Chapter 4

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"You're having a laugh... Right?" I question and I expect him to smirk or anything but his remains stone cold and emotionless.
"Well, I understand that you have a strong detest towards me- and the feeling is mutual- I promise. However, I am willing to greet you freedom in exchange for six months of you not trying to kill me." Dream says, and perhaps it's the lighting, but his face looked anxious for a second.
"I'll have to think about it." Though I'm sure he already know I was going  to say that.
"Yes, of course, but you have until tonight- and we will negotiate our term if you agree at dinner tonight.
"Sounds like a plan." I reply when Dream strides out of my room.

And what a plan it is. Living with Dream for the next 6 months, pretending to be engaged. If only Tommy were here to see this. You know what he'd do? He would go up to Dream, with his sticks and start stabbing him until he let Tommy go. And you know, I know what Wilbur would tell me, I can picture him standing here by me, shoulder to shoulder, looking out on his symphony.' Keep your chin up y/n, don't let that crown fall off', because he always referred to me as the queen of l'manburg. I'm not the the strongest or tallest, most intelligent or wealthy, but Will said that no matter what, everyone would band together to save me, their queen. I always thought of what he says as a joke in the past but now, more than ever, I hope that my family will save me.

Flash forward a few hours :)
George comes in my room, when the sun colours the sky with a pinky, orange haze. He says I am to get ready for dinner in half an hour, and to wear something casual yet formal- whatever the Gods that means. I settle on a teal coloured dress, with beautiful silver embellishments and some simple silver flats to match. I tend to avoid heels whenever I can as they make my feet ache terribly. I can't be asked to style my h/c hair, so I brush it into a messy low bun. I personally think it looks quite rustic. When I scan through the draws in my bathroom, I find some rather nice makeup, and put it on. Not something bold and extravagant, just a light dusting on the cheeks and eyelids - which will hopefully divert the eyes from the eyebags. George was also kind enough to give me directions on how to get to the dining hall, so I am able to get there at my own pace, in my own time. It is only when I make my way down the staircase that I realise how large this place is. The ceilings tower high above me and the hallway seems to go on forever, lined with a lush black rug. This place must have cost a fortune to build, and furnish.

Down the stairs, take a left, down the second hallway and take a right. I chant the directions in my head as I turn each corner, but stop abruptly when i am met with two rather large oak doors. I'm not sure on how to enter, do I knock? Too formal. Just walk in? That might seem rude. But hey fuck it, they're the ones who kidnapped me. When the door opens,I feel myself shrink when it creaks loudly, and all eyes are turned on me. However, I will not let my crown fall so I walk in, head held high, and sit as far away from the three boys as I can.

"Y/n, you are late." Dream says, hardly even sparing me a glance. That's rather rude. "We will have to fix that in lessons."
Lessons?! Is he having a fucking laugh? He better be, because otherwise we are going to have some problems. I would adore to say my piece on the matter, but I worry it could cost me my meal, and the smell coming from whatever's hidden beneath the silver platters is enough to make me drool. "You look lovely tonight y/n." George says, sending me a kind smile. At least someone's nice "We have roast chicken and roasted cauliflower. Help yourself, I'm sure you're starving, considering you haven't eaten since breakfast." As he says the words, George sends an obvious glare towards Sapnap, who guiltily looks away.

And I do help myself. When I'm finished grabbing everything, the plate beneath is hardly visible. I see Dream shoot me a surprised face but I truly couldn't care less. This food looks and smells delicious, I'm not just going to eat the bare minimum to be polite. And since these lot are keeping me hostage, may as well get the most out of it while I can, right? "So... What have you lot been up to today?" I ask, as it seems only polite to do so. It takes a while for anyone to respond, but eventually Sapnap steps up.
"Well, I actually got this new fish called Mars with George today. He's really cool and got blue fins and a green body." (I don't actually know what Mars looks like so I'm just making it up a bit:) Sapnap says.
"Oh nice! Where abouts did you find him?"
"To the south of l'manburg,not too far off the shore actually. I thought I wasn't going  to have to travel hindered of mile before I would spot one. They seem pretty rare nowadays."
"I think I read something about that actually. Apparently during this time of year, the populating on fish decrease due to the change is temperature and climate. You were very lucky to find them." The conversation puts me at ease a little, knowing there are at least two people in this placed that I can actually stand to be around for more than ten minutes. It also might make living here with Dream a little less insufferable. Oh, which reminds me.

"So Dream, I have decided to join this partnership and pretend to be your fiancé." The word tastes like venom in my mouth. "But I do have some conditions: number one- you will not attack any of the lmanburg citizens while I stay here or the deal is off. Number 2- you cannot expect me to be the perfect lady, and I will not be regardless and number 3- you will not disrespect me in any way, or I will break all of your limbs one by one." While I list my demands, I see Dream's mind at work, and that signature smirk creeps its way back onto that face of his. "Deal. Y/N, you are dismissed."

Like I wasn't going already, when I get to the doors and open them, the last thing I hear from the room is once again dream's silky voice. "Oh and princess, you're lessons begin at 7am sharp."

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