Chapter 11

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The morning greets me with birdsong and gentle snores at my side. Last night is fogged with morning drowsiness, and I don't bother to think further. The gentle beat of a heart connects with my ear, and warmth radiates beside me. I look up to see a peaceful blonde sleeping soundly, arm hung around me while I rest on his chest. Dream. Unlike most days, the itch to do something isn't nagging me like usual, and the idea of falling back into sleep is most tempting. Looking down, I realise I'm in last nights clothing, my beautiful dress crumpled and creased. It makes me feel guilty for disregarding such a gorgeous piece of clothing like this, especially with the countless hours of labour that went into creating it.

Thinking about it now, I don't even remember coming in here, or getting to the castle at all. The carriage crosses my mind for a second, with Sapnap glancing at me worriedly and Dream's shoulder acting as a pillow for my head. And the general. I remember that. His slurred words and touchy hands getting too comfortable. I wish I had done something, kicked him, stabbed his arms, anything really. Thank god Dream was there, once again coming to my aid. I look back at him again, but it takes my breath away. So perfect, freckles ever present in the morning gold, his hair, messy from sleep, but fluffier than ever, and I've never wanted to run my hands through it more.
"You are aware it's rude to stare." He says, eyes closed, lips quirked in quiet smugness. I nearly fall off the bed trying to get away, but he  doesn't let go, only pulls me closer, by some miracle.
"You look so beautiful y/n." Shivers float down my spine. "Why can't you be mine?" It's the morning confusion that's making him say this. Surely. But something about the sincerity of his voice allows me to believe otherwise. I don't respond and Dream rambles on more, now looking at me with those striking emerald eyes. "I know I'm not exactly a good person, but don't I at least deserve you?"

"Dream." I speak and stare deeply into my eyes, trying to convey how I'm feeling without the aid of words. "I fight with lmanburg, my family is in lmanburg, I am a lmanburgian. What are you thinking? You hate us."
"I hate them, but you." He sighs. "I would give up anything and everything for you darling. In a heartbeat." My heart has officially melted into a puddle. Then, he kisses me. It's gentle and quick, his lips scarcely against mine for more than a moment but it means so much more than anything he can say, can do, and I changes everything.
"I love you y/n." My lungs have drowned in my own emotions and my thoughts whirlpool. He's staring at me with more love than I could explain, and I realise that this could be everything and nothing all at the same time.
"I love you too."

Our lips connect again. I suppose, everything has changed.

flash forward 3 hours
"So you and Dream are a thing now? Are you guys actually getting married?" Sapnap doesn't hide his suprise, taking a bite out of a loaf.
"Pretty much. But we're not getting married." I sigh
"And to think I always thought you were going to end up with Wilbur- ow." He complains when I jab him in the ribs what my elbow, smirking victoriously when he doesn't press on the matter any further. "If you did get married though... Could I be the officiator?"
"You mean, you would marry us?" I laugh slightly at the idea but Sapnap has never looked more serious.
"Yes. I would be perfect! I know you guys and all you have to say is do you take each other yada yada yada. I'm dream's best friend, and I feel like I've become your brother really. It would be great!"

I smile fondly at the thought of Sapnap officiating us at our wedding. Our wedding. It's there in my mind, causing my stomach to flutter madly. It would never happen, would it? Perhaps... If life was just so in perfectly perfect. "So, what are you planning on doing today?" the pyromaniac asks me, chucking an apple my way, catching it with ease, and sinking my teeth into it.
"Nothing at the moment, perhaps I'll just do some combat training stuff or go for a ride." I answer, shrugging my shoulders.
"Well you are now." Dream's voice echoes through the room, myself turning around on the bench as quick as anything. "Because we're going out for the day."
"We are?" I cannot hide the accusational tone in my voice.
"Yes we are. Are you ready?" He asks, as though I've known about this for days.
"I suppose so? I'll just grab my satchel."

I quickly run across the room and grab the brown bag I carry with me anywhere and everywhere. "Let's go." Dream shoots me an amused glance, though I don't try to stray on the perfectness of his face, so I keep my head going straight right out the door. "Have a nice time on your date guys!" I hear Sapnap shout before Dream closes the door behind him. The morning is still early, and the crispness in the air makes my skin crawl in the cold. I stuff my hands into my pockets quickly, but not before checking I did bring all the essentials in my satchel.

"So where are we actually going?" I ask, drawing out the going, adding a little wining tone to the string of words.
"The market square in the centre of the DreamSMP. The castle needs some weaponry supplies, and I thought it would be nice for their future queen to experience the natural wonder of our land." The boy beside me, tall as anything, makes sure to spread out his arms in a huge gesture, earning disapproving glances from others, laughing to himself quietly when they shoot him dirty looks.
"What kind of things do they have?" Lmanburg's market forms a picture in my memory. A small place, offering basic necessities or little trinkets from unknown lands. Wilbur took me down there the fist day of my arrival in l'manburg and bought me a little carved swan, which is on my windowsill to this day... Hopefully."
"It has everything and anything your heart desires darling." Dream winks to me. "Foods, clothing, weapons, building materials, flowers, really anything. It's much larger than the typical market square as we have the trading routes supplying us with new and unseen things. Look, it's coming into view now." He points over to an opening in the street, revealing a bustling, busy market I've never witnessed before. "Y/n, this is Aventhorpe."

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