Chapter 10

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y/n POV
The voice is roughly slurred, and a sickening smell of liquor becomes present. I go to snatch my hand away without looking back, but a rough hand catches my face, forcing me to turn in their direction. A man, not much older than Dream stands too close, slumped over with a drunken gaze. Instinctively, I take a step back, but his arm loops around my waist, pulling me to him. If I were anywhere else, I would grab my dagger and slice of his arm with one precise movement, taking care to put him in as much pain as possible. However, this is not anywhere else, this is an aristocratic social event that I am unfamiliar with, in a manor with potentially dangerous people, who if I did let my instincts take hold, could end my own life. So, I smile as sweetly as I can muster as gently take his hand off his waist, all the while, itching for the familiar weight of a weapon in my hand.
"Hello there, I don't believe we have met before, what is you're name?" I force my voice to sound sweet, echoing the practised words George taught me multiple times. Here's where we would converse wth light conversation then I would say ' must go find my fiancé now' as an excuse. The one things that's actually good about this whole situation.
"I am General Henderson, onlooker over the trade routes over our kingdoms and owner of this humble mansion." He leans in more and more with every word, emphasising the word humble in a pathetic attempt to impress me. There's hardly any room between us, and I can feel myself backing up into a wall. "And what are you doing here, I don't expect such a young, beautiful woman to be at a place like this. Say, did you come alone?" Henderson slides his hand up and down my arm, glancing me a look that makes me sick. His face inches closer to me so I can feel his drunk breath against my face, and I can see the desperation in his eyes. I'm strapped between the wall and him, unable to speak, breathe, feel. He goes closer, so his rubbery lips are forced onto mine.

"Get the fuck off her." Never have I ever been so relieved to hear Dream's calming voice, only now it is replaced with a far more sinister tone. The General doesn't even bother to face him, and smirks into my lips, and I struggle against him.
"Can't you see I'm busy here?" The man against me snarls, pulling me closer to him, if that's even possible.
"I suggest you get off my wife right now." Dream's voice is hardly above a whisper and he looms closer still, unwavering. This stops General Henderson, and he pushes me carelessly towards Dream. I feel numb, and only regain come sense of feeling when Dream's arms wrap protectively around me, and I breathe a sigh of relief when General Henderson cowers away. However, I would have much more enjoyed seeing his tongue cut out. His last words echo through the hall that he just travelled through, and causes me to snarl. "She wouldn't have been any fun anyway." What. A. Dickhead.

Exhaustion soon replaces my adrenaline and I involuntarily grip onto Dream for support. "I'll go get Sapnap and then we'll go." His voice is soft and he lowers me into a cosy velvet chair that I could fall into a deep slumber effortlessly. I close my eyes for a second and then the boys are in front of me, Sapnap looking beyond furious. "Who the fuck did this to you because I will snap his neck."
"I have no doubts." The sound that comes from me doesn't even seem like me. With their help, I am practically carried into the carriage and flop my head onto someone's shoulder.
"Rest if you can princess, I'll wake you when we get back home." Dream sounds like a lullaby as I drift into sleep, feeling him gently stroking my hair. I think he believes I've fallen unconscious already when he speaks again to Sapnap, and it takes everything in me not to hug him.
"She's so beautiful, and she'll never be mine. Why is life so unfair Sapnap?"
"The bad guys never get the girls, you know that."
"I do... I do."

Flash Forward 2 hours
Dream POV
I watch the stunning girl asleep at my side and gently sweep her into my arms. She shuffles ever so slightly to get more comfortable, but settles back into rhythmic breathing soon after as we walk through the halls. Y/n looks drained of everything, a blank look present on her angelic face. In the chilling castle. She begins to grow cold in her dress, so I pull her closer to me still. "Maid, could you please bring a spare change of clothes to my room for y/n and a warm drink." I say to a passing maid, and continue forward when she nods at me in understanding. Little moments like these make me appreciate our staff in the castle, how sworn and devoted they are to Sapnap, George and I, and their commitment throughout their time of service.

The creak of my door seems defening in the still silence of the castle. Everyone else has turned in tonight and the only noise you hear is the maids and butlers going about their business, making sure things are in order. I try to remain as quiet as possible, and lower y/n onto my bed as carefully, stirring a little as I do. The thought of laying next to her and falling into easy slumber is playing on my mind consistently, like a disc on repeat, but I drag myself away from it. Instead, I place a blanket over her trembling form, still looking angelic in the warm glow of candlight, and find purchase on a simple velveted chair. It provides me with a beautiful view, of not only the kingdom I have spent years to create and strengthen, but a girl, who unknowingly has stolen my heart, and will not let go.

I see nothing but darkness in the beginning, then a shadow somehow darker. Glancing around in panic, everything appears around me and realise I am in the manor again, wearing the same dress, the same night, and the shadow is the general. However, now he looks possessive and dangerous, stalking me like a predator would of a prey. I blink and I'm trapped between the wall and him, too close, and he won't let go. I try to shout, scream for anyone to help, but they remain going about their night, conversing as though I'm not there. Perhaps I'm not. But the man is getting closer and closer, stroking his arm up and down the length of my body, and there's nothing I can do. I can't move I can't breathe, I can only feel and that is most definately.

Then I'm sinking into the darkness, him still grabbing onto me like a toy, and I cry out but my voice projects nothing. I'm falling, falling falling...
"Y/n! Wake up!" Dream's voice shatters through my nightmare, bringing me back to what I hope is the real world. "What's happening are you ok?" He's standing right at the side of my bed, leaned over from shaking me. I want to say I'm fine, that it was all a nightmare, but my throat it scratchy and speech betrays me. I'm covered in cold sweat, trembling as though the morning frost has settled on my skin. It's a horrible feeling.
"N-nightmare." Is what I croak out eventually, not before clinging to dream because he's the only thing in this world that right now I'm sure won't harm me. "Please could you stay?"
"Yes of course princess, whatever you need." Dream coos to me, sliding next to me and putting an arm around my shoulder. Protecting me. I very much doubt I'll be sleeping tonight, so I just sit, holding onto Dream like my life depends on it, and watch the night pass away. The candles burn a little dimmer, but my heart is like a firework about to explode.

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