Chapter 9

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Sapnap POV
Y/n looks gorgeous tonight's, and everyone knows it, especially Dream. Y/n doesn't pick up on it, but when she walked into the main room, I saw his face express something I can only describe as longing. To me, it's obvious that he's fallen for her. Who wouldn't? She's perfect in any and every way possible. She's fierce and has the spirit of a lion, with a mischievous glint in her eye that tells more stories than any book could, holding her fair share of tragedies. Once, she told me a story of when she was in the lmanburg frontline and a horse that was stabbed fell onto her, twitching and bleeding over her and she laid under there for three hours. Three hours.y/n was so young, going to fight at thirteen, it makes me sick knowing she know she was literally walking into her death bed, and experienced so little of the world. The fact that she survived it all is amazing and I believe adoration isn't a good enough word to describe how I feel about her.

Now we sit in the carriage on our way to Gladesfield, Y/n to my side and Dream opposite us. After years of not only working beside him but being his best friend, I've learnt his little habits. For example, now, he's fiddling with the gold pocket watch in his hand, which means he's anxious, for good reason too. I know how important it is that everything goes perfectly to plan and our deals are met tonight. The trade routes are the core economy base of the DreamSMP so if they're shut off, we will be in deep shit. Not only that, but now Dream's bringing his 'finace' to a meeting and will have to be convincing as ever. I feel as though his protective instincts will take centre stage tonight, as the meeting is filled with old creepy men and smug, cockily boys, looking to take advantage of anyone - like y/n. I've never been so thankful that I'll be there to protect her, and make sure she's safe.

Flash forward 1 hour
The carriage pulls to a gradual halt and I look out the window into the night. An impressive manor stands proudly among large oak trees, with a large fountain right outside. I keep looking at the architecture, different to l'manburg and the DreamSMP but holds an intimidating aura about it. A creak is heard as the carriage driver opens the door, revealing us to the chilling wind. I'm the last to get out, with Dream helping me down the steps, then taking my arm in his once again. The gently tap of cobblestones beneath my heels feel distant, and my head begins swirling with thoughts. What if I get questioned? What if someone asks me to go with them or something and Sapnap and Dream aren't there? What if I offend someone and get a noose around my neck as a result? What's happened to me? A month ago I would've welcomed the idea of sitting in on this type of thing, learning the trade routes and economic states of other kingdoms. I went once before with Wilbur, and instead of being a trophy Dream can parade around, Will and I worked together to create a pledge of union, allowing ourselves to be prominent in oversea travel in exchange for a plethora of foods we have. At the end of the night, will slung his arm over my shoulder and we laughed to ourselves quietly, because we'd scammed a kingdom of their shipping routes entirely.

"You are going to be fine n/n." Sapnap says, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently. "We've practised and you were great then, but just try not to slit anyone's throat."
I breath a sigh of relief as I remember the dagger Dream gave to me strapped to my thigh. He specifically told me that it was only if I got involved in a life threatening position. Truly it's one of the only things that can offer me any protection around here. We're not late, I'm sure, as other people are making their ways to what I can only assume as the entrance, and to my dismays, there seems to be no female company. Suppose I'm the one who's been scammed this time.

The warmth of the building inside is a stark contrast to the crisp winter air. The goosebumps once covering my arms and legs have retreated with prejudice, leaving me content hovering by the roaring fire with Sapnap and enjoying being away from the crowds.
"So, what was it like back in lmanburg?" The raven haired boy asks from beside me, taking a sip of his elderberry cordial. The stuff has a strange citronella smell to it, but holds the same warmth as the fire at our feet, still crackling away. It tastes refreshing in contrast to the meagre ciders and ales in lmanburg, definitely a strong liquor that will pack a punch for light-weights (such as the majority of men in this manor) .
"Peaceful. I remember wandering through the fields at dust with Wilbur, only to be scolded by my parents when I finally returned home. The smell of roast beef wandering through the cottage on the chilling winter nights. Tommy's gentle voice as he hummed the l'manburg anthem to me when we slept under the stars. It's a lot different to what it used to be and sometimes I wish I could go back in time to relive it all." The alcohol slips down my throat once again.
"I know how you feel." Sapnap's longing voice makes me turn.
"How so?"
"I grew up in a small hamlet around twenty miles away from the DreamSMP. No one had heard of the place there. Dream, George and I spent days hidden away from sight, planning our own kingdom, somewhere far away from this place, where we would become kings ourselves." He drinks to the memory, so distant and yet so near. "It makes me laugh knowing how naive I - we were back then, thinking that our home wasn't good enough for us. I would do anything to be a child again, to think that I could have the world, to believe that the only monsters in this world are the ones you can slay with a sword." Sapnap finishes his glass in one defeated gulp. "I was wrong."

I don't go to him when he walks away, and I know that he needs time alone. Still by the fire, I finish the drink myself, taking in the room for the first time since coming here. Dark oak beams structure the rooms and stone walls hug you at every corner. A large spruce table sits in the centre, adorned with candles and stacks of books. Papers pile high on the floor and I go to investigate. Taking a closer look, a roughly scribbled map appears obvious, highlighting a large docking area and what looks like underground tunnels or sewers? My interest heightens when the DreamSMP flag is shown over the docking area but another flag foreign to me is pinned to a rough sketch of explosions. What is this? My hand goes to snatch the papers, but I stop short when a hand grips my wrist, causing me to Yelp in suprise. "What do you think you're doing gorgeous?"

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