Chapter 3

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I wake up to three swift knocks on my door, each one increasing the dread pooling in my stomach. When I don't respond the knocks come again, "I have food." A voice says from behind the door. Like that's going to convince me, I'm not eating anything. A few more minutes pass until the voice begins again, "Look, if you're not coming to the door I'm coming in."
"Fine. Just don't expect me to be civil, whoever you are." I respond, sitting up and pulling the covers as high as they go. Next thing I know, a boy, slightly taller if not the same height as me walks in, holding a tray of foods. His crow black hair is pulled back by a white, charred bandana, and his eyes are a deep amber colour. He wears a white t-shirt with a fire emblem and underneath a skin-tight long black shirt. The look is finished with a nether its sword, black pants and combat boots, polished until they shine.

"Who are you?" I ask, my tone harsh and demanding, because my voice is one of the only things I have left.
"I'm Sapnap, it's lovely to meet you. I'm guessing you're the infamous y/n?" He jokes, putting the tray on the bedside table.
"The one and only." I sigh, and give the food a disgusted glance. "You are aware I won't be eating correct?"
"When I walked into the room, I was thinking that. But it's there for when you starve." He shrugs, "I'll be going now then."
"I do have one question though." Sapnap turns around to face me, "when will I be let out of here?"
"You're going to want to ask Dream about that, considering he's the one who captured you and all. I think he's going to come and interrogate you or something late so ask him then." Sapnap says, before walking out of the room.

While I sit there, I realise as much as I would love to sit and fall back asleep, it would be best to get to know my room and see if it has anything useful for me. Like weapons. Or a dagger, yes definitely a dagger. To my left, a large bookshelf, climbing up the wall, full to the brim with stories. My fingers trace over the gorgeous hard covers, until my hand stops on a midnight blue edition. The cover has beautiful illustrations painted in gold showing a warrior battling with the world. It reminds me much of myself, always me up against whatever gets thrown at me. I take sanctuary on the windowsill, which is cushioned with pillows and open the pages.

I read hours away, getting lost in the tale. The book follows a strong, female warrior, who faces what the world throws at her, the ups and downs. The book is a comfort to me, because even though I'm alone in the room, the protagonist in the book feels near to me. When I close the book, marking where I had finished, my interest turns to the huge closet I'm yet to explore. When I step in, my eyes are overloaded with the different styles, fabrics and over all, colours. A forest green dress with gentle stitching and lace catches my fancy. For me, this is the kind of dress a princess would wear to the ball and finds her prince, but here, it is merely a dress most would wear on typical formal occasions. I settle for a loose blue dress with a blouse underneath, brown slip on shoes and a belt to tie it all together.

The shoe selection doesn't disappoint either, with dozens of pairs sat on the walls- stretching all the way to the ceiling- like the bookshelves. Heels, flats, combat boots, hiking shoes, slippers, lace, slip ons. You name it this closet has it. When I look around further, I see they did include bras and underwear thank goodness, otherwise that would've been quite an awkward conversation between me and people I've only known for a couple days. The closet leads to the en-suite, fitted with marble and a waterfall shower I am a hundred percent going to be using later. Once again, I look through the drawers and see they have all the girly necessities I could ever need - and again saving me an awkward conversation.

I come full circle to my bed, flopping down on it, and staring up at the ceiling, just kind of contemplating what my life has become. This doesn't last long when a knock comes at my door. This time I do respond with a short "Come in." Instead of bandana boy, Dream enters my room, face irritatingly arrogant, and grabs himself a chair. "I've come to ask some questions and get information." He says leaning back.
"Well, I suggest you leave because information is the last thing you'll be getting." I snarl, still keeping my head inclined to the ceiling so that I don't have to look at those piercing emerald eyes.
"You know y/n, there are two ways this is going to play out. I suggest you pick the easier one and cooperate."
"Like I said- it's not happening bitch boy."
"Well then, if you won't talk, I could always send George or Sapnap over to l'manburg and say hello to two certain teenagers -"
I feel myself snap, "Alright! Alright. I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt the boys, please."
"Then, sweetheart, I have a proposition." Dream begins, leaning forward slightly, which I mirror. "A couple months ago, George, Sapnap and I all went to attend a meeting with important trade officials and higher ups, to try get an agreement on the economy financing. Someone asked if I had a business partner to help foresee the plans we had set up and Sapnap, being the complete bastard that he is, decided it was a great idea to create a young lady called y/n funnily enough who was in a partnership with me." Dream sighs at the thought, as though thinking about it exhausts him. I only wish I was there to see Dream's face when Sapnap claimed me to be his business partner. Dream stops short, clearly thinking how to pick his next words.
"Oh do carry on Dream, I would love to see how this pans out." I joke, sending him a smirk of my own.

"Well this is where it gets complicated. When the person asked how dependable you were for the venture, George jumped in and said you and I were actually engaged, soon to be wedded. And I couldn't object because it would make me seem untrustworthy."
"So you're suggesting I pretend I'm you're wife until this trade deal goes through?" I ask because this all seems utterly stupid and idiotic and would never work.

Captured.    (Dream X Reader).   CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now