Chapter 8

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The first thing I feel when I wake is a blanket of warmth enveloping me, then a gentle breath against my neck. My body shuffles as I try to get up, but strong arms hold me, gently squeezing me as I try to go. "Where are you going?" Dream's voice, raspy and groggy from lack of use and undeniably sexy floats about my ear, still holding me close. I can't see his face, but he feels settled behind me, and I'm thankful that he can't see my flustered, burning features, though my body is on fire. I still as Dream pulls me closer, if that's possible and his chest connects with my back, sighing contently and burying that face of his into the crook of my neck. "I need to go, we're going to that meeting social thing tonight remember?" My voice feels small when Dream chuckles quietly.
"That's not for hours, rest up a little more princess."
"Even still, where am I?" I ask, my voice muffled by the feather cushions beneath my head. God these things are so soft.
"My room." He's so casual about the matter, it infuriates me.
"And... Why am I in here? How did I get here?" I ask, because the day before is nothing but a blur in my memory and an ache in my rips. Dream sits up, consequently bringing me up with him. Now that I'm more so awake, I find little details on the guy's face, with early morning beams shine through an ornate window, illuminating his features and making his fluffy, bed hair shine gold. Freckles dance over Dream's face, especially his nose and when he smiles at me, little dimples crease his cheeks. I'm only drawn from my staring trance when Dream catches my chin in his calloused hand, gently stroking my jaw and gazing deep into my eyes.

When he speaks, Dream's voice is deep, so deep I could drown in it for an eternity. "I'm guessing you don't remember training yesterday then? Well, you and Sapnap did some hand to hand combat and he got carried away the bastard."
"Don't blame him." I defend, because I know Sapnap wouldn't intentionally harm me, he's like a big brother to me.
"He nearly killed you y/n." The words hold a sharp edge.
"But I'm here now." As I speak, I can see Dream's jaw tensing. He's angry. But then, instead of voicing his opinions, an exhausted sigh escapes him.
"I know, I was just concerned."
My stomach flutters as his voice relaxes, and we are back to staring at each other.

Flash forward 5 hours.
Dream insisted that I rest for the remainder of the day, considering we are attending that trade route meeting thing this evening. I read for quite a while, turning to that gold embellished book to aid my boredom. Then, I prepared my outfit. I settle on a deep lavender dress with a simple cut, and silver accents around my torso and the straps. I pair it with some silver heels (the comfiest ones I could find) and finish the look with a little silver necklace Tommy gave me, with a small disc engraved with a f/f. Having it close to me breathes a sense of hope, knowing that every second I am trapped here is one closer to seeing my family and going home.

Before changing, I have a shower, letting the steaming water melt away the endless aches covering my body. I don't know what to do with my h/t hair, so I throw it into a plait (or you can have it however you want :)
The pocket watch in my hand clicks rhythmically as I sit with my book in hand once again, waiting to be taken to this torture of an event. Sapnap, Dream and George have done there best to prepare me, educating a soldier girl of the customs of a social gathering such as making quiet proper conversation and complimenting generals on their braveness fighting in wars, how they deserve all the medals pinned onto their jackets. 'If only you knew what it's really like' is what I would love to say, because truly they have no idea what it's like to know that at any moment you could lose your life and put everything you have on the line. The smell of blood in the air and the metallic taste it holds in your mouth. I doubt any of them have had to carry a soldier who's been shot in the neck half a mile, knowing that there's no way they are going to make it, that a life is lost on your shoulders. Literally.

"Are you ready n/n?" Sapnap peaks his head though the door, pulling me from my thoughts. Anyone would think I was just reading instead of reliving a memory from when I was fifteen. The memory of carrying my best friends body to the graveyard, half starving and itching to take the sword at my hip and end things myself. Luckily, the pyromaniacs mischievous grin is enough to lighten my thoughts, and making me smile too.
"Yes I am, and may I say you are looking dashing as ever Sapnap." I joke, meeting him at my door and ruffling his hair that he hasn't even bothered to tame, though now without his bandana which is a strange sight. Instead of his layers of shirts, he wears a smart jacket and deep red tie, polished boots and all. He cleans up nice, I'll admit.
"Same to you y/n, you are looking particularly radiant by tonight's candlelight." Sapnap throws his arm around my shoulder as we make our way down the hall and I breath in a comforting smell of charcoal and cinnamon. "Are you nervous, as this is you're first debut as Dream's fiancé." He finger quotes the word fiancé but I can see in his eyes that he is genuinely asking.
"Kind of, the whole thing sounds a bit of a bore, I only hope I don't get asked about Dream. I know nothing about him, after all."
"You'll be just fine n/n, I'll be there and we can just chill by the buffet. Dream often takes charge about these kind of things so I wouldn't worry about being the centre of attention no offence."
"Absolutely none taken." I laugh and then we see Dream.

He wears a jacket and shirt identical, although the embroidered details are a dark emerald colour, twins to his eyes. Usually, he wears casual clothes that are loose to this body, but now, I can see toned muscles beneath the shirt. Sadly, it takes a lot in me not to gawp. If he wasn't my energy and the person I hate most in the world - as I often convince myself - than I would call him handsome.
We exchange no words, not that any need to be spoken because I have already been briefed on the plan. I go his side and taking his arm, which is tense beneath me, and we make our way to the carriage. Two spotless thoroughbreds pull it, and they whittle in greeting to me. Once again, it sends a plane through my heart as I remember the stables in l'manburg and spending early mornings brushing the, in peace. Bloody hell, I miss them. But not long now, not long until I'm home.

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