Chapter 6

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I get sent up dinner that night and the plate is clean within five minutes. Elisha refused to let me eat before I had finished all my studies- which only sidetracked me further- because half the time I was thinking of eating the pages of the books. Sapnap gave me cooked beef and potatoes- with some water- which wasn't too bad. I think he's my favourite out off the three of them, he makes jokes and lightens my day, not treating me like a prisoner, but more like a friend. I think George and I are getting there too, though our conversations tend to be a little awkward and there's nothing much to talk about. He's a good guy though, unlike the green bitch- who I hadn't seen since earlier thankfully. He's so off though, one moment he's flirty, the next he looks as you with such malice it could cut glass.

Instead of reading guiding me to my dreams, I stay awake by warm candlelight and oil lamps, sketching out the rough blueprints of the house as I can remember. It's the first step in my plan, second being investigating other areas, and potentially finding the exit. That might be possible tomorrow, when I go to self defence with George and Dream. I just hope that when Dream teaches me I am suddenly way better than he is and drive a dagger straight through where his heart should be. The thought fuels my writing, and pages upon pages begin to be filled with quick, scribbly writing, mapping out the times which i am brought food, to the types of supplies I have in my room. I know this cannot be perfected in one night- much to my annoyance- so I go to sleep, not before hiding the notebook in my tattered l'manburg jacket on the floor, to go sleep.

"Wake up princess" a voice coos in my ear to wake me up, "training today"
I don't even give Dream the small victory of seeing my blushing face. "Is this really necessary, I thought you lot were here to protect me."
"That may be true, but you have to know how to defend yourself in situations where we are not around." His voice slightly shrinks, and the scuff of boots means he is investigating me room, getting evermore closer to the l'manburg jacket. I pray he doesn't investigate it, but it seems XD is never on my side. "You still have this? I though I asked Sapnap to burn it." Dream says, going to pick it up. He can't have that book. I swallow my dignity and step out of bed, only wearing an oversized t-shirt, and I can feel whatever pieces of dignity falling away, but I continue, until I'm standing right in front of him. It's now that I realise how he seems to tower over me, so I pull myself up to my full height.

"You are aware that it's rude to take someone's possessions." I say, gently taking the jacket off him, feeling around for the book. I feel myself relax immediately as I feel the frail scraps of paper beneath the layers of fabric. Despite having the jacket in my hands, and in my eyes, acting entirely innocent, Dream still looks suspicious. Oh well, here goes nothing.
"I really thought you of all people would act like a gentleman." I say, looking up at him.
"And why is that?" He teases, and I can feel myself cringe at what comes out of my mouth next.
"I mean... You're such a powerful guy, who I'm sure is regarded highly by many. A girl like myself would expect that." I grip on the jacket tighter as he stands closer, so close that I can see light freckles dusted over his face. On any other guy, it would be adorable, but not Dream. "So, can I keep my jacket, to remind me of home?" My voice goes a little higher at the end, all part of the facade.
"Of course, princess, I wouldn't want to deprive you of that. But training in ten, so I expect you to be ready." Dream offers me a warm smile, faked I'm sure, with little dimples and perfect pearly teeth as he walks out. Jackass.

I get downstairs with three minutes to spare. I know that because Sapnap gave me a little pocket watch. I don't bother wearing anything pretty and delicate today, because it's training, so my outfit was based on practically and comfortablilty. I wear loose leggings and a tank top, a leather belt to hole dagger and throwing stars which I don't have. My hair is tightly pulled into a low plait and I can't wait to have the weight of a blade on my hip or in my hands.

I find Sapnap, wearing combat clothes, and his signature bandana, as worn as anything. He flicks a thin blade between his fingers when he throws me a grin. "Looking wonderful as usual Y/n" he says, flinging his arm over my shoulder, and guiding me outside, and I take in the smell of burning wood which surrounds him, feeling content for once.
"You as well Sapnap." I reply, ruffling his hair.
"So, the plan for today is Dream is going to assess your hand to hand combat, and then with a weapon of your choosing. Both times you'll be up against yours truly, so good luck." Sapnap, winks to be, and walks off to grab some weapons I assume. I stretch and warm up while I wait, tensing when Dream approaches me.
"Are you ready princess?" He asks, grabbing the pocket-watch from my pocket and tauntingly dangling it in front of my face. How did he even know it was there?
"Of course." I reply with gritted teeth, because I can't say much else without profanities following shortly after.
"Ok then. Sapnap and yourself will start on either side of the arena, then fight hand to hand. There are no rules, only to not kill each other and stop when the other forfeits. Get ready." Dream says, standing in the middle of the arena, assessing both of us equally. I suppose this is just a training day for Sapnap like me.

I position myself in a wobbly fighting stance, as adrenaline begins flooding through my veins, and hope to XD I don't get myself killed. Everything I learnt in l'manburg, which wasn't much, I force to my mind, and prepare to take down my enemy.

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