Chapter 15

596 30 2

Sept 13, 1208

" With great desperation and ruthlessness the Charatians launched their offensive during those times I was your run-of-a-mill Qotan Soldier manning one of the Maginot-Like Bunkers of the Defense Line which had trenches and defenses which stretched some kilometers. With great thunder, their artillery swept our defenses, as They came from the bushes with great ferocity the metal beasts charged through the plains of the earth eager for death and glory, young men eager to fight for their nation's will carried on their metal backs."

-Narrated by a Formal Qotan Veteran of the War.

It has been three days since Sgt. Hall was transferred to the Bunker Fortications Complex Jaxson.

He was assigned to be a gunner for a Pak-40 Anti Tank gun in one of the frontline Bunkers.

Suddenly they heard rattling which first came from their metal food carriers vibrating so loud. Looking out the Bunker's small open windows.

They found something which horrified them a line of tanks less than 600 meters away. Suddenly they heard whirling and looked up as artillery began to pound the Bunkers which did their purpose to withstand the explosions and protect the men inside.

Quickly recovering, he orders his crewmembers to assist him with the gun and load it with shells to retaliate.


He said as he fired the gun at one of the tanks in the first line as expected it causes the metal beast to be turned into scrapped metal.

His loader then loads another shell in succession. But after a few more tanks were destroyed.

One of the Charatian Medium Tanks fired its 78mm Tank Gun at the Bunker.

Killing Hall and his crew members.

Charatian Tank PoV

Charatian Tank Brigade

Capt. Ludwig Zyrus could be seen inside his cupola directing orders when one of the tanks in the first line explodes into a burning metal wreck.

"Shit! AT GUN!"

He shouted.

"Find it and destroy it we wouldn't want to deal with more casualties."

He said as he watched the Bunkers in the Defense Line as they fired on them with either machine guns or hidden AT guns.

After a few more of them were burning metal, he finally found it.

"There 10°Clock, Fire at that Large Bunker."

"Yes sir."

His gunner said as he fired the gun at the target. Watching as the bunker exploded with debris flying everywhere.


James Hodgkins
Qotan Military Bunker

He could be seen slamming his hand at a map as expected the Charatians attacked the Defense Line but at its weak points in Itilla and Rheius while their comrades would still attack the other positions to distract the forces from supplying their weakpoints with reinforcements, in their attempt to surround the Soldiers in the fortifications.

Seeing what would happen if they failed he sends the 23rd, 24th, and 25th Combined Arms Battalion to assist them in their defense. While also assisting them with the 31st, 32nd, 34th, and 36th Artillery Regiment and some of the new dive bomber squadrons.

Meanwhile, for Internal Matters, The E.L.F was driven off to the wilderness during the Past Months with the Qotan Military purging possible traitors and rebellious sympathizers.

But they are still a major threat considering they manage to steal large caches of Qotan Military Equipment.

For the Charatian Air Attacks, their attacks were waning when the QAF began to introduce the Spitfire Fighter Aircraft leading to Massive casualties amongst the CAF. Which forced them to research new weaponry to counter them, leading to new AA guns being produced.

23rd Combined Arms Battalion

A Brigade of 28 Tanks comprised of 13 Centurions, 7 Sherman Fireflies, and 8 S35 French Medium Tanks could be seen traveling to Itilla since it was most affected by the attack which threatened to fall if it is not assisted, following them were Qotan Soldiers in Halftracks. Armed with m1 Garands, Thompson Machine guns, and many more.

Their uniforms were similar to the WW2 uniforms used by the US military during ww2 but had camouflage splotches similar to those used by the Waffen SS in terms of design.

"So is everyone ready!"

A soldier asked his comrades and they nodded.

Readying their weapons quietly the trip would take at least a few hours till they arrive at the frontlines.

31st Artillery Regiment

After hearing of the High Command's orders, soldiers would then proceed to ready the 8 M1 155 mm "Long Tom" Artillery Pieces. Currently, they were in a position several kilometers behind the Defence Lines.


The CO said as he ordered his men to load the Ordnance.

"It is Ready Sir!"

His loaders replied. After hearing the loader's words.


He said as a soldier pulled the trigger while his comrades covered their ears as all 8 Ordinance Pieces fired at nearly the same time.

Killnus Defense Line

Gunshots could be heard as the Qotan Soldiers were firing from either bunkers or trenches in a steady effort to repel the Charatian Wave comprised of Tanks, Artillery, and Soldiers. They also had to contend with Attack aircraft from the CAF which they fought with AA guns.

Both sides know the importance of this battle as this could determine the possible death of both Nations.

"Fuck! How Many troops do they have?!"

A Qotan Soldier said as he was loading his M1 Garand Rifle. Internally he was panicking since he did not expect that the Charatians would launch such a large attack.

Loading a rifle grenade, he fires it taking out several Charatian Soldiers with an explosion.

He then ducks for cover as the Charatian soldiers charging was returning fire at them in the trenches of the Defense Line.

Suddenly he heard rumbling seeing a Charatian Military tank, and his eyes widened.

Pulling out a bazooka he hands it to his Comrade who loads it and fires at the side armor of the Medium Tank. Causing it to light up like an exploded can.

"Well, Fuck!"

He said as he saw some enemy soldiers begin to enter the trenches of the Defense Line.

Readying his rifle, while also attaching a m1 Garand rifle bayonet for close combat. He readies himself to charge and stab any Unlucky Charatian he may encounter in his way.

"The Charatian Military were divided by 35,000 men, 200 Attacks, 20 artillery, and 100 aircraft each during the attack on the Qotan Defense Line."
-Calvin Botch, the author of "Battle of Killnus".

Chapter End.

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