Chapter 7

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Dream POV
"Three, two, one ... Fight." I keep my voice as level and calm as possible, though I'm beyond excited to see how y/n fights, if she can at all. They run towards each other, y/n going for the defensive whilst Sapnap goes in for an upper-cut. The h/c dodges, spinning her arm round to hit him in the ribs, which she does, before taking some steps back. They fight sizes for a couple seconds, before y/n then goes for another hit. She strikes Sapnap in the jaw after ducking low, but leaves an opening in turn. Sapnap, too, sees this, sliding behind y/n and kicking her hard into the stomach. She winces, she's hurt. For some reason, it takes a lot in me not to rush over and check Y/n not seriously injured, though I don't know why. Sapnap proceeds to place a foot on y/n ribs, pushing down hard, y/n now gasping for breath. However, she doesn't forfeight, and I can see in her eyes, despite the situation, she's not going to back down. Sapnap won't either, and strikes a blow to her face. Red falls from the girls nose, and when she coughs, it appears from her mouth too. There's nothing she can do apart from forfeight, which she won't, and Sapnap won't back down, she's going to get herself killed. Punch after punch is forced on y/n, and the fight in her eyes falls away, like mist on a spring morning. She's going to die. He's going to kill her.

"Stop, STOP!" I yell, running over to grab y/n away from Sapnap.
"She didn't say forfeit and you told me not to go easy on her." The arsonist tries to explain, rubbing away the blood, y/n's blood, but it only makes me angrier.
"That's because she was unconscious you fucking idiot! You were hitting her in the stomach, punching her in the face again and again, what did you expect to happen? Does she seem like the kind of girl to just give up?" I know from his face Sapnap knows that I'm right. "I'm taking her to the infirmary. Clean yourself up and then help me clean everything up later." I don't give him a chance to say anything else, lifting battered y/n from the ground and carrying her bridal style to the house with surprising ease. I don't want to look down but I do and on closer inspection, I can see multiple cuts and bruises littering her lure completion, blood acting as a mask to any other injuries i can't see. I hurry my walking, hoping to XD she doesn't die in my arms.

The first thing I feel is the gentle sway of being carried and the smell of pine wood. Then, the pain. My face feels cold and hot at the same time, aching and on fire. It stings without contact and I know Sapnap's done some real damage. The person carrying me is warming and making sure I'm somewhat comfortable. I try not to think about it too much and the feeling of rhythmic steps and the crunch of leaves underfoot slowly drifts me to sleep.

The next time I wake up it's from the pain of being placed on a table. I feel myself coughing and gasping and aching and screaming inside but hardly making a sound in real life. With a struggle, I manage to open my eyes slightly taking in my surroundings while I can. I seem to be in an infirmary, due to the white wash walls and couple of beds lined up, with medical stuff I don't know the name of all positioned next to them. "Shhhhhh princess, I know, I know, I'm going to help." Dream comes into my view, holding a first aid box. I don't even have the strength to try and get away, so I focus on my breathing instead. I don't talk, or do anything really, just stare up at those emerald eyes.

"Sapnap really didn't go easy did he?" Dream mutters getting a cloth and gently wiping it over my face, then wringing it out in a little bowl of water. I don't even want to know the colour of it now. "So the plan is, cleaning up your face and getting a healing potion for you so you have no permanent scarring or deep bruising. Then... I'm going to have to check you ribs and stomach." I'm sure the silence i respond with makes this only more awkward. Dream carries on, wiping away dried blood and sometimes applying a herby smelling balm onto the more noticeable wounds. He explained to me that it prevents infections. Truly I couldn't give less of a shit about what it does, because it felt to soothing on my skin.

"I might have to help you drink this." Dream says, grabbing a small vial of rose coloured, sparkly liquid form the box. I try to sit up slightly, but it aches so much, so Dream ends up holding me up and gently tipping the contents into my mouth. I cough lightly, trying not to let the potion spill out of my mouth. "Easy there." His voice splits, holding me still even after I've swallowed. I don't want to move, he's so warm and comfortable."thanks" i mutter after a while.
"Don't apologise for anything princess, it was my fault I let you fight Sapnap."
"Don't be too harsh on him." And my eyes close gently as my sentence comes to an end.
"Ok. But I think you should get some rest now, since we're going to that meeting tonight. I don't want you taking this the wrong way, but I think it might be best if you stay in my room so I can check up on you. Then we can make sure you're up to the task tonight." He offers me a little smile. "Do you want me to carry you?"
"I can manage waking, how far away is your room from here?"
"Quite far, are you sure."
"I think so."

Dream POV
I try to push down my concern about y/n walking so far so quickly. Despite her consistently telling me she's fine and can manage, something in me screams to pick her up and carry her. Her steps are more like shuffles as we get out the room and every now and then, we stop for a bit. I hope she'll be up for tonight, to have the energy for it is asking a lot from her. I can't help but smile at her determined face as she makes her way down the hallway, clinging onto my arm like a lifeline. It warms my heart even more to see her face happily exhausted when we make it into my room. Luckily for me, I had cleaned it earlier as I do, which saves me from the embarrassment. I help ease y/n down onto the bed, and slightly gasp when she doesn't let go of my arm.
"Can you stay with me? Please?" There's so many things I should be doing right now, preparing for the meeting tonight, briefing the boys on any plans, cleaning the house, but when I lay down next to y/n, holding here gently in my arms, nothing has ever felt so right.

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