Chapter 22

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Dec. 24, 1209
Phikian Forest several miles from the Qota-Charatian Border
It should have been a day for celebrations for some combatants in the Qotan Army but the offensive a month ago was troublesome. The offensive had effectively stalled the high command's offensive plans which in effect meant that most of the men stationed could not be home with their families celebrating Christmas.

The only good news was that the offensive had slowly begun to stall as the Charatian Forces logistics companies simply could not keep up.
This led to the forces being given new orders to consolidate and fortify the territories they recaptured from the Qotan Invasion Force.

Then winter began on the Continent, and unbeknownst to most a Qotan Counter-offensive would soon begin.

Aurellia, Qotan Capital

'As expected the plan would soon begin.'

Hodgkins mused while using a window to watch the people of his once war-torn capital celebrating Christmas, with the elves singing Christmas and Christian songs.

This was strange and a mystery to Hodgkins because it was personally a popular occurrence from his past life but considering how Christianity came to be back in his old world it shouldn't be a surprise if Jesus was present in this world in the past.

Suddenly the door to his oval office opened. Revealing a Military General, specifically a high-ranking one.

"Well Mr. President we received some good news the Qotan Military's Preparation for the coming Counter-Offensive is gaining traction. The only thing that could pose a threat are the new weapons of the Charatians but even then the Ministry of Defense was confident that such operation shall yield good results."


Hodgkins said in his normally passive voice. Signifying that he was agreeing with their plans.

However, he also thought about the young men, women, and children who had to die in this horrible war but he was determined to end this war quickly so he approved the plan as it was fairly logical and sound, he could only pray that it would succeed.

Niquaths Forest (4 Days Later)

Shuffling through the snow was a tough challenge. Every time you took a step you could always hear your footsteps which were problematic if you were close to an Enemy encampment.

But it was nothing that his training could handle. He had been in this for a few months now.

Sergeant Polius recounted as he snuck along with three platoons to assault a town under the occupation of elements of the Charatian Soldiers.

He and his men walked in the snowy forest till they found a clearing. Taking his binoculars and using them. What he saw was a few machine gun bunkers camouflaged to hide between the snow that piled within the side of each bunker which was fortunately exposed due to a Charatian Machine gun poking out of the structure.

He then saw some Charatian Soldiers in white winter camouflage, which easily and perfectly camouflaged amongst their entrenched positions.

But as he was looking through his binoculars, a gunshot rang out and hit one of the soldiers in the platoon that was hiding in a hole made by an artillery shell.

Causing him and his men, along with the Charatian soldiers to be alerted and take cover.

On the Charatian Side, Soldiers took cover as nearly half of the troops deployed were mostly ages 17-20 the manpower of the Charatian army was beginning to deplete so much so that in some cases even prisoners from prisons around the Federation were drafted to serve.

One of these soldiers was Private Clethias, a soldier who was drafted at the age of 17 to serve his nation. He originally came from one of the Villages around his nation.

'Shit! Where the hell did they come from!'

He thought as he panicked and took out his Charatian Army standard-issued Ryter-20 Semi-Automatic rifle.

Shots were then heard as the Qotan Soldiers having been exposed immediately fired on their positions.

Immediately, the 17 yr old shouldered his rifle and shot back in retaliation against the enemy soldiers.

Who took cover, one-shouldered a Grease gun to fire at him but he was faster, shooting his rifle then hitting the Soldier in the head, quickly killing him.

"Sergeant Polius! Get some of your men to flank the bastards to the left. Perry! Have your men provide some suppression fire on those SoBs."

A High ranking Qotan soldier yelled in the middle of the firefight between the two sides.

"Yes sir!"

The two men saluted and immediately began to follow his orders.


Clethias Thought as he took cover from the Qotan Soldiers firing their rifles at his position.

Polius was running as fast as he could along the tree line as he sought to flank the Charatians on the left side of the Village. While continuously dodging some bullets from the Charatian soldiers taking cover in the abandoned houses of the village.

Automatic fire was then heard as bullets continued to pepper their position as a Charatian Machine Gun positioned on one of the five houses targeted them. It was a house that he could see was comparable to the house the elves used before the Rise of the Qota Republic. He could see in one of the windows, albeit a very small one that a Charatian Celth-35 light machine gun was firing upon them. Its barrel was the only thing that could be seen as the window did a good job of hiding the operator inside the house. With a Charatian Soldier operating it from within the house. Through possibly a small hole several inches above the small window hole.

He then yelled out to a private taking cover amidst the gunfire.

"Private get some of the crew to blow that house up!"

"Yes sir."

The soldier then saluted and yelled to some soldiers hiding behind a fallen-down log.

"Wilks get that long tube would ya and blow the fuckers to hell!"

He yelled to his comrades who originally did not hear his words but then nodded. A soldier would then shoulder the bazooka and aim it at the house, with his comrade loading it. With a pull of the trigger he fired, hitting it as it exploded, causing the soldiers surrounding it to scatter and take cover from the flying debris.

Seeing the opportunity he yelled.


His soldiers immediately complied and set their bayonets on their rifles and charged the unfortunate souls firing at them.


He swore he heard a Charatian yell as the soldier pulled out a knife and dodged a charging Qotan soldier before using his knife to slit the throat of the soldier as another soldier proceeded to bayonet him from behind putting an end to his struggles.

He then took a shot at a Charatian Soldier planning to use his rifle to take a shot at his men. Accidentally hitting him in the throat as the soldier began drowning in his blood with the soldier dropping his rifle in an attempt to save himself, Polius then took another shot and hit the soldier on his helmet ending his life and suffering.

'Poor bastard.'

Polius thought as the soldier was not more than 18 yrs old proving that the rumors he had heard were true.

He and his men proceeded to fight house by house till finally most of the Charatians withdrew but not before causing some casualties amongst the attacking platoon. By the end of the day, A Qotan Flag would be seen on the village square as the sun began to set.

Which originally numbered around 36 men lost 10 men with another 8 injured while the Charatian numbered around 24 men with them losing 11 men, with most retreating while only 6 of them would surrender they were mostly the ones who formed the rear guard who fought the Qotan Forces in a mission to prevent them from following the retreating Charatian Army.

Chapter End!

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