Chapter 2

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I truly expected to be thrown into a dingy prison cell, or a concreted white room, designed to drive you mad, so I'm beyond surprised when Dream leads me into a pretty nice room. But not before pulling out the poison arrow lodged into my calf easily, telling me to grow up when I groan in pain. Well, truly it is gorgeous, especially compared to l'manburg rooms. The first thing I see is a queen sized bed, layered with quilts and blankets, feather- stuffed pillows I could sleep for a hundred years on. Then, a walk-in closet, which was bigger than my actually bedroom back in l'manburg. The door to access it leans slightly open, and I can see racks upon racks of beautiful fabrics displayed neatly. As we step in, my boots are greeted with a large sheep-skin rug, perfectly white, until my muddy shoes tracked across it,and I could see the annoyance on Dream's face even behind that mask. The window looks out on large fields and the castle's neatly maintained gardens, with a thriving river slicing through the land. It looks like a beautiful place to relax,a don the kind of space you could fall asleep without a care in the world. What a rare luxury that is.

"So this is your room, you will be served breakfast, lunch and dinner three times a day. I will come to check on you to see whether you would like to divulge any l'manburg plans, which I'm sure you will." I can practically hear the smirk on Dreams's face as he leans in to whisper the last sentence in my ear and I hate to admit, my stomach flutters at the flushes of his body against mine. It takes me a second to step away and shake the thoughts from my head. He is saying all this to manipulate me, to get information on my country, and we can't let him win, I won't let him win. "I'll let you settle in before I come back later to asks some questions." I don't look back to see him leave but the door opening and closing is a sure way to tell Dream has left my room.

I sit down on the bed and try to think of an escape plan. Perhaps I could bribe Dream or get him to trust me. Or maybe I should grab his sword and start stabbing shit until he lets me go. The thought makes my mind instinctively switch to Tommy, his lanky legs, blonde locks and awful language. Despite it all, I miss him so much already, all of them and the more my mind dawdles on the sad realisation that I won't be seeing any of them any time soon, I can feel tear threatening to spill. So as the sun begins to rise over the fields, my eyes close and I think of what Dream has in store for me, or even worse, my family.

I'll sleep tonight and if I'm hopeful perhaps I'll wake up back in my home in l'manburg, perhaps I'll have Tommy stomp into my room, shaking me awake or Tubbo showing me a new flower he had found. Maybe Wilbur will walk in and ask for my opinion on a new song he's has learnt, then Nikki will guide him out saying "it's too early for that Will the poor girl has only just woken up." And she'd give some of those delicious pastries she manages to perfect every time. Back when I was with my family and things were so simple. So tonight when I fall asleep on a mattress so soft it could be mistaken for a cloud, covered in blankets and pillows so luxurious my very being here makes them dirty.

I don't even want to think about Dream is going to do to try and get information from me. Manipulation? Torture? Or worse? There's nothing he can or will do that will make me talk. My flesh will be ripped from my bones before I am a traitor to my country, to my friends, to my family. And that is a promise.

Captured.    (Dream X Reader).   CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now