Chapter 21

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The Province of Whezriff, Pletarian Reich

Dec.10, 1208

From the occasional attacks of the Radellian forces. The borders were usually quiet so quiet in fact that the soldiers stationed sometimes questioned and wondered why they were even stationed there. Which was reasonable since Snow had begun to cover the Continent as Christmas was approaching.

The cold air was quiet when suddenly the soldiers manning the checkpoint heard loud whizzing noises.

"What the??!"

A Pletarian Military asked in a voice indicating uncertainty.

Although the men already knew what it was as they saw Several Bomber aircraft and Fighter aircraft fly by the checkpoint. Immediately the men scurried for cover and quickly loaded and manned the 40mm anti-air gun stationed within the checkpoint which was imported from the Federation. 

"Shit! get down?!!"

A Pletarian soldier shouted as he took cover behind some sandbags in case the Radellian aircraft strafe them. 

While one of the officers immediately radioed back to a nearby city reporting the air raid. The officer could only hope that the few fighter planes imported from Charatia could defend the skies from the enemy forces.

The Flak then began to fire at the Bombers. To the joy of the Pletarians, Some aircraft are hit by the AA gun, Which causes them immediately catch fire and spiral out of control, crashing in the nearby forest. However, this also attracted the attention of some of the following fighter biplanes who replied with their machine guns quickly peppering the checkpoint in a hail of automatic fire which caused casualties amongst the Pletarian soldiers while some took cover.

Eventually, the bomber and fighter aircraft bearing Radellian Insignias proceeded to their targets. Leaving behind a devastated checkpoint. 

The surviving soldiers sigh in relief. They had just survived an air attack but sadly they heard a loud noise and rumbling coming from the road in front of the checkpoint and they knew that their hopes had just been crushed. What they saw was a Convoy of Radellian Armored Cars, Trucks, and Tanks had just arrived.

The men could only hope for the best and began to take position amongst the machine gun bunkers laid to the side of the checkpoint. But one thing was certain they would hold.

 But one thing was certain they would hold

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Pletarian Military High Command

Gen. Praelhius had just received reports that Several Radellian army groups have taken over the provinces near and in the border just after nearly 5 days of fighting. It was clear that a Radellian Invasion had begun only an idiot couldn't see it. With the Radellian Air Force beginning to pound the Pletarian Capital of Pythius.

If the info he received were to be believed the Radellian Army's 11th Army Brigade was planning to conquer the Yhertia River which would split their forces from the naval bases and ports at the Pletarian Coast. This meant that the Battalions must hold at all costs.

And if they didn't he always had his trusty pistol to deal with this problem.

Pletarian Naval Base Spithius

Naval Sailors could be seen boarding the warships stationed they were ordered to be on standby as they had just received news of the Radellian Offensive a few hours ago. Plus the risk that the Radellians may launch a naval attack on the fleet stationed in the base.


A high-ranking naval officer shouted in encouragement at the running naval sailors who were loading the warships.

There were currently 2 Pre-Dreadnoughts, 3 Ironclads, 3 Destroyers, and 2 gunboats in the base. They were part of the 5th Pletarian Naval Fleet.

The men were also manning the AA guns in preparation for any air attacks from the Radellian Air Service who had just launched attacks against any industrial and military targets within the Reich. Recently they had heard that the 'Great' President had just declared war threatening to vaporize the 'Evil' Radellian Bastards who dare defile the land of the Pletarian People.

"Those Radellian Rats are only here to defile the land of the people of our Fatherland for they are only envious of our great wealth. So I will and shall prove with the authority of God that these in humans will be banished from thy fatherland with the Great Lord's Fury."
- The Pletarian Dictator's Declaration of War. The speech indicated both the delusional and insane nature of the Dictator.

The Cold Blue Waves of the Pletarian Coast crashed along the sides of the PRS OCTHIVA of the Mavia-Class Pre-dreadnought was beginning to leave the base alongside her fellow warships to confront and possibly annihilate the Radellian 5th Naval Fleet spotted off the North Radellian Sea.

After a few hours they finally arrive but when they arrive shells were seen flying toward their ships.

"Brace For Impact!"

A sailor said as the shells impacted.

Most of the shells would hit and detonate in the freezing water of the coast but some would luckily hit the Pletarian Warships. Causing one of the gunboats to get split in half and explode in a mixture of burning metal as it sunk beneath the waves. While unfortunately most of the ships hit would only have minor damages.

Conning Tower

"Status report?"

The Captain of the Naval vessel asked after taking cover as the warship shook under another explosion.

'Shit!' He thought

"Well, sir the men are busy trying to put out the fires in the deck. While our men are also trying to help the injured. Any orders sir?"

The sailor asked after revealing what was currently happening.

"Have the ship return fire if we're going down they are going down with us."

"Yes sir. But sir the range is still too far."

"What! How?!"

The captain asked in shock. Could it be that the Brutish Radelians we're fielding dreadnoughts? But who could be supplying them? One of the Radellians always had a problem purchasing ships from the Billian Republic plus who could help them maintain such equipment?

Then he already knew the answer to those demonic Qotans. How dare they.

But he wasn't going to give up easily, he was going to fight till the bitter end. Even though he knew that the range of the dreadnoughts far exceeded his ship.

He gave his orders and the sailor quickly got out of the room. To enforce such orders.

But the captain already knew that he and his crew would have a watery grave.

Chapter End

P.S sorry if I hadn't posted a chapter for some days. Well, it was due to my coming exams on Jan. 27. So sorry guys.

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