Chapter 5

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June 18, 1208

Herailian Forest (Billian-Charatian Border)

7:00 a.m.

Several Billian soldiers could be seen exchanging shots with a group of Charatian soldiers. The battle started when a Charatian patrol mistook a Billian Patrol for intruders entering the territory of the Federation.

"Keep them busy! Don't let them pass!"

A Billian Soldier named Sergeant Witian shouted.

The soldiers obeyed and kept the pressure on the invading soldiers.

When they suddenly heard rumbling.


Sgt. Witian shouted, recognizing the 3 contraptions. 

Which then proceeded to turn their turrets toward the men.

"Get to cover!"

At his command, his soldiers ran to another area of the forest as the tanks fired their shells at the men.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One of the Billian soldiers then pulled out an anti-tank rifle and uses it to hit one of the tanks. Causing it to be Knocked out of commission.

'Yes, we got one!'

The sergeant thought as he watched the tank stop and its engines stop.

However, the soldier operating the rifle failed to notice a Charatian sniper watching him and the sniper fired killing him. 

"Shit! Sniper!"

One of the Billian soldiers exclaimed.

The sporadic fighting then continued until both sides withdraw from the position under the orders of their respective commanders.

Elven Village of Qota/ Renamed: Qota Republic

Capital Building

10:45 a.m.

"So are the tensions between the Charatian and Billians rising?"

James asked while looking at his ministers respectively. Having heard of the shooting incidents between the two belligerent nations. James started the meeting to plan for the future.

"Yes, Mr. President. There is also the alliance between the Charatian Federation and the Kriegstanian Empire. Sure we have established diplomatic relations with the Kriegstanians but it is highly likely that the empire will side with the federation in a war. So in conclusion, we must find allies that we can trust. Our only best guess is the Billian Republic and the Republic of Radellia. Although there is a small chance that we may get included in the coming war."

The minister of the foreign ministry said.

"Are you insane? Why should we ally with the Billians? We are stuck in between two potential enemy nations. It would be a strategic disaster considering on the left border, we have the Kriegstanian Empire while on the East, we have the Charatian Federation. Added by the fact that the Federation could supply the empire with weaponry to fight us in two-"

Before the minister of defense could continue his explanation. 

James interrupted him.

"According to the Ministry of intelligence, the Charatian Federation focused most of their military budgets on their land and air forces. With the Navy, being neglected. As a result, their navy is comprised of pre-dreadnoughts and gunboats. In their army, most of their tanks seem to resemble the tanks of the 1930s, meaning our new Char D1 and Char 2C tanks could fight hand in hand with them. Although there are blueprints suggesting that the Federation is planning to develop a new tank. Their air force is comprised mostly of monoplanes that are built using an extremely heavy yet common metal called "Lithrous" but  the QAF (Qota Air Force) still could have a dogfight with them and win as most of their aerial technology dates to the 1930s-1940s."

(After the diplomatic meeting between the Kriegstanians and the forces of James Hodgkins who introduced themselves as the Qota Republic. The trading between the two nations increased with the Qota Republic providing civilian technology of the ww1 era such as watches. )

"As for the Kriegstanians, their technology is comprised of inferior weaponry and technology ranging from cannons to ironclads dating from the 1880s to the 1900s. Weapons such as muskets and breech-loading rifles were also found to be in use. 

'Although the breech-loading rifles look eerily similar in appearance and performance to the M1819 Hall rifle.'

James thought to himself.

"Now, How are the building projects? Are they nearing completion?

"No Mr. President, but they are currently being built."


'Although, I am a bit concerned with corrupt officials attempting to use the project's money and using some of it to fill their pockets.'

"Now finally, How about the vaccination campaigns? Are they nearing completion?"

He said while looking at the minister.

"Yes, Mr. President, about 85 percent of the republic's population had been vaccinated."

The minister of Health said.

'Although I do fear pandemics like Spanish Flu, Black Death, or Covid-19 infecting many of the citizens. It is best if we keep a close eye on symptoms like coughing and we 'must' at all costs promote good hygiene and measures against any new diseases.  Since a cough could simply spread fast to nearby uninfected like in the game Plague Inc... Oh, I remembered that game where I can-- Ugh focus damn it. Now, where was I?........ Oh, you know what forget it.'

"Now before we end this meeting. It is of high importance that any cases of sickness are to be monitored carefully. In order to prevent the spread of diseases under our awareness. As the consequences are extremely catastrophic."

With that, the ministers left the room with some left behind in order to give their opinion on various matters. After James answered their questions on the matters at hand. They left the room.

'Although, Most problems at hand were addressed. I can't help but think about the various problems which I fear could cause anarchy or chaos. Oh, sure the military police could handle the riots but with a possibility that a virus could spread while the conflict between the Billians and Charatians. Like how the Spanish Flu spread in his previous world as the Bird Flu before eventually mutating into the deadly virus.'

He would continue thinking until he felt the need to take a break and have lunch.

(QAF) Air Base 2:00 p.m.

Several Biplanes could be seen parked in a landing way

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Several Biplanes could be seen parked in a landing way. As engineers could be seen fixing the vehicles in terms of maintenance. Two airmen could be seen walking.

"Do you think those Kriegstanians will attack us? I mean were allies but I just heard the news of the Charatian-Kriegstanian alliance and I think the higher-ups will side with the Billians."

"Sure those Kriegstanians can attack us but our technological supremacy will win us the battle. but I don't know about the Charatians I heard that they had aircraft but rumors say that it is extremely faulty and are nothing but target practice for our planes."

"Yeah, I agree with you although we still should be weary of them."

The airman said while looking at the sky. Hoping that a war would not occur.

Chapter End

Slight edit

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