Two. It's... KAITO!!

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Miku's PoV

"Alright class. Settle down now." The teacher, Mr. Kamui, says as everyone sat back down at their seats. Earlier, there was an opening ceremony, which was pretty nice. If it was longer, we would've went straight to second period.

"I'm going to take roll. Say 'here' if you're, well, here. And while you're at it, tell us what you want to do in life." He said as he looked down and read the list. I looked around the classroom to see if there's anyone else I know. Or maybe a childhood friend. I looked out the window as the teacher called out the names.

"Akita Neru?" He calls the first name on the list.

"Here. I want to text for a living..." A girl with blonde hair up in a side ponytail looks down to her phone again. Same old Neru. So what if... she still likes Len? Probably not.

Mr. Kamui calls out some other people who I don't really recognize before he calls my name.

"Hatsune Miku?"

"Um.. Here. An idol or a singer." I said with a bored look. A lot of eyes drifted to me. I sighed and stared out the windows again.

"Honne Dell?"

"Here. I'd LOVE to do nothing." A silver-haired boy said with no interest. Wait, Dell still goes here? Wasn't he, like, a dropout or something? Eh.. Whatever...

"Kagamine Len and Rin?"

"Here. We also like to sing." They both said in unision. There's a lot of people in this class. I don't know most, but I know some.

"Kasane Teto?"

"Here. Songwriter." Teto, a reddish-pink haired girl with "drills", was also one of my old friend. Though she is and UTAU, it doesn't bother me. We still hang out anyway.

"Momone Momo?"

"H-Here.. Songwriter as well.." A girl, quiet and shy, hangs out with Teto and the other UTAUs. I might want to hang out with them again someday...

Mr. Kamui calls out more unfamilar names that I don't recognize. Geez, how long have I been out of town? I zone out until he calls out a name that was very familiar to me.

"Shion Kaito?" He says. I stopped staring outside and looked around the classroom again. I don't see a boy with blue hair and has a blue scarf. He must be late... I thought. Though hearing his name makes me happy, I'm not sure if he remembers me. Or even the promises that we made.


There was a blue scarf flying aroud. I was doing flips in the open field. The wind had blown my direction and my foot got tangled in something soft.

"Hm? What's this? A scarf?" I said. A boy came running to me.

"Excuse me. Is this yours?" I asked.

"Y-Yes it is. Thanks." He thanked me as he bowed.

"My name is Miku. What's you're name?" I asked the boy, handing back his scarf.

"I'm Kaito." He said as he lifted up his head and wrapped the scarf around his neck. I gave him a warm smile.

"C'mon!! Let's go play over there!!" I shouted, taking his hand and guiding him towards the swings. We both sat down on the seat, swinging back and forth until we were out of breath.

"Let's be friends forever, okay? Even if I move away one day, we'll still be friends." I held up my pinky finger, smiling.

"Yeah!" He laced it with his pinky.

-End of Flashback-

The class heard the door slide open. Our eyes shifted to the door, thinking who could be that person. Is it him? I thought, hopefully. A guy wearing a blue scarf had his back on us, closing the door. That scarf!! I remembered that scarf. Seeing the guy with blue hair made me happy.

"It's... it's..." I whispered to Rin. "...Kaito... I never thought that I would see him again..." I was close to tears. My childhood friend. He's back. I can actually talk to him now!!

"Sorry I'm late today. I couldn't find my scarf. I'm Kaito. Kaito Shion." He bowed down, apologizing to the class. I placed a hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh. Typical Kaito.

"Ah, thanks for being late." Mr. Kamui said. "Now. What do you want to do in life?"

"I'd like to be an idol from The Vocaloid Studio." Kaito held up two fingers in a shape of a v.

"Okay, cool. Why don't you.." The teacher paused for a moment, his eyes scanning the classroom. "..sit in the seat next to Miss Hatsune?"

"Sure." He nodded cooly. I felt my cheeks slowly heating up as Kaito quickly took his seat next to me. I flashed a smiled.

"Hey Miku. Long time no see." He grinned. I haven't seen that in years.

"Hi Kaito. And yeah, it's been long." I said. This will be a good year.

After he had sat down next to me, Mr. Kamui finished the roll with a guy named Utatane Piko and a girl named Yuzuki Yakari. Kaito and I exchanged schedules; we have every class together.

"Alright, now that I'm done, let's have some fun!!" he pumped his fist in the air.

"Yeah!!" The whole class cheered.

After School..

"Hey Miku." Kaito waved at me. "You want to be an idol, right?

"Y-Yeah..." I nodded in embarrasment. "How'd you know?"

"I have my ways.." He hands me a card, grinning. It reads The Vocaloid Studio. I'm confused. Why do I need this..?

"It's looking for fresh, new singers. Maybe you want to try out with me? We can sing like we used to, you know?" He asks.

"Hm..." I thought. "When are the tryouts?"

"In a few weeks. You in?"

"Let me think about it, okay?" I said. He nods.

"See you later!" He waves and walks out of school. I wave back and look at the card. This... looks pretty interesting.

I smile to myself and walk out of school. I head to a park and sit at one of the benches under some nice trees. A light wind breezes my hair in my face. I fix my hair as something catches my eye...

Is that an ice cream stand..?

I hate lit. comp. Like seriously, English is a hard language :/

(Last Edited - 11/05/15)

Leek-Flavored Ice Cream (Kaito x Miku)✓Where stories live. Discover now