Fourteen. Are Snow Cones Fine With You?

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Kaito's PoV

I lay in my bed, done with all of the stupid work I have to do. Now... I'm really bored.

It took me a while to find out what to do next. Only one logical solution... Check the mail for the millionth time this week. I mean.. it's already been two weeks since my audition.. But then again, texting Miku could work too.

Running downstairs, again, getting another funny look from Kaiko, again, I run out the door and check the mail, again. No letter. I sighed and went for a walk to Miku's house.

As I was walking, I realized two things: it's cold ('cause I forgot my scarf...) and where is my phone..?

"Man.." I muttered to myself. "I am having a bad day.."

I went into the nearest store and bought some more ingredients for my secret project. After this, I'll be able to hang out with Miku. I thought happily.

Little did I know that a strand of light blueish-green hair flew in my face. I turned my head and saw the one and only: Miku Hatsune.

And why was she there? Probably buying mre leeks, I guess... I'm not a stalker, okay?

She steps up on the counter and pays for her leeks. The cashier types in something before taking the money and counting it.

"Ma'am, you are six dollars too short." He smiles nervously, trying not to lose his job.

This is when I step in and say, "Ah, don't worry. I can pay for her."

"K-Kaito?!" Miku says, her face turning pink with embarrassment.

"Yo." I flash her a smile before paying for her leeks and my... stuff...

We walk out of the store with me carrying some of her bags.

"Oh my gosh. Thanks!! And... I didn't even see you!!" Miku says as he gives me a hug. I simply nod and smile.

"Anytime. So what are you doing here all by yourself." I asked, changing the subject. "I mean, I wouldn't want my really cute girlfriend getting kidnapped again."

"I-I was just refilling my leeks.." She stuttered while blushing.. Awe so cute. "And you?"

"I was about to come over, and bought some stuff..." I said as she reaches for my hand.

"We can go to my house together then." Miku smiles as she guides me to the direction of her apartment.

As we step in the door of her house, I can see Mikuo making some noodles. He said hey to me, but I just smiled and waved back. Miku sets down her groceries and guides me upstairs to her room. I place my stuff near the door so I won't forget.

"Did... You get the letter yet?" Miku questions after a long moment of silence. I sigh and shake my head no.

"I thought we did pretty well." I say, trying to make the air lighter. She nods and sits next to me on her bed. She leans her head on my chest as I stoke her hair, which was silky, and kissed her cheek.

We stayed like this for a while, not wanting to stand up or move from our position. Miku sometimes hums the tune from our song. I mean... It is kind of catchy...

The sun starts to set once again. I have to go home soon or Kaiko would be pissed. But then again, I don't want to leave Miku.

"Hey... What do you think we'd do if we get accepted?" Miku breaks the silence as she faces me.

Leek-Flavored Ice Cream (Kaito x Miku)✓Where stories live. Discover now