Chapter 13

662 27 16

July 28, 1208

"One common misconception during the war was that the Civilian Populace of Most Nations supported the war. Which is nothing more than myth created by the Billian Newspaper industry. The thing that put a nail to this myth was the Aurellian Uprising. "
- An Elven Historian

Aurellia, Qota Republic

Hodgkins was sitting in his desk and anxiously waiting for any new information from either the Charatian and Kriegstanian Fronts. Currently he was checking his 'phone' which contained his military system.

[System : Level 55]
NUMBER OF MILITARY TROOPS: 350,000 (BOTH Elven Volunteers and Summoned Soldiers. Also includes the Airforce, Navy, Marine Corps and the Coast Guard.)

Getting bored in checking the stats of his military and civilian industry. Looking out of the window of his office. He sees a Protest outside his house and Capital Building.

The crowd waved panels with the words "NOT WAR" and "END THE WAR" for those who only want to end the war. While those with the signs "DOWN WITH THE PRESIDENT" were against him as they they wanted an elf in charge in his stead. It was the usual however one phrase intrigued him the "MAKE PEACE NOT WAR" signs used by some of the Elves in the crowd.

"Hmmm it's probably a coincidence."

He murmured to himself silently. While he wanted to end the war, he did not want to be viewed as a coward and no it is not because of pride. It is because of his commitments to the Altrainian Defense League. He then left from the window and went back to his chair and sat there to deal with some documents.

There were also Qotan soldiers in front of the crowd who were from 31st National Guard Regiment of the Qotan Military. Qotan Soldiers were either armed with batons and wooden shields were present in case the protest goes violent or turns into a riot. Their orders were to protect the Capital Building to prevent attacks from the crowd although there was large wall behind the men.

With the soldiers warning the crowd to not go near the wall. Which the crowd misinterpreted as orders to suppress them.

However, some of the crowd were armed with smgs and rifles which they got from their contacts from the military. Their goals were to uproot and overthrow the Newly Born Human-Led Qota Republic. To replace it with an Elven-Led Republic instead.

They were from E.L.F. Which meant the Elven Liberation Front a splinter cell of the VLF based in the Republic.

"Hey everyone please calm down! We can all talk this out."

A Qotan Republic soldier of clearly half-elven descent from the 31st Regiment said in a loud tone. In order to calm the growing hostile and wary crowd.

But all he received were rants and shouts of 'liar' and 'traitor'.


"Hey stop!"

One of his comrades ordered an elven man who was wearing a coat of the 1930s as he approached the elven soldier.

He was taking something from his pocket. Revealing a pistol and pointing it to the elven soldier's head.

Time seemed to slow for the Elf. But before he could even think. A shot occurred and everything went black.

The national guard soldiers although shocked at what had transpired, quickly drew their arms and fired at those they deemed responsible, killing the Elven soldier's murderer in a hail of bullets.

Most of the crowd ran while those affiliated with the man drew their arms and shot at the authorities.

Throughout Aurellia, Atleast 3,000 elves who were members of the Front took arms and attacked bridges and the bases of the QRM intending to slow and take hostage of President Hodgkins. To force him to resign and sign the document which declares the independence of the elves from the republic, including its disbandment.

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