Chapter 5

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I get changed into a honey- coloured yellow the next day, and again, my mind flicks to Tubbo. I pull my hair into a loose braid, checking I don't look too horrendous, when a note slips under my door.
Be in the dining room at 7, no later, your lessons start there -Dream
Of course, how could I forget, lessons. Once I get out my bedroom door, I can't help but think of what Dream might have in store for me and last nights' words echo in my head. To get you more ladylike. Fuck that honestly, because I don't know what type of princess he wants me to be, but trust me, I cannot and will not become that. I wonder if he will try to educate me on all the trade routes, which I truly wouldn't mind and am interested in, though I doubt it, because women are for show and can make no useful contributions - or so say the men. Maybe my mannerisms will have to be altered, and instead of threatening stranger who I would deem dangerous, I should greet them politely and ask them how their day is or if their journey was comfrotable. Practically, my entire personality (and dignity) will be stripped away, replaced with a girl I wouldn't recognise in the mirror.

"You look nice princess." Dream says as I walk into the dining room, eyeing me up.
"Don't fucking call me princess or I will rip you're arm off and shove it up your arse." I threaten, making sure to keep my voice calm and low.
"I would love to see you try." The green bitch responds, and the smile on his face is anything but friendly. "Another time perhaps? It's time for you to get to your first lesson."
"What are you going to try first, get me to be polite, be a little trophy as the lmanburgian you broke to your will?" I'm almost scared at the possibility of it coming true.
"Oh no y/n not me, your new tutor, Elisha." And as if on cue, a lady not much older than myself, struts into the room, as prim and proper as they get.
"It's nice to meet you y/n." She says, silky voiced.
"You as well." going to reach for her hand to shake, a custom when greeting new people in l'manburg. Instead of taking it, Elisha slaps her hand across my face, leaving a stinging sensation harsher than any bees could manage.
"Lesson one, you do not shake an acquaintances hand." Elisha says, turning away and walking into the next room, with me following at her tail because I don't know what she's do if I tried to run away.

The room we walk into next is what I can only assume as the library, considering the thousands of books sat on shelves in the room. The spines all glow in the dim candlelight or roaring fire in the left corner, with a few reading chairs I could disappear into. I get one of the books and place it gently in my hands. An old scripture I'm sure, be sure the pages look stained in years of disuse. The words are all neatly handwrittien, but the language is not one I understand, with random dots and lines sprawled onto the page. Before I can even try to understand the writing, Elisha storms over, snatching the book from my hands and throws it into the fire. I can do nothing but look as the book gets consumed by the flames, and a small part of me burns with it. I can't help but ask my tutor, "What was that for?"
"Lesson two, you can only do things when I say so, speak when I tell you to and cooperate at all times. Including now." Elisha's voice is sweet in the air, and I'm being suffocated. "Now, time for lesson three."

We weave our way through a dozen more shelves until we stand in front of a desk. Weave isn't a good word truly, Elisha glided elegantly as though she were on clouds, whereas I tripped on anything remotely near my path, earning some disgusted glances in return. "Sit." Elisha commands, pointing at the ancient wooden chair by the desk. I do as I'm told. The wood feels unstable and ready to cave at any given moment, and splinters threaten to poke into my back if I lean back too much. Elisha stands parallel to me with a smug grin on her face but somehow she still remains radiant. "Dream has informed me that you are uneducated on the basic subjects in life, since you came from such a ... Rough... Background." It takes everything in me not to spit on her shoes. "I have provided you on books about the history of the castle and DreamSMP, landmarks and rivers, mathematics and such. I expect you to have read though all of the books when I get back and to have taken notes. Do not disappoint me." But I can tell in her head she's saying which you already have.

It takes me countless hours to revise everything in the books, most of the things I doubt I would ever use in my actual life. I did find the history of the DreamSMP rather interesting, reading of a group of unnamed explorers came about this place and settles down. Literature was alright too, as Elisha gave me a rather dull looking book to annotate, which turned out to not be too bad - when you read between the lines. However, my hands ache terribly from the scribbling in the notebook I was given, and I have several ink stains reaching up my arm from where I smudged my work. If I have to do this ever again, let alone every day, I may just throw Elisha into that fire. She is petit enough to fit, and I would love to see that perfect, flawless face melt off to reveal who she really is, a dragon.

The opening of the door wakes me from an uncomfortable sleep, and Elisha appears once again. "Finished I see?" She questions, and I can tell her standards weren't high. Which was probably for the best too. Sure there was a lot of writing and analysing and note taking, but the majority of it was pretty much unreadable. "This looks, acceptable." She says, pushing it all into the draw without any care.
"Am I done for the day?" The exhaustion in my voice is enough to coax me into bed.
"For today yes, and I have this for you, it's you're timetable for the next month, highlighting all of your lessons and key events in the social calendar, ones you will be attending." The poison in her voice matches a rattlesnake. Walking out of the room, I snatch the paper from her hand, reading my schedule in my head. Tomorrow is written at the bottom of the page and I can hear a sigh of dread escape my lips. It reads:
Defence training with Dream and George - all day
Absolutely fucking marvellous.

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