Chapter 1

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The cold night air bites my cheeks as I walk down the path towards the castle. I really don't understand why Wilbur thought it was a good idea to send someone to gather information by breaking into the castle, and it was like he wasn't even considering all the things that could go wrong. Knowing will, he would draw the unlucky lmanburgian out of a hat and nominate them as the 'spy', which would probably end up being Tubbo and Tommy. There was no way in hell I was going to let a child walk into this death trap, hence why I volunteered and am here now, at the gates of the castle.

It seems far more intimidating when you are standing there, tall stone walls and slits cut into the wall for shooting arrows from. Dread pools in my stomach as I creep through, making sure my steps are calculated and my breathing isn't too heavy. I can't tell if it's the cold or fear making me shake. I make it past the first watchtower relatively easily, the guard was uselessly asleep and if everyone here is this lazy, I should have no problem. I make my way past the stables, taking care to photograph every detail in case it could relate to our enemies' next plan. A grey horse gently whittles in my direction, diverting my attention and I can't help but go to pat it. The sign above reads 'Spirit'. A nice name for a nice horse, shame I couldn't take it back to l'manburg.

"What are you doing next to my horse" a voice cuts through the night air. I don't turn around, only try to regulate my breathing and remain as calm as anyone can in this situation.
"Not much, just looking at these stables and the horses." I reply airily and continue to stroke Spirit.
"Well, if you hadn't heard me before, that's actually my horse, so I suggest you move away now before you regret something.
I laugh. "Wow, a petty excuse. I really thought you would be able to come up with a better threat. You've had plenty of practice am I right?" And I make sure to make my voice sharp. Slowly, I turn my body around and face Dream, holding my ground as well as the hilt of my sword.
"Those are some ugly words coming from some a pretty face." He smirks taking a step forward, "tell me sweetheart, who are you, I know I would recognise you if I had seen you before."
"My name is y/n. You don't need to know anything else." Without realising, I'm taking step after step back as Dream stalks towards me.
"Oh but sweetheart, I think I do." As he says the words, I can see his eyes move to the lmanburg flag sewn onto my jacket. His face darkens. "So you're a lmanburgian. I shouldn't be surprised. You have that wild look in your eye." Dream studies me as though I am a map.
" I will take that as a compliment." I reply unsheathing my dagger.
"Oh believe me." He laughs with an arrogant look on his face as the glint of a sword appears in my view, "you shouldn't."

I, in turn, take out my dagger too, although compared to dream's sword, it's practically useless. If he attacks, perhaps I can use it to buy me some time until someone, anyone gives me a window of opportunity to escape. Before I know it, dream is running towards me, going for the offensive. He tries to stab at my arm, but my dagger protects it and there are momentary sparks as the metals clash. I go to kick he leg back and leave a small gash on his thigh, causing him to stumble back slightly. I take whatever chance this is and bolt towards the gate. I must be faster than him already and plus the dead leg he's probably got, that'll slow him down. I can't believe Wilbur ever thought this was even a semblance of a plan, to send one of your own, by themselves into enemy territory without even a basic weapon! The man is mad and I'll be sure to tell him precisely what I think when I get back. I'm through the gate and almost down the hill when I feel an arrow - not any arrow, a poison arrow - dig deep into my calf and I have to bite on my tongue to stop myself from screaming in agony.

Dream comes up behind me and holds me in place, holding a bow in his hand. Sick bastard. "Well, that was quite a show there wasn't it." Dream says behind me ear, his warmth breath tickling my neck, " listen, I suggest you come with me right now, and I won't hurt any of your little friends. Like Tubbo, who's sleeping soundly in his room with the window open. It would be terrible if some managed to climb through and - "
"Stop it! Just stop it. I'll go with you, but only if you promise not to lay a finger on ANY of my friends." I reply because I know there's a way I could run that would get me away from here straight back to lmanburg. But I also know that Dream is such a despicable, arrogant man that he would slaughter innocent people, innocent children. "Perfect, follow me this way, I ensure you, you are going to love it here." The masked man whispers in my ear, and leads me towards my inprisonment.
" I find that hard to believe." I scoff back.

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