss his chest and smirked at me once again. "Why am I here again?"

"You're here to meet Kaito's sister you jerk." I muttered, still mad.

"Am I forced to?"

"Yes you are!!"

"Well what if I-" Mikuo froze. I gave him a funny look before asking.

"What if you what?" I asked. He just motioned me to turn around. And I did. A woman about Mikuo's age stood in the doorway. She has short dark-blue locks, the same color as Kaito's hair and a pair of matching wireless headphones. She gave us a smile.

"Well hello there." She said. "I'm Kaito's sister, Kaiko."

"Oh uh..." Mikuo looks like an idiot. I sighed and introduced us.

"Hi. I'm Miku Hatsune and this is my brother, Mikuo." I gestured. "Say hi to her."

"H-Hi.." he mumbled. I giggled as his face flushed red.

"Come in, Miku, Mikuo. Kaito is waiting upstairs in his room." Kaiko said before she went back inside. Now it's just Mikuo and I. Alone.

"So... who likes who now?" I giggled as I teased him to hell.

"Sh-Shut up. Let's just go in.." He muttered as his face turned redder. Revenge feels good. Hehe.

I went upstairs and saw Kaito. He greeted me with a smile as I walked into his room. His room is pretty big... but I think mine's bigger. There's a studio on one side and then there's your ordinary bedroom. To my surprise, it's kind of neat.

"Hey. Ready?" He greeted. I nodded as I began to unzip my bookbag. There were lots of music sheets and earbuds in there... I take out my binder and handed it to Kaito.

We both warmed up for a bit before working on our unfinished project. I have to say, it's pretty fun just hanging around afterwards. Eventually, the sky's darker and I yawned. Soo much practice, I think I'm already prepared.

"You tired?" Kaito asked.

"Yeah... kind of." I yawned back.

"You can take a nap if you want." He said, cleaning up our mess. "I'll wake you up when Mikuo get's bored, 'kay?" I gave him a nod and shifted my body towards a comfortable position. I yawned once again, placing a hand over my mouth and drifted off to sleep...

Meanwhile, Downstairs..

Mikuo's PoV

I couldn't stop stealing glances from her. Her dark blue hair shaped her head perfectly. Her blue scarf matches with her outfit. The smile on her face warms my heart. No wonder why Miku likes Kaito. I guess this is what you call "Love at First Sight."

Leek-Flavored Ice Cream (Kaito x Miku)✓Where stories live. Discover now