Eleven. Tortured.

398 20 18

Somewhat Edited.

I-I'm sorry there's a little smut... I blame a certian someone for reading lemons. . . Ewewewewewew....

Kaito's PoV

"Yo Kaiko. What's up with you and Mikuo?" I asked as I was getting something out of the freezer.

"Hm..? What are you talking about?" She said as she sat down on the kitchen table.

"Well, I believe I saw the two of you hold hands when he left." I smirk as I set my stuff down and sat down next to her.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you." She chuckled. Don't leave me hanging here Kaiko...

"He's my new boyfriend." She smiled.

"Really? Congrats." I beamed. Yes!! I knew my plan would work. Now about this thing...

"Thanks." She smiled and ruffled my hair. "What's this..?"

"Just something I'm working on." I smile as I continue to work.

"Alright. I'm going to take a quick shower, okay? Don't stay up to long." I nodded as she went to her room.

I did some, uh, "stuff" quietly while listening to some music. I wasn't even done before I heard the doorbell rang.

I went to the door, the sound still ringing in the house. I opened to see a crying Mikuo, spamming our doorbell.

"Kaiko, Mikuo's here..?" I yelled, trying to get my sister's attention. I heard the shower turned off as I let him in.

"Dude.. What's wrong?" I ask.

"M-Miku.." he stuttered. "M-Miku.. she..." and went back to crying again. I now seeing Kaiko rushing downstairs with a concerened look. I also took his bags in... must've went grocery shopping.

Kaiko gave me a thumbs up, wrapping her arms around him as she tried to get him to spill. I went into the kitchen to get three glasses of water. When I cam back, I sat down infront of them. She explained the story to me.

"... and here we are now." Kaiko took a gulp of water. Mikuo was staring at the floor, trying to calm down. I stared in shock. My heart just shattered when different senarios kicked inside my head.

She took his hands and looked him in the eye. "Don't worry, Mikuo. We'll find her."

"B-But what if.. what if she's..."

"Don't think like that." I said. "She's a strong person. She'll come back to us or we'll have to come and find her." Even though I'm saying this, I feel like crying with him.

After a while, Kaiko said, "Go to bed, Kaito. You need to sleep." Nodding, I smiled sadly at her and walked to my room.

I sat on my bed, feeling frustrated. Who could have stolen Miku? There could be Meiko... or there's some person who wanted to rape her...

What if she's dead?

What if we don't make it on time?

What if..

Ugh, stop thinking like this, Kaito!! We need a plan to save her, not think about the possibilities that could happen.

I whipped my phone out and dialed a number. Double checking, I punch the call button. Now all we do is wait...

Leek-Flavored Ice Cream (Kaito x Miku)✓Where stories live. Discover now